Where should I ache

General discussion on Training. How to get better on your erg, how to use your erg to get better at another sport, or anything else about improving your abilities.
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Re: Where should I ache

Post by Wilpert » February 6th, 2022, 1:17 pm

Well thanks again.

I'm learning a little bit more each day.

The advice re the chain being central to the hole was particularly good, I also paid a bit more attention to keeping my arms and hands high enough at the end of the the stroke, so as not to finish with the handle hitting my stomach, which it was before.

I also made a point of working at keeping my arms as straight as I could, I looked at my wattage and i notice that when i extended my arms a bit on the return, my wattage increased a bit at the same stroke rate.

I performed a 5k session this morning (it was going to be a 10k but a late night and a bit too much brandy and coke cut my training session down a tad)
I still found it a bit tough to keeps the S/R down but I felt a bit more in control. I wasn't rushing things and i would say my average wattage was around 120 but Im not a really heavy person at 65 kg.
My aim was to increase the wattage after each 500mts but to also try not to increase the S/R each time. So this would force me to try harder every few minutes. all in all a decent 25 minute session.

The thing i am learning about rowing is that it seems like something that you really can do daily, without too much recovery, I have found that with running and cycling, my recovery periods have got longer as i have got older, maybe its about the effort or maybe its a bit more impact.

I am now mindful that this thread started with me asking about where i should ache, I am feeling it in my erector spinae, my traps and my deltoids and fingers crossed my lower back seems ok.
My biceps and triceps are a bit sore too but none of this is bad aching its a type of "good ache" :D

The dark horse videos are really good, I find that following him whist training really helps to keep me focussed.

Thanks again for all the input, im soaking it up like a little sponge. :lol:

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Re: Where should I ache

Post by flatbread » February 7th, 2022, 6:05 am

get a grok rowing suspension strap and do isometric hangs off the handle a couple of times a week -- this should really help with getting "hang" and with strengthening your core to stabilize you while you keep your shoulders ahead of your hips during the drive. the compression guide is also good.

(disclaimer -- I did a blog post for them, but I'm not compensated)
55, 1m84, 76kg

RHR 40, MHR 165

10k 37:56, 5k 17:52, 2k 6:52 60' 15720m

2021 power bests on bike: 405w 5', 370w 20', 350w 60'

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