I'm planning on rowing my first 100km on the erg next spring at 5'8 242 lbs (173cm, 110 kg - my main sport is powerlifting) and shooting for a quite modest 2:59 pace (60 watts) simply to challenge myself to survive such an overwhelming distance with quite minimal rest periods for someone very much not suited toward this sort of endurance feat. I was thinking about what stroke rate would be the most efficient in this case. From what I've gathered, faster stroke rate is generally more efficient within reason, as it puts the a bit more load on the aerobic system and less on the muscles to generate more power per stroke. However, 2:59 speed is a pretty trivial speed to achieve, as I would usually do multi-hour rate 18 work at 2:23-ish currently (and surely much faster by next spring!) - so I am wondering if it would actually make sense to use an even lower stroke rate at a low drag factor.
I mention my weight/proportions because I am specifically wondering how much energy I would potentially be wasting by rowing at a higher stroke per minute regardless of how much pressure I'm putting into the strokes. Am I on to something here, or am I just overthinking it? Basically I'm just wondering at what point is most of my energy being used to travel up and down the slide, and I'm not even really conserving any energy by rowing at a particular pace rather than simply lowering the spm and adding more pressure to end things quicker.
Sorry for the rather odd and specific question. Cheers for any help that can be offered