Wk3: SS#2

Same thing going on with me. I thought I was just totally wiped out by my workout last night but I was up most of the night with a sore throat, aches...Phxrow wrote:Out sick today. I was sick yesterday and didn't know it until the evening, then WAM! I'm so disappointed. Hopefully I will only be out a day. Good luck to everyone today!
I agree, I started rowing in May and got pretty sick in July from over exertion (I ended up taking 10 days off. I over did it the first couple of months but I think as your body adjusts you get used to the extra workload. I'm rowing harder with this plan with fewer meters, and till this point (knock on wood) I don't feel sick.G-dub wrote:So there are a few sick people in this thread, which could mean folks are going too hard at it to not getting enough recovery. I don't care what Pete or anyone else says, we all need proper recovery between hard efforts even if that means not getting it all done in a week. And if you are sick, It would make sense to back off until you are well. I was down for a month trying to stay with the plan while sick. It didn't work too good to keep trying to keep up.
I guess I was more tired than I thought yesterday. I was trying to keep the pacing the same all the way through. I think that I can do a 2:20 split all the way through, I looked down and the rower was on level 5 not level 4. I plan on staying on level 4 (df 117, level 5 df is 123.) I changed it middle row, I knew I shouldn't, but at that point it was stuck in my head that I needed to and I was giving out.paul45 wrote:Kxthor911 wrote:I'm still trying to figure out what my pacing should be. I'm also trying to follow Paul's advice and cut a few seconds off. I'm trying to work on pacing as well. A lot going into my sessions but I feel like I'm learning. My goal for today was 2:20 (I have been up since 4:30 am so quiet tired already.) I managed to make my goal but my spm is all over the place, I'm really trying to stabilize that. I looked down halfway through the session and found my machine on level 5 and I have been trying to work on 4. I changed that and it helped me stabilize my spm a little. I will look first from now on. Thanks for the advice guys.
Easy fix looking at your monitor. Look at that last split, 2:20 pace to a 2:16 pace is huge, now
look at your mid section on your monitor 2:22.
A steady has no fast finish, your intervals will have in plan in a few weeks "do last rep as fast as you can",
that's were you want the fast finish not on a steady the next day.
Steady means same pace with no increase in pace, on the days were plan asks you to that's
when you do it, build the fitness first then increase pace, forget about ave/pace for the
first 2 months.
On the first row of every week 5500, 6000 etc row at 2:22 pace straight through with no
fast finish, you will feel like doing so but don't, keep that for the next day, then after
the hard session say 4 x 750/2'r the next steady same again 2:22 pace straight through.