Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

General discussion on Training. How to get better on your erg, how to use your erg to get better at another sport, or anything else about improving your abilities.
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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by jackarabit » August 29th, 2016, 3:21 pm

Gladly trade my Sunday for yours, Sanz. :P You outdoor rowers are a tough lot!
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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by mdpfirrman » August 29th, 2016, 4:07 pm

@ Glenn - nice work! Very fast times. Very consistent throughout. Looked like you knew what pace you wanted and executed very, very well.

@ Sanz - Nice work! You got through it and did well.

@ John - John, your last reps were VERY strong. You look to have some room to go forward. Very impressive.

@ Rohan - Thanks about the lifting part. Glenn and some others make my lifting seem minimal. I appreciate it though. I'm impressed with your strength (you are my height and 10 lbs -- at least -- thinner). That's impressive power (like Glenn). Sanz is also of the 5 foot 10 inch variety like us. I have short arms and legs. I only lift because I need all the help I can get. Have to be powerful if not heavy and high! Jack is a 69 year old "lightweight", making his times all the more impressive. I could only get back to a lightweight in my dreams.

@ Gordon - nice job getting the BPP started for us. It's great to work out again after an illness. Glad you're back at it.

Mike Pfirrman
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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by JohnAd » August 29th, 2016, 4:34 pm

@Gordon welcome to the group and what a way to get started. Going out quite hard for the first 5k sets your stall out for the rest and makes the distance ratcheting up quite tough.

@Mike you're right I think I've got some room there, I haven't got the hang of how much of a lactic overdraft I can put up with in the early reps and still keep going, you're probably right that there is more more there but almost certainly discovering it will be painful. The rests did seem quite long and enough for my HR to go back down below 100 which for me seems to be If not refreshed then at least ready to go.

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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by G-dub » August 29th, 2016, 4:35 pm

Since we are talking about weight training (and in case anyone cares)...Luke showed me a way to do it that is not overly taxing but effective (Dan John is the guru and worth googling). All I'm doing is a few simple exercises and a couple of sets of 5-6 reps. I do them as the mood strikes, don't make a big effort out of it and add weight when it feels right to do it. My strength is going up and its honestly not too taxing physically. I think the key for me is not to do big numbers of reps and sets, to limit the number of exercises to the ones with the most bang for buck (dead lift, overhead press, bench, etc) and to lift often during the week so the technique gets grooved and the weight gets easier. It is sort of a lazy way to do it, but its not my #1 activity.
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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by gregsmith01748 » August 29th, 2016, 4:47 pm

G-dub wrote:Since we are talking about weight training (and in case anyone cares)...Luke showed me a way to do it that is not overly taxing but effective (Dan John is the guru and worth googling). All I'm doing is a few simple exercises and a couple of sets of 5-6 reps. I do them as the mood strikes, don't make a big effort out of it and add weight when it feels right to do it. My strength is going up and its honestly not too taxing physically. I think the key for me is not to do big numbers of reps and sets, to limit the number of exercises to the ones with the most bang for buck (dead lift, overhead press, bench, etc) and to lift often during the week so the technique gets grooved and the weight gets easier. It is sort of a lazy way to do it, but its not my #1 activity.
Glenn, thanks for the reference to Dan John. I just skated over to his site and checked out the Minimalist Training article on his blog. It looks like it might be an almost manageable addition to my routine for the indoor season.
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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by G-dub » August 29th, 2016, 4:54 pm

Strength Made Simple I think is one program.

Edit. Easy Strength. And Even Easier Strength.
Last edited by G-dub on August 29th, 2016, 5:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Glenn Walters: 5'-8" X 192 lbs. Bday 01/09/1962

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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by jackarabit » August 29th, 2016, 5:35 pm

Wk 2: endurance intervals
Target pace: 2:11.4 (2kPB + 7"). Best previous 2:11.6 and 2:11.9 (leg cramps last rep) Nov. '15.
Df 115
10' WP w/ bursts to 2:08
CD final rest period

Rummaged around in the suitcase of courage looking for something to light the blue touchpaper of desire, as Paul Sherwen put it.
Nothing there but fear of failure. Got to work with what you got.
NOTE: Those splits ARE SO negative IF the second and third hadn't jumped the line. An Inglourious Faileure :evil: :mrgreen:
20160829__4x2k__splits.JPG (21.07 KiB) Viewed 5227 times
20160829__4x2k.JPG (30.26 KiB) Viewed 5227 times
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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by G-dub » August 29th, 2016, 5:49 pm

Way to hang in there Jack! The last one looked like a bit of a battle. Knocking these sessions down.
Glenn Walters: 5'-8" X 192 lbs. Bday 01/09/1962

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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by JohnAd » August 29th, 2016, 5:50 pm

Impressive stuff Jack, every rep well over your target. Looks like your suitcase was pretty full on that 3rd rep despite your protestations.

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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by Phxrow » August 29th, 2016, 7:43 pm

I started Pete's Plan for beginners today.

Here are my results:

5k - 22:15.9
500m split at 2:13.5

Felt great afterwards. Looking forward to tomorrow. Cheers!

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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by jackarabit » August 29th, 2016, 7:48 pm

@ Glenn: In control and dropping em down by the book! I know you got a Zippo in reserve when the moment arrives!

@ John Adcock: The shorter rests of BPP hardened up your recovery window. Wish I'd had the patience to stick with it for the full 24. Most of PP is an over reach for me and it shows in the interval workouts that are one bridge too far. :cry:

@ Mike: "Impressive" isn't the adjective I would use to describe my under-achieving struggles on the erg. But the 50 to 60% of sexagenerians faster and stronger than I don't post here, so I get the grease. :lol:

"80% of life is showing up."--Woody Allen
Last edited by jackarabit on August 29th, 2016, 7:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by jackarabit » August 29th, 2016, 7:56 pm

Phxrow, strong start! You and Gordon M. are a good match on the baseline 5k.
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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by mdpfirrman » August 29th, 2016, 7:59 pm

G-dub wrote:Strength Made Simple I think is one program.

Edit. Easy Strength. And Even Easier Strength.
Co Author Pavel, the famous Russian strongman who made kettlebell training in the US a household name. Ironically, I have been applying some of Pavel's concepts from Simple and Sinister into my weight routine. With my bad right knee, I can't very well do deadlifts, but I can handle 50 lb kettlebell swings. Basically, the gist of Pavel's Simple and Sinister (I've read the Cliff notes) is heavy one arm kettlebell swings, kettlebell cleans and Turkish Getups - that's it. Same concept. Keep it simple, make the lifts compound and don't work too long. Right now, I'm learning Getups (they are hard to do with heavy weights) and I already use one arm rows all the time and I've been doing more cleans.

@ Jack - Nice work! You barely flamed out on that last one. I give you a lot of credit going for it!! Very good job.

@ Phxrow - Way to get it started. You and Gordon are on the same page now.

Mike Pfirrman
53 Yrs old, 5' 10" / 185 lbs (177cm/84kg)

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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by jackarabit » August 29th, 2016, 8:13 pm

Speaking Of RKB, I had a go at the Turkish Getup. I make it look like the Turned Turtle that Can't Get Up. I stick to two-armed swings and those one arm "bruisers."
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Re: Pete Plan Group - Startup Aug 20th thru 22nd

Post by bisqeet » August 29th, 2016, 10:15 pm

so much stuff to read.
feeling guilty about missing another training sessions yesterday.
real life stuff getting in the way.
found out someone hit my parked car, whilst we we were out - looks like the car is a write off.
insurance, garage, getting a rental replacement.
still found time to get out in a single in the evening - not a lot, just thrills and drills on the river.
we have a few racing singles, but my favourite is one from 1930 - beautiful wood - recently remodded for "nice/userfriendly" sculls - called the beaver.
its also wide enough so my fat ass doesnt get wobbly...

unfortunately, we had a beginner start yesterday - so he got it. I got a 1960 classic-wooden "Empacher" ~19kg :)
not as forgiving, but fun.
got about 90 minutes out, before - so another not PP activity.
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