spaddy wrote:I rowed 2000 m last night, stapless and it was weird at first, but my time was not that far off of my regular time. I found that my groin was doing more work and that i was slumping when I had the straps on. My stroke rate was way down as well, from the low to mid 30' down to the low 20's.
Hi Spaddy,
Well done for making the decision to row strapless. It took me a long while to do because I thought it was over complicating erging and would detract from the amount of effort and hence enjoyment I would get from erging. After a bout of overtraining I realised its not the effort that makes exercise worthwhile but the return on effort . IOW exercising efficiently or with the least effort gives you the potential to achieve much more with whats in the tank to start with. I've guaged how worthwhile my exercise routines have been for years on how much effort I've expended as apposed to how fast or far I could go on the same amount of energy. What a change in mind set that came out of necessity.
Hence my willingness to try strapless. The slower SR for the same pace felt a lot like a higher DF to me although more satisfying as there was more rest per stroke as my power to return ratio changed.
It makes me wonder how I hung there for so long rowing at a similar SR to you of mid 30's for 21k's ! I have come to realise that our cycling background has taught our muscles to respond this way , not because of cadence but by use of our hamstrings which dominate the cycyling stroke. I just could'nt get my head around the fact that I was'nt helping things by using them on the return !?!? Well you soon find out by the amount of energy it takes ...
I only row strapless now and find I still need to get into a ryhtm at the start of a session as the bad habits are still slightly ingrained. That feeling of flying off the back of the erg is still there as I start to warmup. I noticed one day as I was concentrating on using my quads to greater effect how important it was to end the stroke with the back / arms. I thought I would I would see what sort of pace I could get by using only my legs and holding my arms stationary. I got the fright of my life as I found myself at the back of the erg... What also helped me was concentrating on the return by letting my arms get over my knees before using the hams . It will feel so natural once you get the hang of it.
Again I find a DF of 105 surffices best . I am 90kgs and a little over 6ft.
I can row to about a 1.43 pace strapless before I wonder whats going to happen next !
I wish I had listened earlier..
Good luck and welcome to erging. Its such a great all round exercise.