Thanks for the feedback, Henry. A couple of questions about your comments.hjs wrote:Nice work Greg, I would like to ad one thing. To keep your fast fiber muscle you have to use them, if you train most the year trying to improve your aerobic fitness you do not train your fast muscle fiber. To train those you don,t have to do very much and also don,t have to train the lactic system, keep it short enough so only use the alactic system. That way you keep your fast fibers alive without interfering much with your aerobic training.
Other point, you are not a real heavyweight, you lack height, you could be very close to lightweight. The real heavies are seldom below 1.90 and often closer to 2.00m. So at best you are a middleweight for comparison reasons.
1. I think it's a good idea to add some "fast twitch training", what do you think is the right type of session and how often? Maybe do (10 x 10s / 1' rest) twice a week at the end of an endurance session?
2. I know that I don't have the body type to be a top age class rower. I'm too short, and I also have short legs relative to my height. So, I care a lot more about how I do relative to my past performances, and relative to the other rowers who are close to my age and ability. In other words, I train to see improvement. I am also insanely competitive when it comes to trying to beat the guy who finished one place ahead of me in a previous race. So when it comes to test results, I care more about things like ratios of performance between tests and comparing results of the same tests over time.