Half Marathon

General discussion on Training. How to get better on your erg, how to use your erg to get better at another sport, or anything else about improving your abilities.
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Half Marathon

Post by Bryan » August 30th, 2011, 8:32 pm

So I just finished my second HM this year and I wonder if someone with expirience and knowledge on this forum can extrapolate from my numbers what my max heart rate might be . I have not , and am not likely to ever do a stress test or step test to find out .
S/M avg 24
Avg watts 169
My time was - 1:29:33
My weight adjusted time was 1:23:52
My avg split was 2:07.3
My avg HR was 125.....I took it up to 140 during some sprints during the HM , but on avg I stayed at a steady pace .
My weight adjusted distance was 22,525.3
My RHR is between 38 & 41
I'm 91kg ( 201 lbs. )
I'm 1.87meters tall......( 6' 2" )
I'm a 53 year old male & not highly trained

Bob S.
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Re: Half Marathon

Post by Bob S. » August 30th, 2011, 9:35 pm

Bryan wrote:So I just finished my second HM this year and I wonder if someone with expirience and knowledge on this forum can extrapolate from my numbers what my max heart rate might be . I have not , and am not likely to ever do a stress test or step test to find out .
S/M avg 24
Avg watts 169
My time was - 1:29:33
My weight adjusted time was 1:23:52
My avg split was 2:07.3
My avg HR was 125.....I took it up to 140 during some sprints during the HM , but on avg I stayed at a steady pace .
My weight adjusted distance was 22,525.3
My RHR is between 38 & 41
I'm 91kg ( 201 lbs. )
I'm 1.87meters tall......( 6' 2" )
I'm a 53 year old male & not highly trained
What on earth is weight adjusted time? (and weight adjusted as well) You are certainly in the heavy weight bracket. 1:23:52 would be an excellent time for a 50-59 M lightweight, but your heavyweight time of 1:29:33 is more or less in the middle of the ranking.

Great RHR, especially if you haven't been training much.

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Re: Half Marathon

Post by BoB/335 » August 30th, 2011, 9:44 pm

At 53 you should be considering a stress test!!!

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Re: Half Marathon

Post by Nosmo » August 30th, 2011, 10:24 pm

I don't get why so many people are obsessed with heart rate. A 1:29 HM or almost any time for a distance much over 1K tells you a hell of a lot more the your max heart rate.

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Re: Half Marathon

Post by Bryan » August 31st, 2011, 12:38 am

Bob S. wrote:
Bryan wrote:So I just finished my second HM this year and I wonder if someone with expirience and knowledge on this forum can extrapolate from my numbers what my max heart rate might be . I have not , and am not likely to ever do a stress test or step test to find out .
S/M avg 24
Avg watts 169
My time was - 1:29:33
My weight adjusted time was 1:23:52
My avg split was 2:07.3
My avg HR was 125.....I took it up to 140 during some sprints during the HM , but on avg I stayed at a steady pace .
My weight adjusted distance was 22,525.3
My RHR is between 38 & 41
I'm 91kg ( 201 lbs. )
I'm 1.87meters tall......( 6' 2" )
I'm a 53 year old male & not highly trained
What on earth is weight adjusted time? (and weight adjusted as well) You are certainly in the heavy weight bracket. 1:23:52 would be an excellent time for a 50-59 M lightweight, but your heavyweight time of 1:29:33 is more or less in the middle of the ranking.

Great RHR, especially if you haven't been training much.
I don't really care about ranking . I was just looking at maybe someone might have an educated guess at MHR instead of me testing myself so I could look at some of the training plans that seem to want your MHR to work from .
As for RHR . I used to be very fit in my 30's to early 40's , and have always stayed active , but not any real cardio for many years . I started back at it this past February .
Last edited by Bryan on August 31st, 2011, 12:54 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Half Marathon

Post by Bryan » August 31st, 2011, 12:44 am

BoB/335 wrote:At 53 you should be considering a stress test!!!
I have had , over the last 13 or so years , some episodes of lone atrial fibrilation so I am somewhat nervous to take myself to the max , like in a stress test would..............just in case .

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Re: Half Marathon

Post by Bryan » August 31st, 2011, 12:59 am

Nosmo wrote:I don't get why so many people are obsessed with heart rate. A 1:29 HM or almost any time for a distance much over 1K tells you a hell of a lot more the your max heart rate.
As I said in response to another reply . I wanted to use one of the training plans that I see around and they all semm to want your MHR as part of the info .

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Re: Half Marathon

Post by jamesg » August 31st, 2011, 2:40 am

As to max HR, yesterday I saw 176, so using 205-age/2 (=170) I'd still be on the safe side; or with 220-age (=150) be strolling only. We use HR range.

You're right to be more careful than I am maybe. Training plans for the erg are 90% of time below AT, so you won't be missing much.

At age 53, your max HR is probably around 180. So if you want to stay within 70% of your range (40-180) you work at up to 0.7*140+40=140 near enough, which would seem to leave plenty of margin. Use the C2 UK Interactive 2k plans for better detail.

To go to 140 HR and stay there I think you'll have to improve technique; 169W@24 is a bit slack for your height, age and weight. Try a ratio of ten. The Wolverine L4 routines might help here, if you use the right 2k estimate. This plan is Pace based, not HR.
08-1940, 179cm, 83kg.

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Re: Half Marathon

Post by gregsmith01748 » August 31st, 2011, 5:20 am

I don't think the HM tells you much about your maxHR. When I did my PB HM, I hit my maxHR (184) at the end in an all out sprint. Other times, when I've done HMs as aerobic training, I've kept my HR below 150.

If you combine your hr with your Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE), you might be able to guess.
Age: 55 H: 182cm W: 90Kg

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Re: Half Marathon

Post by BoB/335 » August 31st, 2011, 5:52 pm

Bryan wrote:
BoB/335 wrote:At 53 you should be considering a stress test!!!
I have had , over the last 13 or so years , some episodes of lone atrial fibrilation so I am somewhat nervous to take myself to the max , like in a stress test would..............just in case .

I used to be very fit in my 30's to early 40's , and have always stayed active , but not any real cardio for many years . I started back at it this past February .

So I understand your concern about a stress test BUT how about a visit to your cardiologist??? Afterall, it's ALWAYS advised to see a doctor BEFORE starting any exercise program. I am "somewhat nervous" that you have had some signs that should be checked out.

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Re: Half Marathon

Post by Bryan » August 31st, 2011, 7:58 pm

BoB/335 wrote:
Bryan wrote:
BoB/335 wrote:At 53 you should be considering a stress test!!!
I have had , over the last 13 or so years , some episodes of lone atrial fibrilation so I am somewhat nervous to take myself to the max , like in a stress test would..............just in case .

I used to be very fit in my 30's to early 40's , and have always stayed active , but not any real cardio for many years . I started back at it this past February .

So I understand your concern about a stress test BUT how about a visit to your cardiologist??? Afterall, it's ALWAYS advised to see a doctor BEFORE starting any exercise program. I am "somewhat nervous" that you have had some signs that should be checked out.
Not to be concerned , but thanks anyway .
It is not as bad as it sounds . I have been through two eco cardiogarms , and there is nothing physically wrong . My doctor isn't concerned . I just have the potential for too much electrical stimulation from my hearts electrical system . I am one of the % of people who has no definite cause . The older one gets the greater the chance . It can be triggered by alcohol , caffeine , emotional stress , illness ( flu , etc .) electrolyte imbalance . It is also a by product of endurance athletics for some including some well know athletes . Some people have exercise induced A-FIB ; I have yet to have that happen in all of my years of doing cardio , but it always hangs in the back of your mind when you are pushing it . I started back at cardio training 7 months ago , and have had one episode , but at that time I was drinking coffee , eating dark chocolate and the odd glass of red wine and the day it happened I had done some heavy labour in the heat plus a 10k row so I have since dropped the coffee , again , and red wine and chocolate . I stopped these things many years ago and was free of the A-FIB for 5 years , but you know , I got weak and gave in the to the temptation of a good cappuccino in the morning so now I'm back on the wagon . I have been slowly building up to my old heart rates . I used to go up into the upper 160's in my 30's & 40's while riding with no problem , but I am more cautious now hence my query so I had a measure to mark my effort instead of just perceived effort . It is the most common form of heart arrhythmia .

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