Byron Drachman wrote:BTW, you are not even close to #12. You are not applying any pressure on the footboard at the finish. It is obvious by looking at the straps over your feet.
True, but it might be nothing I can fix. I have broken my ankles zillions of times and therefore have a hard time pointing my toes smoothly. Residual damage from a long life.
I now get (8) done _very_ well, though, and that is _much_ more important in terms of creating power in the drive with your calves by pointing your toes.
Many people just rock from the balls of their feet to their heels during the drive.
That's a disaster.
He heels don't get firmly planted until the arm pull.
The hams and gluts are engaged at the wrong angle with respect to contact at the footplate and with less secure leverage.
The core/back is engaged at the wrong angle with respect to contact at the footplate.
And the toes don't keep pressure on the footplate at the finish, as I struggle with, too.
Rich Cureton M 72 5'11" 165 lbs. 2K pbs: 6:27.5 (hwt), 6:28 (lwt)