mikvan52 wrote:No former WR holder has ever delayed making another WR mark in so many years
There might be a good reason for this.
Although I may be wrong, as far as I can tell, no male WR-holder, 40-70, has ever even tried to get better by improving their technique.
Many of the best male senior and veteran iergers, 40-70, at least as far back as I can remember, have been notoriously bad technically.
Many (Roy Brook, Paull Hendershott, Tore Foss, etc.) have never rowed OTW at all.
Many of the others row as though they haven't (Mike Caviston, Dennis Hastings, Andy Ripley, etc.).
Nonetheless, once these rowers set WRs, they didn't try to improve their technique in order to get better, much less learn to row well OTW, they just kept rowing badly,and so, as their fitness declined with age, their 2K scores declined as well.
As a result, my attenmpt to learn to row well over the last few years, even though I had already pulled three WRs on the erg rowing badly, might be unprecedented, too.
No one has ever tried to do this before.
Can you imagine Tore Foss and Andy Ripley erging with beautiful OTW form when they were rowing close to 6:00 as veterans?
Scary thought.
I suspect that if they had, they would have been _much__ better than they were, although it might have taken some time to get there.
Rich Cureton M 72 5'11" 165 lbs. 2K pbs: 6:27.5 (hwt), 6:28 (lwt)