Hello everyone! I've been away from the group for a few, and I'm back with a question that I hope someone has a happy ending to. As I stated before, I had surgery, and I've been having a lot of problems since. Well, the problem has been traced back to my serratus anterior.
I noted before that I couldn't open up my back. Still can't; actually can't feel that I am. Right now my strokes suck. It's a mess. When described to the dr. she said serratus. Been referred to physical therapy.
Even though I haven't begun yet, I went and spoke to my physical therapist, she is the one I use so she knows me; she knows my body. Once I explained everything to her (to save time when I get there0, she said it sounds like a clipped nerve from the surgery. Makes sense being that that muscle is in such close proximity to my surgical sight. Obviously we have to wait until I actually begin PT, but my back has pretty much put a lock on this.
Not playing armchair physician here, but has anyone had a serratus anterior injury, and if so, what was the outcome?
I'm trying to row - thru it, around it, with an abdominal brace for support, you name it. By the way, I have not been restricted from anything at this time BY MY PHYSICIAN.
PT may become a different story, but for now, I'm trying to hold on to what I have. It would seem to me that I began with a very strong back, and with this being a corset type muscle, continuing to try to strengthen it would be better than allowing it to deteriorate. I know I feel worse without doing anything, not just rowing.
I feel like I just started rowing a few months ago. Very foreign when you can't hit that stroke right. P.S. Hate taking muscle relaxers and naproxen also.
- Paddler
- Posts: 14
- Joined: February 13th, 2009, 11:33 pm