Low Back Pain

General discussion on Training. How to get better on your erg, how to use your erg to get better at another sport, or anything else about improving your abilities.
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Chai Cat
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Low Back Pain

Post by Chai Cat » August 25th, 2008, 5:20 pm

Hi I am new to rowing and I absolutely have fallen in love with it! Finally I have found a piece of cardio equipment I look forward to getting on...bet you have heard that before! :lol:
Anyway, while I watched a video on YouTube and one I found on Google, to get the proper technique, before I rowed for the first time I failed to read about starting slow and I am the type that jumps right in and goes full speed ie: 1st row=1 hour :oops:
So, it has been about 5 or 6 row sessions now, 1 hour steady state on days off weight training and 1/2 hour intervals on days after my weight training, 1 day off. Unfortunately I think I may have pulled a muscle or something :shock:
Did I just totally overdo it or what? I was thinking about backing it down just a bit but love it too much to give it up for more than a day. I iced today after my row so hopefully that will help.
Do you experienced rowers think that this is due to too long of sessions for a beginner or could there be something about my form that is causing this soreness?
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Re: Low Back Pain

Post by Nosmo » August 25th, 2008, 5:35 pm

Chai Cat wrote:Do you experienced rowers think that this is due to too long of sessions for a beginner or could there be something about my form that is causing this soreness?
Could be either or both. It certainly sounds like you did too much to start with. If you can video tape yourself and post it on U-Tube and you will get lots of helpful advice from people here.

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Suggestions too late...

Post by iain » August 27th, 2008, 9:14 am

You should learn about drag factor and set the drag to an appropriate level (too high often gives back problems).

Consider doing regular core exercises if these aren't already part of your weights rotines as these will help reduce back pain from longer rows.

Stretch your quads so that youu can get to the right position at the catch.

I hope your back recovers soon.

- Iain

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Re: Low Back Pain

Post by Chai Cat » August 27th, 2008, 4:25 pm

Nosmo wrote:
Chai Cat wrote:Do you experienced rowers think that this is due to too long of sessions for a beginner or could there be something about my form that is causing this soreness?
Could be either or both. It certainly sounds like you did too much to start with. If you can video tape yourself and post it on U-Tube and you will get lots of helpful advice from people here.
Thanks for the idea but kind of embarrassing to do at the gym cause the rowers are in the very front of everybody! I really tried to watch my form today but the mirror is on the far side of the room so I couldn't see very well. So, I tried to keep really good posture, and not lean back too far. I'm hoping I will soon be used to it!

It is kind of amusing to have someone come sit next to you to row and they are doing all sorts of crazy things like they are a pro or something :lol:
At least I am trying to adhere to proper form but you guys can go ahead and laugh at me for doing an hour to start with!! I'm sure I deserve it! :wink:
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Re: Suggestions too late...

Post by Chai Cat » August 27th, 2008, 4:37 pm

iain wrote:You should learn about drag factor and set the drag to an appropriate level (too high often gives back problems).

Consider doing regular core exercises if these aren't already part of your weights rotines as these will help reduce back pain from longer rows.

Stretch your quads so that youu can get to the right position at the catch.

I hope your back recovers soon.

- Iain
Good idea, maybe I should try backing that down a bit. I am not really knowledgeable about how to check that. I tend to set the damper between 5 and 6 and do about 24-28 SPM on my steady state days. (I do steady state every other day for an hour and on my lifting days I do a half hour of intervals and take off a day or two each week.)
I'm pretty limber in the quads/hams so I don't think that is the prob and I have pretty decent abs but I had to take off lifting for 5 months for a knee injury. I'm way over that now but I'd say it would be pretty safe to say I lost some strength. I'll throw in a few more core exercises and see how it goes. Thanks for the suggestions and the well wishes, you've been helpful! :)
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Drag as opposed to damper

Post by iain » August 28th, 2008, 8:40 am

Please see Citroen's excellent post at http://www.concept2.co.uk/forum/viewtop ... 87#p437387

damper setting is only helpful if you know how clean the fan is and the airflow from it is not obstructed.



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Re: Drag as opposed to damper

Post by Chai Cat » August 28th, 2008, 10:25 am

iain wrote:Please see Citroen's excellent post at http://www.concept2.co.uk/forum/viewtop ... 87#p437387

damper setting is only helpful if you know how clean the fan is and the airflow from it is not obstructed.


Is it a bad sign if there is fur growing out of the mesh screen of the fan? :lol:
I've been considering asking them to clean it.

I will go check out your link now. Thanks Iain.
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Re: Drag as opposed to damper

Post by iain » August 28th, 2008, 12:07 pm

Chai Cat wrote:Is it a bad sign if there is fur growing out of the mesh screen of the fan? :lol:
I've been considering asking them to clean it.
I'm afraid that it is par for the course based on other people's posts. I defennded my gym as a year ago their machines were less clogged than those reported by others. However, I watched them decline and 3 weeks ago got them cleaned as of there 6 ergs in the mixed gym, only 1 machine was capable of a drag much above what I normally use and 2 needed to be above 9 for my usual setting. As you say, the fan casings looked like a full vacuum.

The good news is that the gym staff cleaned them when asked and others have reported a similar response. Any problems and I suggest that you point out that this is part of the recommended routine maintenance (gyms worry about health and safety claims if they are negligent in maintaining their machines). [As suggested by Citroen].

It's also fun watching the response of the gym monkeys who follow the "real men row on ten" approach after the drag increases by 50% after they are cleaned. I am not normally vindictive, but the contemptuous responses I have had when trying to tactfully explain that these strong men could improve their technique rather than hammer away at 40spm on damper setting 10 to generate less than 150W for a maximum of 5 minutes, does lend a certain Schadenfreude.

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Re: Drag as opposed to damper

Post by Citroen » August 28th, 2008, 12:43 pm

Chai Cat wrote:Is it a bad sign if there is fur growing out of the mesh screen of the fan? :lol:
I've been considering asking them to clean it.
To add to Iain's observations. It's normally a sign that the gym doesn't care about their equipment. That means they don't care about your safety.

I row in a gym where the machines are regularly cleaned and serviced. The shock cords get replaced when needed (that's always a bad day as new cords are hard work) and the chains get replaced every year.

Even in that gym the sprocket on one machine let go of the chain. I was rowing strapless (feet not tied down) and it almost dumped me off the back. That was replaced by the next day.

I suppose, on your side of the pond, you can always sue the pants off them if you get injured.
Dougie Lawson
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Post by Chai Cat » August 28th, 2008, 5:30 pm

Oh, the fur is not as bad as I made it out to be. I looked at it closely today. The club I work out at is actually very good about cleaning and they hire out the work to a group of physically and mentally challenged individuals. For this very reason, I doubt that the erg gets cleaned daily like other machines but I am really not sure how complex of a procedure it is to clean them. I am thinking that maybe you have to take the flywheel cage thing apart? Or if it is as simple as running a hand vacuum on them I won't feel bad asking.

Another thing I noticed is how men don't clean the seat and handles after they use the erg. Now, I'm not saying YOU :P but ewwww. I've taken to washing it off myself prior to use just to be sure! Now, all of you men remember this next time cause it's not that hard to do and we ladies appreciate it!
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Re: Drag as opposed to damper

Post by Chai Cat » August 28th, 2008, 5:50 pm

It's also fun watching the response of the gym monkeys who follow the "real men row on ten" approach after the drag increases by 50% after they are cleaned. I am not normally vindictive, but the contemptuous responses I have had when trying to tactfully explain that these strong men could improve their technique rather than hammer away at 40spm on damper setting 10 to generate less than 150W for a maximum of 5 minutes, does lend a certain Schadenfreude.
Well you're pretty brave to say something. Since I'm not sure of my own technique at this point I wouldn't dare say a thing! But, believe me, I've watched enough of those videos to know when I see someone doing something wrong. And I have to say I have only rowed next to one person doing it right. Today, I was secretly amused at the big guy next to me. He was rowing his heart out like a crazy man and lifting the handle up and over his prematurely bent knees. :lol: Okay, so I think it is funny. Why don't people research things before they do them? Especially exercise equipment! Aw, but I can't be super critical cause I myself, missed the part about working up your time!

But, the good news...I tried what you said earlier and rowing was much better today. I also stretched before and after my row which I am sure helped. I was going to take today off but I can't seem to keep myself away from the erg. I also wanted to ask you what your opinion is on rowing strapless. I've done it twice. Maybe a beginner shouldn't. I don't know. The difference I noticed for myself is that while I love the challenge of it I couldn't put as much energy into the drive.

Thanks for your help! P.S. What is "Schadenfreude"? :D
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Re: Drag as opposed to damper

Post by Citroen » August 28th, 2008, 5:57 pm

Chai Cat wrote:What is "Schadenfreude"? :D
It's the art of taking pleasure in pointing out the fact that Google and Wikipedia will reveal a good definition.
Dougie Lawson
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Strapless rowing

Post by iain » August 28th, 2008, 6:23 pm

I have seen this suggested by several knowledgable people as a way to stop novices rowing too fast and get the technique right, but took some flack when suggesting the same on a different thread. It is initially tricky, but really gives good feedback if you get it to work. I am no expert, only managing a maximum rating of 25 strapless.

I find the key is a strong finish with the back and particularly arms after the legs have stopped driving. Without this you sale off the foot plate and it takes an age to recover for the next stroke. It is great to make sure your stroke doesn't get sloppy on longer slower rows. Finding yourself drifting off the footplate really brings your mind back on the job.

Re power, it shouldn't reduce this per stroke, although clearly rowing at a lower rating will be slower than could be accomplished at a higher rating. When I first started I couldn't keep 21SPM up for more than a minute or so at a time, but produced a similar pace to normal low rating strapped in. You shouldn't reduce the power of the leg drive, the progression from legs to back to arms is enough to stop the momentum.

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Re: Drag as opposed to damper

Post by Chai Cat » August 28th, 2008, 9:36 pm

Citroen wrote:
Chai Cat wrote:What is "Schadenfreude"? :D
It's the art of taking pleasure in pointing out the fact that Google and Wikipedia will reveal a good definition.
Ahahahaha! Shame on me for being lazy and well, just, shame on me! :lol: Each time I catch myself I shall do 500 more meters.
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