Season goals

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Post by almostflipped » May 26th, 2008, 2:17 am

I just did a 2k recently for the first time in years, its clear that I need to get myself back into shape. Seems that stating public goals always helps to add some pressure and consistency so here goes:

2k - sub 6:45
6k - sub 22:00'
10k - to actually do one
60' - break 15,500

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Post by Gerhard » May 26th, 2008, 3:33 am

badocter wrote: My short term goal is sub 3:20 1k - hopefully will get there on Tuesday Rowpro with Thomas on his last "40x1k/day before 40" race. 2k,30',HM will fall in June unless something else comes up.
I share your short term goal of sub 3:20; yesterday I did a (planned) 700m at 1:39.5 to prepare myself and I want to add 100 meter this week before I go for an all-out attempt.

My problem with rowpro races for short distances is that I seem to lose more than a second at the start. The increased motivation of rowpro compensates for it on longer distances, but 3:20 is about all I have in me and losing a second or more may just cost me my target. Do you experience the same or am i just a very bad starter?
1969; 183cm; 90kg; Rowing PB’s 2008; 500-1:32 1000-3:19 2000-7:14 5000-19:23 10000-40:29 HM-1:28:46. Recent SB’s not worth mentioning yet :-)

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Post by badocter » May 26th, 2008, 8:57 am

Gerhard wrote:My problem with rowpro races for short distances is that I seem to lose more than a second at the start....Do you experience the same or am i just a very bad starter?
I always do time trials with a race start (ATTENTION--ROW) as opposed to workouts which start the timer as you make the first pull. I watch the PM and not the PC for the start and I think I lose less than 0.5 seconds off the start on reaction time, but it is almost impossible to tell since the resolution of the stroke data is not high enough to show when the 1st pull begins relative to the start. The LCD on the PM seems sluggish to respond so I wish the PM had a bright green LED on the PM to indicate race starts.
40, 6'2", 180# (versus 235# in July 2007)

Jamie Pfeffer
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Post by Jamie Pfeffer » May 28th, 2008, 10:25 am

In January, I joined Pete Martson's training program. It has been fantastic for me; I recommend it without any reservation.

Pete has divided the season in four phases, each predicated on preparing us to PR on a specific test (or two) at the phase's end. This past Saturday, we had our 60-minute test; on the coming Saturday we have a half-marathon test.

My goals for the tests are to finish above my PR and as close as possible to Greg Cook -- the gold standard for Thirtysomething Lightweights. For last weekend's hour, I was quite pleased to PR by over 30 meters: 16,658M (1:48.1). And for Saturday's HM, Pete wants me to average 1:49.9.

Next week, we'll start preparing for a 10K test.

All the best,

37-years old; 6'2"; 165lbs.
Georgetown, BSFS, 1996
Harvard Law, JD, 2000

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Post by Gerhard » July 8th, 2008, 7:15 am

Gerhard wrote:
badocter wrote: My short term goal is sub 3:20 1k - hopefully will get there on Tuesday Rowpro with Thomas on his last "40x1k/day before 40" race. 2k,30',HM will fall in June unless something else comes up.
I share your short term goal of sub 3:20
8-7: DONE!!

3:23.5 -> 3:19.3 !!
tomhz wrote:
Gerhard wrote:I miss the motivation of a the recent challenges, maybe it helps if I post my goals for the 2009 season :

500 m @ 1:32 = 1:32 (current 1:33.9)
1 K @ 1:39 = 3:18 (current 3:23.5)
2 K @ 1:45 = 7:00 (current 7:14.2)
5 K @ 1:53 = 18.50 (current 19:24)
10 K @ 1:59 = 39.40 (current 40.46)
HM @ 2:06 = 88.36 (current 90.28)

Target paces are around 3 seconds faster than current PB's. Is that realistic for a seconds season, or am I aiming too high? what are your goals?
I know your progress during the last season. I think the above goals are impossible :lol:

You cannot hold on to "double the distance , add six" like in the last season. In another way: Your target progress for 10K and HM is realistic, easy maybe, but the target for 1K and 2K would be spectaculair.

Maybe Tom, but the 1K is getting very close now!
Last edited by Gerhard on August 10th, 2008, 12:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
1969; 183cm; 90kg; Rowing PB’s 2008; 500-1:32 1000-3:19 2000-7:14 5000-19:23 10000-40:29 HM-1:28:46. Recent SB’s not worth mentioning yet :-)

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Post by iain » July 8th, 2008, 12:37 pm

Gerhard wrote:I share your short term goal of sub 3:20
8-7: DONE!!

3:23.5 -> 3:19.3 !![/quote]

well done

Brilliant result, especially given your HM work recently.

Now which target is next :twisted:

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Post by sentinal93 » July 8th, 2008, 1:19 pm

Jamie Pfeffer wrote:In January, I joined Pete Martson's training program. It has been fantastic for me; I recommend it without any reservation.

Pete has divided the season in four phases, each predicated on preparing us to PR on a specific test (or two) at the phase's end. This past Saturday, we had our 60-minute test; on the coming Saturday we have a half-marathon test.

My goals for the tests are to finish above my PR and as close as possible to Greg Cook -- the gold standard for Thirtysomething Lightweights. For last weekend's hour, I was quite pleased to PR by over 30 meters: 16,658M (1:48.1). And for Saturday's HM, Pete wants me to average 1:49.9.

Next week, we'll start preparing for a 10K test.

All the best,



Is the plan you used the "Pete Plan," or is the name a coincidence? If not, could you describe the plan? Thanks.

-Eric Di Bari
Eric Di Bari
29/6'3"/184ish lbs
"Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional. Pull harder."

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Post by Gerhard » August 10th, 2008, 12:34 pm

Gerhard wrote: Season targets:

500 m @ 1:32 = 1:32 (current 1:33.9) -> 1:32.5 = 1:32.5
1 K @ 1:39 = 3:18 (current 3:23.5) -> 1:39.6 = 3:19.3
2 K @ 1:45 = 7:00 (current 7:14.2)
5 K @ 1:53 = 18.50 (current 19:24)
10 K @ 1:59 = 39.40 (current 40.46)
HM @ 2:06 = 88.36 (current 90.28) -> 2:06.4 = 88.53

The HM was last week, the 500 was yesterday. Im a bit afraid for the 2K though..
1969; 183cm; 90kg; Rowing PB’s 2008; 500-1:32 1000-3:19 2000-7:14 5000-19:23 10000-40:29 HM-1:28:46. Recent SB’s not worth mentioning yet :-)

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Post by iain » August 13th, 2008, 1:03 pm

sentinal93 wrote:
Jamie Pfeffer wrote:In January, I joined Pete Marston's training program.

Is the plan you used the "Pete Plan," or is the name a coincidence? If not, could you describe the plan? Thanks.
Excuse me answering for Jaime, but I am now on the same routine. Pete is the same person after whom the Pete plan is named. However, as well as this widely used plan, he is producing a plan of sessions for 2008 known as PP08 on the UK forum for the people he coaches. details at



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Post by capnbenzo » August 16th, 2008, 5:45 pm

It's nice to be able to articulate my goals... it gives a feeling of being connected to a community, which is important since I train alone and in a part of the US where saying 'indoor rowing' is invariably met with 'huh?'

My main goal is to pull a PB 2k in February 2009. I'm not sure at which race I'll attempt this yet. I'd like to go below 6:20, but I suspect I may be able to go well below that mark given sufficient training. I'm 6'5" and 225lbs and I have a good fitness base with which to begin, so I think I have the potential.

I'm going to do this with a hybrid training program which emphasizes high intensity workouts. I don't want to spend a ton of time on UT2 work mainly because it's boring. I plan to supplement my training with 1-2 Starting Strength (book by Mark Rippetoe and Lon Kilgore- AWESOME) workouts and 1 crossfit-style metcon workout per week. I'm hoping this will add variety to my routine and help kill the boredom of erging alone in my house for 6 months.

I've enjoyed posting my training on these forums for the past few days. I'm hoping to continue that as well.



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