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Erg League Manager Team Rowbo Challenge

Posted: July 23rd, 2006, 11:15 am
by jkathios
ok...time to start our own Team Challenges...If you are already signed up for I believe you would have gotten the following email (not sure if it is sent out to everyone or just the person who set up the challenge)..anyway..

Fellow Ergers

A new challenge has been added to the Team Rowbo league. Details below:

Name: Mount Everest

Details: Found this on the Freespirits challenge and it sounded pretty good. It's a bit more than the 30 minute row (for most of us :>) and not quite a 10k row. The challenge is to row 8856 meters with no row restriction rates.

Start date: 2006-07-23

End date: 2006-08-23

Distance (m): 8856

League: Team Rowbo

Owner: jkathios

I'll try to get one in within the next week or so...I haven't entered in any results yet, but my guess it will be similar to the ctc challenge, but restricted to Team Rowbo. If you have any problems, report them here and I'll do what I can to help out.....Have fun

re: ELM challenge

Posted: July 24th, 2006, 2:05 am
by Tom Barrick
Thank you so much, Jim, for setting up the ELM challenge and team. I'm also happy that we have an entire month to do this challenge so that we can pick a day when the weather is a bit cooler to take it for a spin. :roll:

Good luck everyone!

Just added the ELM link to my sig.

Question Jim

Posted: July 25th, 2006, 2:26 am
by Tom Barrick
Will there be a box/link available to add in our times for Everest? Is it there somewhere or maybe I'm missing it?

Posted: July 25th, 2006, 7:56 am
by jkathios
After joining Team Rowbo, I think what you need to do is join the Team Rowbo League, then click on challenges, the mount everest challenge should be listed. Click on results, which at the moment is 0. A post result button should appear, Click on that and I think you are in business.

re: thanks, got it!

Posted: July 25th, 2006, 12:53 pm
by Tom Barrick
Thanks Bonnie and Jim!
Didn't even think to look at the All Leagues page. :oops: