I am looking to join a team for the Fall Challenge.
Posted: August 29th, 2013, 9:22 pm
I am pretty new to indoor rowing. I just completed the Dog Days of Summer challenge and loved it. I am in Brooklyn, NY and row at NYSC, where I am a member. I have an online log and can post my own meters. I am 54, HWT, and just starting to figure out how to improve my rowing. My goal would be to reach the 200k prize level. Thanks in advance for any feedback or invites. Rowing is becoming an integral part of my workouts. I can currently row between 12-14k per hour and can sustain hour long rows. I am working to increase my intensity and splits so I can lower my stroke rate and improve my times. I realize that to make or exceed 200k I will need to average at least 10k for 20 of the 30 days of the challenge. I am up for it!