by Izzzmeister » October 25th, 2012, 12:03 pm
All hands on deck, though sequestration has not happened! All hands on deck! 9 of 52 members (17%) logged 91,052 total meters Wednesday!
Milestones achieved: David (our 1-percenter) passed 3.7M while Mike (one of our 99-percenters) had to settle for 250K!
Approaching milestones: Kyle sneaking up on 2.4M (-18,307m), Jim eyes 2.1M (-36,000m), Matthew (-17,656m) still leads Adam (-20,119m) to 1.2M, Kevin millimeters from 450K (-1,876m), Jeff (-8,000m) one row from 250K, Bob nearer 150K (-8,109m) while Catherine approaches 50K (-8,948m)!
Posted Meters:
David W - 27,523 Over 150K this week!
Jim C - 16,000 More familiar territory…
Jeff S - 11,000 Use these beautiful days outdoors!
Mike M - 10,000 Comes out at Twilight to row…
Adam M - 8,000 Steady rowing!
Andy I - 5,521 You don’t know QUAT, that IZZ the truth!
Kevin K - 5,000 This isn’t class warfare, this is just Math…ineer!
Bob G - 5,000 Three rows this week!
Catherine M - 3,008 Has to keep the eye of the 21st Hottest Rower…