by damselfly » October 12th, 2012, 10:59 am
Ha! Well done, team! We blasted those fit, brawny, Pensacola military brats back to 9th where they belong**!! A firey and fabulous 15 of 43 members (35%) logged 194,417 total meters Thursday!
** I note, however, that about a fifth of the NAS team's meters (1.1M) have been rowed by one woman, a Ms. Cecilia Walker. And she has over twice the meters as the next rower on the team, also a woman with over 500k. The ladies are rockin' Team NAS Pensacola! Inter-Team Woot!
Posted Meters:
Mark A - 10,000
Jim C - 16,000
Brent C - 6,000
Mark E - 10,333
Lisa H - 6,098
Yisroel H - 17,622
Andy I - 17,007
Kyle J - 5,000
Kevin K - 15,000
Adam M - 8,000
Matthew R - 11,266
Cindy S - 18,169
Jeff S - 22,000
John S - 6,622
David W - 25,300
Challenge Goals - Day 27 of 31 (87.1%):
Kevin K - 289,415 of 150,000 (192.9%)
Mike M - 172,046 of 105,000 (163.9%)
Lisa H - 226,454 of 200,000 (113.2%)
Jim C - 334,000 of 300,000 (111.3%)
Andy I - 329,291 of 300,000 (109.8%)
Warren F - 123,578 of 120,000 (103.0%)
Brent C - 121,469 of 120,000 (101.2%)
Aditya P - 96,552 of 100,000 (96.6%)
Ulla D - 96,491 of 100,000 (96.5%)
Ron M - 240,639 of 300,000 (80.2%) ***
Yisroel H - 186,771 of 300,000 (62.3%)
*** If Ron meets his self-challenge today, he will jump to 290,639, or 96.9%!! Go Ron, GO!!
Milestones achieved:
David crowned 600K, Cindy nailed 400K, Matthew blasted by 200K, and Jeff killed 100K!!
-- Lisa
Try not! Do, or do not! There is no "try". -- Yoda