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Question re: hand numbness

Post by Kona2 » February 18th, 2008, 1:48 pm

Question regarding hand numbness:

When I row for greater than 40 minutes, I get a carpal tunnel type of numbness in right wrist/hand - kind of have to shake it out. If I were biking, I would say this is because my shoulders aren't relaxed. I am assuming that this is probably true for rowing as well. If so, how to get past this one? Is it technique, need for doing some different strength exercises or ....???

Any suggestions?

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Post by PJM » February 18th, 2008, 2:03 pm

I can share with you my experience with this.I rowed in the very first JVC..3 years ago.I went gung-ho and did over 1 million meters.I literally approached the challenge as a part time job.I rowed without fail 3 times a day.I used gloves and after a while I developed the worse over-use issue you could imagine.I used bubble wrap..I lined my gloves with all kinds of padding and I experienced a carpal tunnel like syndrome that went way beyond my normal carpal tunnel symptoms that I had from just normal daily activities.I thought I would never row again.I refused to do surgery or go to the doctor.I worked diligently through the problem.End result..I have little or no symptoms any longer and can row pain free/numb free.
Initially I did a search on products to strengthen my wrists and forearms.I have very small wrists and small arms.I ordered a GripStick to do exercises to work those small muscles in my arms.Worked well.I then began taking zinc and Vit B 6 supplements too..worked wonders.I was told by an experienced wieght lifter to use weight straps to row and this would take the strain off my whole forearm.I found a pair of padded hand grips that are velcroed to wrist straps and they are worth their weight in gold!! I am on my 3rd pair and would not row with out them.I hope this helps you!!


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Post by Kona2 » February 18th, 2008, 2:59 pm

I do seem to learn something new everyday! I will check out the weight straps - I've not heard of these before. I figured I'd better address the issue before I did get an overuse injury as these take months and months to heal.

On a more humorous note, for those of you who are being chased by Girl Scout troops in their cookie sale quest, here's a cartoon for you:

http://www.unitedmedia.com/editoons/les ... 80123.html

And one more stats thought - the TimbukTOO team had a 56 percent participation rate yesterday! Outstanding! (Luna-Tics participation rate was 37 or so percent). Way to get everyone rowing Pat!

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Post by PJM » February 18th, 2008, 3:04 pm

Cute cartoon!!
I haven't had the door to door variety but was caught on my way IN & OUT of my local supermarket.I just politely say.."no thank you".I don't eat sugar..no white stuff..no refined, processed foods.So I have to say "no" to GS cookies.I make my own sugar free version and they are made with no flour too.


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Post by just27 » February 18th, 2008, 4:10 pm

elfm wrote: ... I actually knew someone who went to Timbuktu, whereas I haven't had the pleasure of meeting anyone who's gone to the moon.
Lynne Fitzmorris
Prior to the JVC, I'd always thought Timbuktu was a myth but now I've seen it on a map in West Africa. Interesting history, though I'm not sure if I'd rather visit Mali, or the moon!

Chris T
Team Lunar Mission

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Post by PJM » February 18th, 2008, 6:26 pm

"The major reason for setting a goal is for what it makes of you to accomplish it. What it makes of you will always be the far greater value than what you get.”

GO TimbukTOO!!!!!!!!!


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Post by PJM » February 18th, 2008, 10:06 pm

March Madness Challenge

"5000 meters a day keeps March Madness at bay"
Everyday that you row 5000 meters in the month of March and log your time online, you will be eligible to win a prize drawing. Join any time in the month of March - the more days you row, the more chances you have to win a prize! Check back here every day to see who has won!

What is it?
March Madness is an Online Challenge designed to encourage regular moderate rowing - the kind that promotes and maintains a basic level of fitness. There will be opportunities for more serious mileage as well; but it will not be required. It is not a club-based challenge, but is open to all individuals worldwide who row on a Concept2 Indoor Rower either at home or in a club.

The Basic Challenge - row 5,000 meters a day
During the month of March, we will hold a prize drawing every day from all of the people who row at least 5,000 meters that day and enter it in their personal logbook. The more days you row 5,000 meters, the more days your name is in the prize drawing!

The Advanced Challenge - row 10,000 meters a day
On randomly selected days during March, we will draw for an additional prize, from those who row at least 10,000 meters.

Prizes will vary from day to day, but will include C2 clothing, HR monitors, C2 glasses and some surprises! Drawings will be held at (or soon after) noon the next weekday following the rowing day, so be sure to enter your meters promptly! We will post names of winners on the web site. Winners will be encouraged to send a photo and brief story to be posted as well.

Hall of Fame:
All those who row at least 5,000 meters at least 25 days during the month of March, will be listed in the March Madness Hall of Fame and will be able to download a specially designed certificate.

To Participate:
Set up your own personal online logbook if you do not already have one. Add the meters you row each day to be eligible for the daily drawing. Following is the link for the online logbook. Online Logbook New users should select Register, then follow the instructions. If your meters are entered by 10am of the following day, your name will be eligible for the drawing.

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Post by PJM » February 18th, 2008, 10:09 pm

I say let's go with the 10,000 meter a day too!!
The motivation of the Lunar Mission team and all of us..and we will make a great March and this will really help us in the NARC too!!
Are we in???


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Post by barbbesal » February 19th, 2008, 7:08 am


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Post by PJM » February 19th, 2008, 10:47 am

Me TOO!!!
I think 10,000 a day is doable for all of us.

Lou Holtz: Ability Quotes
Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.

Lets do it!!

PJM( F) :D

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All In A Day's ERG: TimbukTOO Stats for 2.18.08

Post by Kona2 » February 19th, 2008, 11:44 am

Another great day of rowing by TimbukTOOians !

Total meters posted = 41,613 m

Meters from team #40 = (111338 m) - you're closing the gap!

Milestones: None reported today; there are team members who are SO close to milestones....I'd love to report their achievement!

Pat B - nice symmetry on your total meters (123,123 m)

And special recognition to all those team members who are quietly contributing their meters, heading towards your own fitness goals. We're all cheering you onward!

Top 3 postings:

Pat M. 12014 m
Bryan S 10000 m
George M 6500 m

Row well towards your fitness goals today!

Jan (Kona2)

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Post by PJM » February 19th, 2008, 12:06 pm

Fitness goals.
"Of course it's hard. It's supposed to be hard. If it were easy, everybody would do it. Hard is what makes it great." From A League of Their Own

And TimbukTOO IS great!!!



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Post by PJM » February 19th, 2008, 3:17 pm

If any of you are feeling a bit "plateaued" in your workouts..fitness goals...weight loss programs..whatever.
Remember to cross train or do interval training.
That will help you move forward from a rut or a plateau.
We row strong as a rule but this can get boring, tedious, or whatever word you need to describe why you just can't seem to get on the erg today...or any given day.
A good Challenge like we have will motivate us easily but on just regular days our challenges are our own to deal with.
Take a slow , short row and then go for a run or a walk..even a bike ride..rev it up with a sprint, a jog , a burst of steam.Get your heart rate up there in "the zone".
Our bodies get used to same 'ol, same 'ol.They respond to different and exciting.
Just a few words to row by..and help you achieve your goals and maintain the rowing spirit!!


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Post by Bill Hawthorne » February 20th, 2008, 1:01 am

Last edited by Bill Hawthorne on February 20th, 2008, 12:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by PJM » February 20th, 2008, 10:44 am

Hi crew!!Image
I am being tutored in stats :D
Bear with me for a day or so..I pale in comparison to KONA2 but I will find my way soon.
Yesterday we rowed a collective 28,014 meters!!
Our top rowers were:
Pat M 12,806
George M 6,501
Kathleen P 7,000
Zachary W. 1,707
Great job by all and our team spirit just keeps on making me smile and motivates me more than anything.
I promise to get better with the important numbers..adding color and some pizzazz.But for now it is the numbers that matter..that push our boat further to places beyond our wildest expectations.What Timbuktu stands for.


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