LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

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Can this one team row to the moon and back?

Poll ended at May 17th, 2008, 12:28 pm

I think we can do it together. I'm all in!
No way! You all are wacko!
Total votes: 54

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Post by Toothdoc » April 21st, 2009, 5:39 am

Barb G

Atta girl. Congrats on finishing the BM. Ooops that doesn't sound proper. OK I'll start again. Congrats on finishing the Boston Marathon. Sometimes those abbreviations and acronyms end up a little different than you intend.


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Re: Boston

Post by bg » April 21st, 2009, 6:55 am

Toothdoc wrote:Barb G

Atta girl. Congrats on finishing the BM. Ooops that doesn't sound proper. OK I'll start again. Congrats on finishing the Boston Marathon. Sometimes those abbreviations and acronyms end up a little different than you intend.

thanks... and considering all the problems my colitis has given me. the abbreviation made me laugh....

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Global Marathon Challenge

Post by Kona2 » April 21st, 2009, 9:49 am


ImageWoohoo! It's another FIRST half marathon! Congratulations Terry M on your achievement! Hope you did a victory dance!

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Global Marathon Challenge

Post by Kona2 » April 21st, 2009, 9:55 am

Image Image


And it's a canoe by moonlight! Congratulations, Darryl, on meeting the global marathon challenge!

Patience, grasshopper (as Image would say), the spring thaw is coming! Your canoe waterways will soon be open!

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Re: Half marathons

Post by Kristine Strasburger » April 21st, 2009, 10:34 am

Rick C wrote:I don't know how so many of you seem to be able to rip off halfs and fulls and red giants. I have to find a way to stay comfortable on the seat! I get to about 1:15 and I spend the next 20 minutes or so shifting around trying to stay even a little bit comfortable.
Hey, Rick, nice to have you posting here. I have come to realize that comfort or any semblance of it is a myth. It doesn't really exist except in our dreams. I even bought the fancy, most expensive rowing shorts that C2 offers for this year's effort, and they were not much better than my usual gear towards the end. They did seem to be better for half M. length rows, though.

I use a stack of two of the C2 foam seat pads, plus a thicker computer mouse pad, plus a bubble wrap mailing envelope (paper covered) on my seat, and it is bearable, but only if I have also built up the "calouses" for it (so to speak). I do think that gradually increasing your time on the rower, and consistently rowing (4-6 days a week) does build up a certain degree of sitting tolerance.

Three cheers for Rick, Terry and Darryl for making the FM/HM Honors Boards.

And great job on the Boston Marathon, Barbara! I was rooting for you.

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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 4.20.09

Post by Kona2 » April 21st, 2009, 11:08 am

10 days left in the terran rowing year 2009 - there is still time to make those goals that you didn't even know you had at the beginning of the rowing year! Funny how that works! It's all good! The skies over our rowing universe are full of moons (not sure what planet we are orbiting right now, but it has a lot of moons.....surely we couldn't have gone off course and run into the realm of Jupiter!? We may have to consult BU's astronomy PhD candidate.....). Crew members are in a mood to celebrate!

Season meters as of 355/365 = 82,992,985 m

Total meters on the day = 381,701 m (:shock: well done!)

Oars in space = 27 percent

MILESTONES....Bragging Rights....Celebrations:

7.6 MM Will S
4.6 MM Chris T
1.2 MM Karyn

Image Image Full Marathon...the Boston kind! Barbara G

Image Half Marathon #1 (at least as a Luna-Tic) Terry M
Image Half Marathon # ? on the year Darryl Image

SIX Million Meter Watch:

Dan with (7,010 m) to go! Just waiting for the bionics to arrive to finish this ?

TWO Million Meter Watch: With just 10 rowing days to go.....will they get there!?


ONE Million Meter Watch:

Rick with (103,364 m) to go! Steady progress!

And thanks to today's lunar crew:

Mike S 86,171 m (multiple days)
Will S 54,093 m (multiple days)
Dan C 22,239 m
Darryl 21,097 m
Terry 21,097 m
Wild Bill 18,000 m (strangely, our team GPS located Wild Bill on the beaches of Bali......)
Chris 14,141 m
Jan 14,000 m
Mike M 13,120 m
Baz 12,706 m
Chris S 12,381 m
Peter G 12,000 m
Tim 11,303 m
Steven 10,000 m
Rick 10,000 m
Peter H 10,000 m
Steve J 9,015 m
Karyn 8,389 m (a half marathon would be a nice finish to the year?)
Teresa 7,510 m
Mike C 6,000 m
AJ 5,106 m
Tony Image Image Image Image ( I know the rationale behind the 3's....while working in his gardens one day, Tony was beamed aboard an alien ship...Image..he sees 3's everywhere now..)

Image Actually, this Toy Story alien would make work better...
Have a good rowing day everyone!

And yes, today I am certifiably looney...
Last edited by Kona2 on April 21st, 2009, 1:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Toothdoc » April 21st, 2009, 11:27 am

Congrats to Terry and Darryl for making the Honor Board.


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Fuel and Hydration

Post by just27 » April 21st, 2009, 6:36 pm

After digesting information from Bazzy's government sports nutition link ... imagining Kristine's bananas and gummi bear snacks ... and considering Jan's nuclear-colored day-glo sports drinks ... I am now the proud purchaser of a bunch of bananas and a several bottles of G2 (flavors and colors not found existing in nature). I figured if Gatorade has the Australian Sports Authority's endorsement, it'll be fine for me.

I also found a couple of reasonable-sounding recipes for making homemade electrolyte replacement drinks ... one even includes a banana. All I have to do now is convince myself that there is a marathon in me before the end of the month ... :roll:


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Re: Fuel for Marathons

Post by kgallagher » April 21st, 2009, 7:09 pm

Wow! After reading Chris's and Kristine's fueling regime I'm afraid I'm a true lunatic.

I started my marathon day morning by eating a little bit of dry Golden Grahams cereal and walked my daughter to school. I then did my marathon with a bowl of strawberries and blueberries sitting beside me, but I didn't touch them. I never once had the urge to put any food in my mouth. I drank about 2 liters of water while on the erg. Also, I never got off. I ended up watching the same movie twice because I didn't want to get off the erg to change it for fear I might not get back on.

I drank lots the rest of the day and ate almost constantly that day and the day after. My body definitely needed the refueling.

Kristine's way sounds much more healthy than my approach.


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Re: Fuel and Hydration

Post by kgallagher » April 21st, 2009, 7:16 pm

just27 wrote:...All I have to do now is convince myself that there is a marathon in me before the end of the month ... :roll:

No convincing needed! You've done a bazzillion half-marathons. You're primed and ready. Find a day when you have a good chunk of time you can sacrafice and give it a go. The rest of us LUNA-tics are with you in spirit. Several of us have done it and are still around to talk about it. If we can do it, so can you (and the other Loonies out there who are trying to build up their motivation).


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Post by acrewer » April 21st, 2009, 10:22 pm

Congrats to all the marathoners and half-marathoners...goal for my next life! I'm lucky if I have 30-45 minutes to row daily. And it's in the 90's here now...supposed to cool down in a few days. I'm really impressed by those of you who attempt and succeed!

Anyone know what happens if you set the monitor for a certain distance and stop before you get there? Does it count the meters you actually rowed? Not that I'm even thinking of attempting a 1/2, just curious.


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Full Marathon for Ted C-G!

Post by Kona2 » April 22nd, 2009, 8:50 am


Woohoo! Congratulations to Ted C-G on his full marathon! What a way to cap a TWO million meter season! Is this another first?


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He's A Six Million Meter Man!

Post by Kona2 » April 22nd, 2009, 9:36 am


Whoo yah! Dan's a SIX million meter man! Congratulations on an amazing rowing year! At this time last year, your total meter count was 2,245,638 m! Nothing like about a 267 percent acceleration! Wowzer!


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Post by Toothdoc » April 22nd, 2009, 10:18 am


Congrats, nice season this year!!!!!!!!!!!! And a FM to top it off!!!!!!!!!!!!


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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 4.21.09

Post by Kona2 » April 22nd, 2009, 10:28 am

Image It's Earth Day!

Marathon fever sweeping through the crew! It's unknown when the next episode will occur or to which crew member(s)!...lack of predictability is noted....frequency of occurrence seems to be increasing in speed in tandem with the number of moons on our virtual far, there are SIX full moons and SEVEN half moons....who's next?! It appears that some of you are mustering up the meters for this attempt!

Season meters as of 356/365 = 83,210,116 m! EIGHTY-THREE!

Total meters on the day = 217,131 m

Oars in space = 21 percent

MILESTONES....Bragging Rights....Celebrations:

6 MM Dan
900K Rick

Image Full Marathon Ted C-G

TWO Million Meter Watch: We'll be celebrating tomorrow!



Image HALF Moon = greater than or equal to 21,097 m in a 24 hr period

Will S with 26,598 m

Wild Bill with 24,000 m

Image And Happy 8th? Birthday to Orion !

And thanks to today's lunar crew:

Ted 42,195 m
Will S 26,598 m
Wild Bill 24,000 m
Baz 19,141 m
Darryl 14,722 m
Rick 13,051 m
Dan 13,016....I think you planned to hit 6,006,006 !
Tim 11,136 m
Peter H 10,000 m
Teresa 8,680 m
Gina 6,193 m
Peter G 5,500 m
Tom M 5,037 m
Mary 5,010 m
Steven 5,000 m
Terry 4,519 m
Tony ImageImageImageImage m

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