LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

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Can this one team row to the moon and back?

Poll ended at May 17th, 2008, 12:28 pm

I think we can do it together. I'm all in!
No way! You all are wacko!
Total votes: 54

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Congrats to Dan

Post by Kona2 » April 18th, 2009, 6:03 pm


Woohoo! We must be intergalactic - look at all the Luna-Tic full and half moons on the Global Honor Board!
Congratulations Dan C - he's on the challenge board with a full marathon!

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Re: Congrats to Dan

Post by just27 » April 18th, 2009, 7:24 pm

Kona2 wrote:Woohoo! We must be intergalactic - look at all the Luna-Tic full and half moons on the Global Honor Board!
Congratulations Dan C - he's on the challenge board with a full marathon!
Congrats to both Dan and Kristine on your marathons today ... you guys are, indeed, LunaTics ... and I'm proud to know you as such!


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Full Moon for Kristine

Post by Kona2 » April 18th, 2009, 7:32 pm


Wowzer! Congratulations, Kristine on your marathon completion!

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Post by BAZzy » April 18th, 2009, 8:11 pm

Back from holidays...first row was a bit of a tough one :(

Congatulations to all on your achievements in the Global Challenge!!
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Post by Toothdoc » April 18th, 2009, 10:44 pm

Kapt. K,

I see you threw a FM on the honor board, way to be!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Post by Kristine Strasburger » April 19th, 2009, 12:40 am

Thanks for all the cheers, crew! I decided to get it over with sooner than later...and while I was at it I couldn't resist staying on the rower for another 8000 meters to make it a Red Giant....yes, all in one rowing session (just took enough of a break to write down the FM time and clear the monitor.)

But before you go and get all impressed or something I need to confess that I rowed it very slowly. It took me about 6 hrs 12 minutes, 6 bananas, a bowl of chips and two liters of water to do the whole thing. Good thing there were no cookies in the house.

What did I watch? I bored myself to death with teacher videos on English Grammar for the first two hours, then switched to Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events movie, and some other random kids movies we got from the library this week until the ordeal was over.

Oh yeah, and I didn't watch the clock.

If it wasn't for the team here I would never have thought it possible. Thanks!

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Post by Kona2 » April 19th, 2009, 1:17 am

Image Image

"Pain is temporary; quitting is forever."

Good job on the Red Giant, Captain Kristine! I did note that there were extra meters there, and now you have confirmed same.

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Post by bg » April 19th, 2009, 3:57 am

[color=orange]eah captain k and dan....wooo hoooo and i hope i haven't missed anyone else......[/color]

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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 4.18.09

Post by Kona2 » April 19th, 2009, 10:54 am


We gained a full percentage point towards the distance to the moon in the last two weeks! What an amazing amount of effort everyone has put towards the accomplishment of our goal!

Season meters as of 353/365 = 82,506,841 m

Total meters on the day = 305,043 m
(We would have to average 424K each day until the end of the season to have a season meter total that exceeded all the 2003-2008 Luna-Tic team meters combined. It is a long shot.)

Oars in space = 20 percent

MILESTONES....Bragging Rights....Celebrations:

5.5 MM Wild Bill
1.1 MM Kristine

Image Half Marathon # 61 Image
Image Full Marathon Kristine
Image Full Marathon Dan
Image Red Giant Kristine

SIX Million Meter Watch:

Dan with (40,367 m) is in the red zone!

Wild Bill with (465,223 m) ! Objects in the mirror are closer than you think!

TWO Million Meter Watch: Too soon to predict!



Image FULL Moon = Greater than or equal to 42,195 m or rowed in multiple sessions in a 24 hr period

Wild Bill with 43,000 m! Lotta meters!

Image HALF Moon = Greater than or equal to 21,097 m or rowed in multiple sessions in a 24 hr period

Darryl with 30,063 m (or did I pick up 2 days worth?)

Angelo with 27,599 m

Will S with 26,044 m

Bazzy with 21,461 m

And thanks to today's crew - you were awesome!

Kristine 50,226 m
Wild Bill 43,000 m
Dan 42,195 m
Darryl 30,063 m
Angelo 27,599 m
Will S 26,044 m
Bazzy 21,461 m
Chris 21,097 m
Steven 10,000 m
Gina 7,223 m
Ted 6,000 m
Mary 5,029 m
Peter G 5,000 m
Teresa R 4,763 m
Tony 3,333 m
Terry M 2,010 m

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Splain'in to do!

Post by DuluthMoose » April 19th, 2009, 11:36 am

Kona2 - Those are WRC stealth meters plus my usual daily 14K. I saved up my paddling adapter meters during the challenge and didn't enter them until 5 minutes before midnight EDT on the 3d day after the WRC officially ended. It was my hedge on position jousting and what I suspect was some Pre-Dating going on by some Pre-Date-Tors (predators) for the #90 to #100 spots on the Individual Challenge List! I'd seen it happen before, so nothing new....

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Post by Kristine Strasburger » April 19th, 2009, 12:04 pm

Big Cheers for the LUNA-TICS who are crazy enough to give the half or full marathon a try:

Dan C.
Karyn G.
Jan S.
Peter H.
Chris T.

Knowing this team, we will be loading up the honor boards even more over the next 12 days.

Can't wait to see who's next.

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Post by bg » April 19th, 2009, 12:21 pm

Kristine Strasburger wrote:Big Cheers for the LUNA-TICS who are crazy enough to give the half or full marathon a try:

Dan C.
Karyn G.
Jan S.
Peter H.
Chris T.

Knowing this team, we will be loading up the honor boards even more over the next 12 days.

Can't wait to see who's next.
wooo hoooo and congrats....luna-tics rock...

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Fuel for Marathons

Post by just27 » April 19th, 2009, 4:57 pm

Kristine Strasburger wrote: ... It took me about 6 hrs 12 minutes, 6 bananas, a bowl of chips and two liters of water to do the whole thing. Good thing there were no cookies in the house.
Again, great job to everyone who's pulled a marathon, and HM, for the 2008-09 grand finale.

Kristine's post got me to thinking about fuel (and trying to imagine eating 6 bananas :shock: ) and what works for different people. When I did a FM earlier this year, I simply had extra filtered water and Pelligrino (for the salt) water on hand. (But I'm usually pretty well carbo-loaded and protein-loaded at any given time!) Rowing for 3 - 6 hours in one sitting is way different than the sum of various sessions throughout the day ... what should one be tracking for these long-single workouts?


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Re: FM

Post by kgallagher » April 19th, 2009, 8:14 pm

Toothdoc wrote:

Your time was amazing. I can't do a HM at that pace. You the man!!! Oops you da woman!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck with your on the water season. Keep us posted. Is there a website to follow your team?

Dan (and anyone else who cares),
My club does have a website, but I don't think we use it to update the status on individual club members. Here it is anyway just in case you ever want to check it out:

I row for the New Haven Rowing Club and have since the summer after my sophomore year of college. (That means I've been a member for 20 years. Yikes! I'm getting old.) We have a boathouse in Oxford, CT and row on the Housatonic River. The stretch of river we're on is more like a lake since we are situated between two dams.

If you ever think of me and want to see how I'm doing, feel free to drop me a personal message. I'll get an email notifying me of it so then I'll know to check my C2 messages.

Thanks again everyone for your support this erging season.


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Re: Fuel for Marathons

Post by BAZzy » April 19th, 2009, 8:49 pm

just27 wrote:
Kristine Strasburger wrote: ... It took me about 6 hrs 12 minutes, 6 bananas, a bowl of chips and two liters of water to do the whole thing. Good thing there were no cookies in the house.
Again, great job to everyone who's pulled a marathon, and HM, for the 2008-09 grand finale.

Kristine's post got me to thinking about fuel (and trying to imagine eating 6 bananas :shock: ) and what works for different people. When I did a FM earlier this year, I simply had extra filtered water and Pelligrino (for the salt) water on hand. (But I'm usually pretty well carbo-loaded and protein-loaded at any given time!) Rowing for 3 - 6 hours in one sitting is way different than the sum of various sessions throughout the day ... what should one be tracking for these long-single workouts?

That is a good question…water and salt replacement is key; many do not drink sufficient quantities when undertaking endurance events and it is a key detriment to performance. And adjusting the carb intake in the days leading to the HM/endurance event will assist greatly.

When I’ve done the Hawkesbury Classic Race, which is a 111 kilometre paddling race on a tidal river, I have eaten a higher proportion of carbs versus protein in the days leading up to the event; but have not gone overboard (no pun intended!) on the race day as nothing worse than an upset or bloated stomach as you start the race.

During the race I have used liquid carb/protein mixture as it is easy to carry and digest. The last race I did, which took me around 11 ½ hours, I drank around 5 litres of water and about 2 litres of mixture. The race is run overnight so there is less loss through sweating. Although, I must confess to eating three scones with jam at the 80 kilometre mark; best scones I’ve ever had.

Mind you a couple of Mars Bars at the 100 kilometre worked wonders…… :lol:

I’ve included a link to the Australian Institute of Sports that contains some good information on the subject.

As an aside I think someone has been messing with my ‘damper’ setting while I’ve been on holidays… feels so much harder after 2 weeks holiday :( ... te_loading

Cheers Baz
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