LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

A member of an indoor rowing team or club? If so, this is the place for you.

Can this one team row to the moon and back?

Poll ended at May 17th, 2008, 12:28 pm

I think we can do it together. I'm all in!
No way! You all are wacko!
Total votes: 54

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WRC 2009 Update: Team Progress Thru 3.25.09

Post by Kona2 » March 26th, 2009, 10:05 am

Through day 11 of this challenge, we have some amazing numbers being accumulated! Some of the meter milestones are:

400K William H
300K Dan C
200K Mike S, Tim P, Barry (Baz)
100K Dave H, Chris T, Darryl, Jan, Tom R., Peter H, Mike M, Mike C, David G, Thomas J, Kristine

ALL meters are important - and they all count! Thank you so much for rowing with the Luna-Tics team!

Rowers continue at warp speed 4 (100K x 4) - making great progress towards destination moon! Our row through space yesterday produced 437,484 m! Moon must be getting brighter - drawing us closer!!

We are currently ranked at #6 overall, and #5 in the virtual club segment. The larger teams (medical facilities, health clubs) have not yet updated their logbooks into the Concep2 system - this is usually a once a week kind of deal, so we'll see how things look in a day or two! We're doing very well in the virtual club group! Row on!

World Rowing Challenge Individual Standings

Name Total Event Meters

1 William Haag 410,000
2 Daniel Cox 329,603
3 Barry O'Malley 297,075
4 Will Salach 288,278
5 Tim Porter 243,711
6 Mike Smith 203,853
7 David Hunter 196,792
8 Chris Tudury 185,826
9 Darryl Bathel 167,273
10 Jan Stevenson 153,097
11 Tom Rosengarth 127,977
12 Peter Huurman 116,097
13 Mike Mulvihill 116,047
14 Mike Crossley 110,372
15 David Grasfield 110,000
16 Thomas Jung 107,000
17 Kristine Strasburger 106,581
18 Karyn Gallagher 95,679
19 David A. Alden 89,204
20 Steven Larky 87,000
21 Rick Carveth 80,000
22 Terry Miele 79,533
23 peter verdirame 68,500
24 Chris Spooner 68,324
25 Chris Harbourt 66,324
26 David Thomas Garcia 64,271
27 Andre Dumais 62,995
28 Mary Harper 61,255
29 Andrea Cosmin 57,448
30 Andy Ward 55,000
31 Anna McFarland 55,000
32 Gina Levy 54,727
33 RoseAnna Schick 50,441
34 Chris Czech 49,824
35 John Marsh 46,239
36 Jeff Morris 45,109
37 barbara grandberg 44,441
38 Dan Thole 42,300
39 Anthony Parendo 41,107
40 Reeve Martin 35,300
41 AJ Tudury 32,846
42 diane bimbela 30,000
43 Rodrigo Garcia 26,529
44 Alistair Black 26,018
45 martin douglas 24,531
46 Lilia Luna-Huurman 23,326
47 Angelo Papadopoulos 23,111
48 Will Worthwine 19,500
49 Clinton Vickers 16,000
50 Patricia Chow 15,289
51 Eva-Kristin Schuster 13,421
52 mitch friedland 11,000
53 BJ Kinkade 10,075
54 Nils Eddy 10,000
55 Nancy Flagg 7,750
56 Dawn Howe 5,000
57 Ted Cowley-Gilbert 5,000

Total Challenge Meters = 4,968,999 m

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Post by bg » March 26th, 2009, 10:13 am

wooooo hooooo dave h......

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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 3.25.09

Post by Kona2 » March 26th, 2009, 10:38 am

We've crossed into 73 million meter territory....wowzer! We are zipping along at warp speed three in the last 24 hours....crew picking up the pace to meet some personal milestones as end of rowing year draws closer?!

Image March Madness Challenge Update: Riding the Boards

Overall participation in the Concept2 challenge has steadied to about 1100 participants still on the boards. As noted previously, this number fluctuates a bit as rowers update their logbooks. The number of individuals still on the 10K and above boards is 370 give or take a few. The Luna-Tics have been steadfast at:

5K and above - 23 (might have lost one here)
10K and above - 12

Image Congratulations and a Pot of Virtual Gold to those who have completed the challenge minimums:

Terry M
Mike S
Mike C

Season meters as of 329/365 = 73,287,764 m

Total meters on the day = 320,694 m

Oars in space = 33 percent

MILESTONES....Bragging Rights.....Celebrations:

2 MM Dave H
1.8 MM Baz
1 MM Kristine
Image Half Marathon # 54 Chris T Image

Rowed the Distance on a single day:

Image Red Giant 50K William H (acknowledged for a previous day)
Image Red Giant 50K Dan C (acknowledged for a previous day)

Image Half Moon + Baz with 31K
Image Half Moon + Dave H with 24K
Image Half Moon + Will S with 23K

TWO Million Meter Watch: Getting Close To The Red Zone!


ONE Million Meter Watch:

Mike S with (74,152 m) to go!

And thanks to today's lunar crew:

Baz 31,013 m
Dave 24,762 m
Will S 23,645 m
Chris T 21,097 m
William H 20,000 m
Tim P 18,224 m
Darryl 17,002 m (rowing faster or longer?!)
Mike S 15,389 m
Kristine 14,037 m
Dan 14,021 m
Ted 12,000 m
Tom R 11,017 m
Steven 10,000 m
Rick C 10,000 m
Peter H 10,000 m
Mike C 10,000 m
Jan 10,000 m
Karyn 8,173 m
Chris S 7,500 m
Peter G 6,500 m
Dan T 5,200 m
Barbara 5,031 m
Mary 5,012 m
Jeff 5,011 m
Tony 3,333 m
Gina 2,727 m

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Post by DuluthMoose » March 26th, 2009, 11:36 am

Congratulations on 2 Million Meters for the season Dave H! Way to Row!

Kona2 - "faster or longer"..... I don't do fast well on the month long, grind it out, day after day row challenges. I do my fastest with 2 days off before trying and can't afford that luxury now. So until after the WRC, my rows are just long and done at a moderate pace.

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2 Million

Post by Toothdoc » March 26th, 2009, 11:56 am

Dave H,

Nice! 2 million season. Congrats!


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Re: 2 Million

Post by just27 » March 26th, 2009, 5:12 pm

Great job, everyone, on the milestones and meters.


I don't know about all these meters ... I have callouses on the backs of my heels. Very attractive, especially now that sandal weather has arrived. (Maybe I should wear shoes to row.)

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Post by caspooner » March 26th, 2009, 11:44 pm

Incredible meters everyone!

Being new to this I am amazed by those who do the Red Giants, in one sitting or whatever. Earlier this week I did 10k in one sitting and boy did I feel that. Wow, I was thinking that is only 1/5 of a 50K. However, since doing that it has changed my perspective of 5k rows.

Thanks all for the motivation.

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Amazing Meters

Post by Kona2 » March 26th, 2009, 11:53 pm

We've passed the FIVE million mark in 11 days on the World Rowing Challenge - those meter amounts are really adding up!

I can attest that I was regretting having used up all my March Madness get out of rowing for the day "cards" today....we've had over a foot of snow - had to resort to manual labor since I forgot to restock the petrol for the snow blower. :oops: Made for really slow rowing after shoveling for a couple of hours.

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Re: Amazing Meters

Post by BAZzy » March 27th, 2009, 1:07 am

Kona2 wrote:We've passed the FIVE million mark in 11 days on the World Rowing Challenge - those meter amounts are really adding up!

I can attest that I was regretting having used up all my March Madness get out of rowing for the day "cards" today....we've had over a foot of snow - had to resort to manual labor since I forgot to restock the petrol for the snow blower. :oops: Made for really slow rowing after shoveling for a couple of hours.
Sydney - 25 degrees (celcius) and sunny B)

Great rowing team.............
"Those who don't think it can be done shouldn't bother the person doing it..."

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Post by Kristine Strasburger » March 27th, 2009, 2:34 am

Thanks for all the cheers, guys! It made my day. :D

And welcome to the team, Rick C. You can find your spacesuit waiting for you in your locker belowdecks.

Red Giants Team, you guys amaze me! Great job.

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Post by Dave_H » March 27th, 2009, 7:34 am

Thanks for the congrats all a multi millionaire + a March Madness cert in 24 hours... :mrgreen:

Congrats on your million too Kristine!


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WRC 2009 Update: Team Progress Thru 3.26.09

Post by Kona2 » March 27th, 2009, 9:51 am

Team rowers must have found the hyperdrive.....we rowed an amazing 529,859 m yesterday! Are we being pursued by an alien ship or ....

Great rowing everyone! Lots of milestones happening here as lunar team rowers exceed wildest expectations (including their own!):

World Rowing Challenge Individual Standings

Name Total Event Meters
1 William Haag 410,000
2 Daniel Cox 340,110
3 Barry O'Malley 322,181
4 Will Salach 310,178
5 Tim Porter 265,865
6 Mike Smith 219,898
7 David Hunter 206,792
8 Chris Tudury 200,826
9 Darryl Bathel 184,255
10 Jan Stevenson 163,097
11 Tom Rosengarth 138,593
12 Mike Mulvihill 129,296
13 Peter Huurman 126,097
14 Kiba Chan 123,779
15 Mike Crossley 120,380
16 David Grasfield 120,000
17 Thomas Jung 117,000
18 Kristine Strasburger 111,602
19 Karyn Gallagher 102,830
20 David A. Alden 98,009
21 Steven Larky 97,000
22 Rick Carveth 93,242
23 Terry Miele 79,533
24 peter verdirame 76,000
25 Chris Spooner 74,335
26 Andrea Cosmin 68,614
27 Andre Dumais 67,995
28 Chris Harbourt 66,324
29 Mary Harper 66,317
30 David Thomas Garcia 64,271
31 Chris Czech 60,626
32 Anna McFarland 60,000
33 John Marsh 56,871
34 Andy Ward 55,000
35 Gina Levy 54,727
36 RoseAnna Schick 50,441
37 Jeff Morris 50,121
38 barbara grandberg 49,555
39 diane bimbela 46,000
40 Anthony Parendo 44,440
41 Dan Thole 42,300
42 Reeve Martin 38,800
43 AJ Tudury 32,846
44 Gene Bayersdorfer 30,162
45 Lilia Luna-Huurman 29,326
46 Rodrigo Garcia 26,529
47 Alistair Black 26,018
48 martin douglas 24,531
49 Angelo Papadopoulos 23,111
50 mitch friedland 21,000
51 Will Worthwine 19,500
52 Clinton Vickers 16,000
53 Patricia Chow 15,289
54 Nils Eddy 15,000
55 Eva-Kristin Schuster 13,421
56 BJ Kinkade 10,075
57 Dawn Howe 10,000
58 Nancy Flagg 7,750
59 Ted Cowley-Gilbert 5,000
60 Debbie Rohlwing F 52 0

Total Challenge Meters as of 8 AM MST 3.27.09 = 5,498,858 m

Thank you to all who are rowing with the Luna-Tics team! You're all contributing to an exceptional challenge season!!

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Re: Amazing Meters

Post by DuluthMoose » March 27th, 2009, 11:32 am

Kona2 wrote:I can attest that I was regretting having used up all my March Madness get out of rowing for the day "cards" today....we've had over a foot of snow - had to resort to manual labor since I forgot to restock the petrol for the snow blower. :oops: Made for really slow rowing after shoveling for a couple of hours.

Ouch Kona! I think that's a corollary of Murphy's Law in northern climates. No gas for the snow blower is sure to cause heavy snowfalls. It probably was heavy, wet, sloppy, sticky spring snow as well. Good for some snowmen? Your storm is headed to the south of us. Too cold here for it to track on top of us.

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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 3.26.09

Post by Kona2 » March 27th, 2009, 11:44 am

Woohoo! It's a "blue sky" day! Team rowing ship is hitting warp speed of SIX (100K x 6!) as we zoom through space towards our target moon! Happy Friday!


March Madness Update: Holding Strong!

5K and above = 23 Luna-Tics
10K and above = 12 Luna-Tics

Image Found Pot of Gold (reached the 25 day mark for March Madness):

Terry M.
Mike C.
Mike S.
Chris T.
Peter G
Dave H.


Season meters as of 330/365 = 73,930,455 m! Wowzer! 80 million is a possibility!

Total meters on the day = 642,691 m (Image Kiba spotted on a space walk, thrown life line to the ship!)

Oars in space = 35 percent

MILESTONES....Bragging Rights....Celebrations:

7.1 MM Will S
1.5 MM Kiba
Wild Bill took a day off (this is a milestone event!)

TWO Million Meter Watch: Mind the gap - Tim P's about ready to enter the watch!

Image No changes from yesterday's meters.

ONE Million Meter Watch:

Mike S with (58,107 m) to go! Almost to the red zone!

Rowed the Distance: Congratulations all!

Image Red Giant Kiba with 320,000 m

Image Half Moon Gene with 36,512 m

Image Half Moon Baz with 25,106 m

Image Half Moon Tim with 22,154 m

Image Half Moon Will with 21,900 m

And thanks to today's lunar crew:

Kiba 320,000 m
Gene 36,512 m
Baz 25,106 m
Tim 22,154 m
Will 21,900 m
Darryl 16,982 m
Mike S 16,045 m
Chris T 15,000 m
Mike M 13,249 m
Rick 13,242 m
Andrea 11,166 m
Tom R 10,616 m
Dan 10,507 m
Mike C 10,008 m
Steven 10,000 m
Dave 10,000 m
Peter H 10,000 m
Jan 10,000 m
Mitch 10,000 m
Peter G 7,500 m
Karyn 7,151 m
Chris S 6,011 m
Lilia 6,000 m
Barbara 5,114 m
Mary 5,062 m
Kristine 5,021 m
Jeff 5,012 m
Tony ImageImageImageImage

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Re: All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 3.26.09

Post by William H » March 27th, 2009, 1:36 pm

Kona2 wrote:MILESTONES....Bragging Rights....Celebrations:

Wild Bill took a day off (this is a milestone event!)
It was time to stop and smell the roses - glad I did.

Immediate goals are successful completion of the March Madness challenge at the 10,000 m level and a 5 MM season. I hope to wind up the season on the first page of the 10,000M+ Daily Annual Meters Honor Board for 2009, but we'll see how that pans out.

So far this season I've lost over 100 pounds and rowed more meters than I ever dreamed possible - and I never would have accomplished it without the motivation you folks provide daily. Many thanks!

We will reach the moon and I'm betting it will be sooner than we expect!

. :D

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