LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.
Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.
Yep, when I initially posted above, the link was not yet live! Glad it’s working now!
Team Progress Thru 6.2.22
How often do you get out for a walk? I thought getting out for the pups' daily walk was pretty good - good for them to be in "browse" mode, sniffing all the scents, meeting new dogs and people on the walk, and just the overall mental stimulation that they get from being out - and good for me to have those nature moments, good visuals and auditory from all the birds. Lots of things I read suggested that you "need" a 30 minute walk a day (minimum). But browse mode for them, including clean ups on aisle 2, usually means a paltry 23 min mile average. Egad. Now thinking that I need to do extra walks myself after their walk to build walking speed...for golf and for overall physical strength. Usually when we think about success in golf, it's all about the score...the pars, the birdies, an occasional eagle...and winning the match. Or maybe avoiding the double bogey! My goal this golf season has simply been to be able to return to walking the home course with my cart - which happily I am able to do after an almost three year hiatus. (Yeah, I didn't like paying for a golf cart on what is considered a walkable course!) Granted, the push cart has an electrified axle, but I'm still walking beside it! Conditioning is more than cardio for sure! And, yes, the erg(s) are still a VERY big piece of what is important here.
All that said, today is a two-fer!
MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
800 K Wild Bill
450 K David A
350 K Brian G
300 K Ron
250 K Angelo
250 K Patrick Hmr
150 K Andrew C
150 K Robin
150 K Kevin
100 K Gines
100 K K2
100 K Maria
50 K Colin
50 K Jodi
50 K Peter G
50 K Zach
Thanks, everyone, for erging with us!
From yesterday:
Wim 500 m
Peter T 3,029 m ...welcome back!
Donna 3,624 m
Robin 4,272 m
Melissa 5,000 m
Carol 5,035 m
Maria 5,149 m
Colin 6,369 m
Judy 6,418 m
Gines 6,579 m
Andrew C 7,038 m
Angelo 7,418 m
Ken G 10,000 m
Michael C 10,000 m
Robert H 10,000 m
Ian 10,241 m
Tombeur 11,073 m
Steve W 11,458 m
Peter G 13,812 m
Ron 15,151 m...a palindrome!
Brian G 16,048 m
David A 18,012 m
K2 20,503 m
Zach 26,818 m...mooner!
Wild Bill 30,003 m...a palindrome and a mooner!
From today:
Wim 500 m
Jeff M 2,012 m
David W 2,102 m
Kiara 3,015 m
Jason 4,814 m
Corey 5,000 m
Meliss 5,000 m
Donna 5,139 m
Gines 6,502 m
Colin 6,611 m...a double double!
Jodi 7,227 m...a palindrome!
Kevin 8,077 m
Ken G 10,000 m
Michael C 10,000 m
Tombeur 10,461 m
Patrick Hmr 12,017 m
Angelo 13,763 m
Minnie 14,482 m
danwho 15,151 m...a palindrome!
Brian G 15,530 m
Ron 17,171 m...a palindrome!
David A 17,726 m
Wild Bill 33,333 m...a palindrome and a mooner! 
Chip 34,143 m...a palindrome and a mooner! 
All that said, today is a two-fer!
MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
800 K Wild Bill
450 K David A
350 K Brian G
300 K Ron
250 K Angelo
250 K Patrick Hmr
150 K Andrew C
150 K Robin
150 K Kevin
100 K Gines
100 K K2
100 K Maria
50 K Colin
50 K Jodi
50 K Peter G
50 K Zach
Thanks, everyone, for erging with us!
From yesterday:
Wim 500 m
Peter T 3,029 m ...welcome back!
Donna 3,624 m
Robin 4,272 m
Melissa 5,000 m
Carol 5,035 m
Maria 5,149 m
Colin 6,369 m
Judy 6,418 m
Gines 6,579 m
Andrew C 7,038 m
Angelo 7,418 m
Ken G 10,000 m
Michael C 10,000 m
Robert H 10,000 m
Ian 10,241 m
Tombeur 11,073 m
Steve W 11,458 m
Peter G 13,812 m
Ron 15,151 m...a palindrome!
Brian G 16,048 m
David A 18,012 m
K2 20,503 m

From today:
Wim 500 m
Jeff M 2,012 m
David W 2,102 m
Kiara 3,015 m
Jason 4,814 m
Corey 5,000 m
Meliss 5,000 m
Donna 5,139 m
Gines 6,502 m
Colin 6,611 m...a double double!
Jodi 7,227 m...a palindrome!
Kevin 8,077 m
Ken G 10,000 m
Michael C 10,000 m
Tombeur 10,461 m
Patrick Hmr 12,017 m
Angelo 13,763 m
Minnie 14,482 m
danwho 15,151 m...a palindrome!
Brian G 15,530 m
Ron 17,171 m...a palindrome!
David A 17,726 m

Team Progress Thru Several Days!
It was a shocker to me to see that I had not posted in 3 days...thank you all for your patience. Perhaps you are all finding that you have many requests for your time, too - and vacations might be looming large! It only takes a little sideways tilt in the schedule to throw me off...and the bike rides, and early golf were very fun. Almost running into a skunk at 2 pm on a trail (they are NOT supposed to be out there at that time) was almost more memorable than I would want. It was a close call as Pepe ambled out of the brush, across the path 15 feet in front of me, and I caused a near chain collision.
MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
1.65 MM Chip
1.55 MM Chip
900 K Wild Bill
850 K Wild Bill
350 K Ron
350 K Tombeur
300 K Ken
200 K Ron W
100 K Eric
100 K Michael C
100 K Zach
50 K William H
Thanks, everyone, for erging with us!
From 6/4:
Brent 1,584 m
Jeff F 2,041 m
Benjamin 3,000 m
Carol 4,253 m
Melissa 5,000 m
Donna 5,060 m
Gines 6,226 m...a palindrome!
Judy 6,294 m
Colin 6,594 m
William H 7,003 m
Steve W 7,309 m
Danny 8,141 m
Wim 8,632 m
Maria 10,302 m
Ron W 10,438 m
Kevin 11,608 m
Minnie 12,088 m
Tombeur 14,035 m
Trevor 14,167 m
Brian G 16,636 m
Ron 17,771 m...a palindrome!
David A 21,532 m...mooner!
Wild Bill 33,333 m...a palindrome and a mooner!
Chip 46,664 m...a palindrome and a mooner!
From today and yesterday:
Wim 500 m
Jason 2,544 m
Patrick Hmr 2,575 m
Paul M 3,000 m
Kiara 3,010 m
Carol 3,881 m
Larry 4,019 m
Robert E 5,000 m
Robert E 5,000 m
Kevin 6,033 m
Gines 6,474 m
Judy 6,724 m
David W 8,000 m
Louie 8,118 m...a palindrome!
Andrew C 9,344 m
Ken 10,000 m
Melissa 10,000 m
Maria 10,262 m
Trevor 11,072 m
Scott 12,876 m
Dennis 13,431 m...a palindrome!
Steve W 13,779 m
Brian G 14,260 m
Michael C 15,000 m
danwho 15,151 m..a palindrome!
Patrick Hmr 15,300 m
Norma 20,202 m...a palindrome!
21,097 m and more = mooners!
Brent 23,828 m...mooner!
Ron W 25,714 m...mooner!
Zach 30,297 m...mooner!
Tombeur 32,999 m...mooner!
Ron 53,223 m...a couple of mooners!
Wild Bill 62,315 m...mega
Chip 87,607 m..more mega!
MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
1.65 MM Chip
1.55 MM Chip
900 K Wild Bill
850 K Wild Bill
350 K Ron
350 K Tombeur
300 K Ken
200 K Ron W
100 K Eric
100 K Michael C
100 K Zach
50 K William H
Thanks, everyone, for erging with us!
From 6/4:
Brent 1,584 m
Jeff F 2,041 m
Benjamin 3,000 m
Carol 4,253 m
Melissa 5,000 m
Donna 5,060 m
Gines 6,226 m...a palindrome!
Judy 6,294 m
Colin 6,594 m
William H 7,003 m
Steve W 7,309 m
Danny 8,141 m
Wim 8,632 m
Maria 10,302 m
Ron W 10,438 m
Kevin 11,608 m
Minnie 12,088 m
Tombeur 14,035 m
Trevor 14,167 m
Brian G 16,636 m
Ron 17,771 m...a palindrome!
David A 21,532 m...mooner!
Wild Bill 33,333 m...a palindrome and a mooner!
Chip 46,664 m...a palindrome and a mooner!
From today and yesterday:

Wim 500 m
Jason 2,544 m
Patrick Hmr 2,575 m
Paul M 3,000 m
Kiara 3,010 m
Carol 3,881 m
Larry 4,019 m
Robert E 5,000 m
Robert E 5,000 m
Kevin 6,033 m
Gines 6,474 m
Judy 6,724 m
David W 8,000 m
Louie 8,118 m...a palindrome!
Andrew C 9,344 m
Ken 10,000 m
Melissa 10,000 m
Maria 10,262 m
Trevor 11,072 m
Scott 12,876 m
Dennis 13,431 m...a palindrome!
Steve W 13,779 m
Brian G 14,260 m
Michael C 15,000 m
danwho 15,151 m..a palindrome!
Patrick Hmr 15,300 m
Norma 20,202 m...a palindrome!

Brent 23,828 m...mooner!
Ron W 25,714 m...mooner!
Zach 30,297 m...mooner!
Tombeur 32,999 m...mooner!
Ron 53,223 m...a couple of mooners!
Wild Bill 62,315 m...mega
Chip 87,607 m..more mega!
Team Progress Thru 6.07.22
Trail marking posts with white tops mark the equestrian path along much of the Ralston Creek trail - and while we can guess that someone found a dropped sweatshirt, and placed it on the post...then someone else came along and added the is still kind of spooky! It's a great trail with a bit of a climb to a reservoir where bald eagles, cormorants and herons were was downtown Denver!
MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
1.7 MM Chip
250 K Minnie
Thanks, everyone, for erging with us! We're closing in on 10 MM Lunie Team Meters!
Melissa 5,000 m
Patrick Hsr 5,000 m
Maria 5,216 m
Trevor 5,253 m
Angelo 6,000 m
Gines 6,352 m
Andrew C 7,003 m
William Ch 8,345 m
Patrick Hmr 9,063 m
Minnie 16,162 close to a palindrome....hula hula!

Team Progress Thru 6.7.22

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
10 MM Lunie Team Meters!!!
1.8 MM Chip with a 100 K day!
950 K Wild Bill
100 K Ian
50 K David W
50 K Karen M - with a fine half century!
Thanks, everyone, for erging with us!
David W 2,082 m
Benjamin 3,000 m
Paul M 3,500 m
Melissa 5,000 m
Patrick Hsr 5,000
Howard 6,006 m...a palindrome!
Donna 6,122 m
Gines 6,568 m
Brent 8,039 m
Wim 8,617 m
Angelo 9,841 m
Michael C 10,000 m
Robert H 10,000 m
Ron 10,653 m
Trevor 11,108 m
Ian 12,079 m
Brian G 14,514 m
Ron M 17,671 m...a palindrome!
David A 17,749 m
Patrick Hmr 18,335 m

We often hear "I thought I had plenty of time to make my turn" or "I just didn't see them." As motorists, we look for our perceived threats - things that are as big or bigger than us when we're making a turn. Cyclists are often moving faster than you may think they are moving. Another friend was cut off by a vehicle turning in front of her, and is in surgery today for repair of a broken leg and shoulder. Such events are life changing for all involved. They are far too common.
We exercise so we can do more - and a lot of the "do more" is outside. Be careful, be predictable, and lookout for each other.
- cdykstra01
- 500m Poster
- Posts: 88
- Joined: September 3rd, 2010, 10:09 pm
Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.
We often hear "I thought I had plenty of time to make my turn" or "I just didn't see them." As motorists, we look for our perceived threats - things that are as big or bigger than us when we're making a turn. Cyclists are often moving faster than you may think they are moving. Another friend was cut off by a vehicle turning in front of her, and is in surgery today for repair of a broken leg and shoulder. Such events are life changing for all involved. They are far too common.
That happened to me when I was a teenager pedaling an early morning paper route. No serious injuries but I was pretty shook up and my bike was demolished.
Sorry to hear about your friend, best wishes for a speedy recovery.
That happened to me when I was a teenager pedaling an early morning paper route. No serious injuries but I was pretty shook up and my bike was demolished.
Sorry to hear about your friend, best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Team Progress Thru 6.8.22
MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
1.85 MM Chip
1 MM Wild Bill
500 K David A...a cool half million!
400 K Brian G
400 K Ron
400 K Tombeur
350 K Rich C
200 K danwho
150 K Trevor
150 K Wim
50 K Larry
Thanks, everyone, for erging with us!
Patrick Hsr 2,000 m
Titus 2,018 m
Paul 3,500 m
Jason 3,575 m
Larry 3,999 m
Melissa 5,000 m
Donna 5,173 m
Benjamin 6,000 m
Judy 7,171 m
Louie 8,008 m...a palindrome!
Brent 8,146 m
Jeff F 9,066 m
Ken 10,000 m
Wim 10,660 m
Ron W 10,759 m
Trevor 12,687 m
Norma 13,131 m...a lucky 13 palindrome!
Angelo 15,000 m
Robin 15,019 m
Minnie 16,121 m
Patrick Hmr 16,488 m
danwho 17,171 m...a palindrome!
David A 17,833 m
Steve W 20,160 m
K2 20,202 m...a palindrome!
Tombeur 21,631 m...mooner!
Chip 23,939 m...mooner!
Brian G 32,637 m...mooner!
Ron 38,272 m...mooner!
Rich 39,843 m..mooner!
Wild Bill 66,666 m....mega mooner rides again!
1.85 MM Chip
1 MM Wild Bill
500 K David A...a cool half million!
400 K Brian G
400 K Ron
400 K Tombeur
350 K Rich C
200 K danwho
150 K Trevor
150 K Wim
50 K Larry
Thanks, everyone, for erging with us!
Patrick Hsr 2,000 m
Titus 2,018 m
Paul 3,500 m
Jason 3,575 m
Larry 3,999 m
Melissa 5,000 m
Donna 5,173 m
Benjamin 6,000 m
Judy 7,171 m
Louie 8,008 m...a palindrome!
Brent 8,146 m
Jeff F 9,066 m
Ken 10,000 m
Wim 10,660 m
Ron W 10,759 m
Trevor 12,687 m
Norma 13,131 m...a lucky 13 palindrome!
Angelo 15,000 m
Robin 15,019 m
Minnie 16,121 m
Patrick Hmr 16,488 m
danwho 17,171 m...a palindrome!
David A 17,833 m
Steve W 20,160 m
K2 20,202 m...a palindrome!

Team Progress Thru 6.9.22
Summmmmr ! And everyone wants to go places and do things!
MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
Pretty much captured these late yesterday!
Thanks, everyone, for erging with us!
Wim 500 m
Jason 2,256 m
Angelo 4,887 m
Patrick Hsr 5,000 m
Lary 5,016 m
Michael C 10,000 m
Maria 10,328 m
Norma 15,151 m...a palindrome!
Peter G 17,000 m
MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
Pretty much captured these late yesterday!
Thanks, everyone, for erging with us!
Wim 500 m
Jason 2,256 m
Angelo 4,887 m
Patrick Hsr 5,000 m
Lary 5,016 m
Michael C 10,000 m
Maria 10,328 m
Norma 15,151 m...a palindrome!
Peter G 17,000 m
Team Progress Thru 6.10.22
Today was my first organized (Pedal 4 Parkinsons) bike ride of the summer. It was supposed to be 40 miles - but I tacked a couple of miles onto it as some fun seekers took a couple of the route signs. I used my retro-fitted Bike Friday with pedal assist...the funniest question I got today was "is there a Bike Saturday?" Of course! There's a bike every day of the week! Happily I finished the route before the temperatures hit 90 plus - it's 98 F here right now. Even the local rabbits are stretched out in the grass in the shaded backyard! Like golf, it's always a rush to get all the gear together! So much easier to ride my bike erg! Still, after almost three years of not being able to do these events, I was happy to be a finisher!
MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
1.1 MM Wild Bill
450 K Ron M
400 K Rich C
200 K Brent
50 K Melissa
50 K Scott
Thanks, everyone, for erging with us! Welcome back to John B and Remon!
Patrick Hmr 1,959 m
Remon 4,086 m
Benjamin 5,000 m
William H 5,000 m
Gines 6,329 m
Judy 7,338 m
Ken 10,000 m
Melissa 10,000 m
Michael C 10,000 m
Brian G 12,159 m
Maria 10,281 m
Ron W 10,506 m
Kevin 12,176 m
Scott 12,656 m
Norma 15,151 m...a palindrome to move her up the ladder!
danwho 17,171 m...a palindrome to move him up the ladder, too!
Brent 19,181 m
Ron 19,391 m...a palindrome...he's already up the ladder!
Tombeur 24,182 m...mooner!
David A 28,768 m...mooner!
Rich 37,638 m...mooner!
John B 44,833 m...mega!
Wild Bill 67,376 m...a palindrome and a mega! 
MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
1.1 MM Wild Bill
450 K Ron M
400 K Rich C
200 K Brent
50 K Melissa
50 K Scott
Thanks, everyone, for erging with us! Welcome back to John B and Remon!
Patrick Hmr 1,959 m
Remon 4,086 m
Benjamin 5,000 m
William H 5,000 m
Gines 6,329 m
Judy 7,338 m
Ken 10,000 m
Melissa 10,000 m
Michael C 10,000 m
Brian G 12,159 m
Maria 10,281 m
Ron W 10,506 m
Kevin 12,176 m
Scott 12,656 m
Norma 15,151 m...a palindrome to move her up the ladder!
danwho 17,171 m...a palindrome to move him up the ladder, too!
Brent 19,181 m
Ron 19,391 m...a palindrome...he's already up the ladder!

Team Progress Thru 6.11.22
Another toasty day here in the West!
MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
Melissa 5,000 m
Michael C 5,000 m
Robert E 5,000 m
Kiara 5,473 m
Kevin 6,333 m
Steve 8,000 m
Tombeur 10,596 m
Minnie 14,587 m...well hula, hula! Queen of the boat!
Yesterday's late numbers round up gave us just a few today - thanks to all who erg with us!
MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
Melissa 5,000 m
Michael C 5,000 m
Robert E 5,000 m
Kiara 5,473 m
Kevin 6,333 m
Steve 8,000 m
Tombeur 10,596 m

Yesterday's late numbers round up gave us just a few today - thanks to all who erg with us!
Team Progress Thru 6.12.22
One thing to pay close attention to especially as the temperature keeps on rising is whether or not you're taking in enough liquids to stay hydrated. Yep, even if you are erging inside - vigorous exercise can lead to a deficit in your personal water storage! Add that component to increased activity (because it's summmmr!), and you're potentially heading for the dry zone. Some of the warning signs for adults are extreme thirst, dry mouth and tongue, less frequent urination, and surprisingly...fatigue. During many long bike rides on hot days, riders can run low on water...and start feeling more fatigued. The rule of thumb for me was that if I was at an aid station to refuel, and didn't have to hit the porta...I wasn't drinking enough! A glass or two of water has wonderful restorative powers as far as chasing away that sense of fatigue.
With erging we don't always think about keeping a bottle of water, or some electrolyte laced drinks near us when we're on the erg...but, we need to add that to our within reach accessories. Juneteenth and Summmmr Solstice are both coming up within a week or so, and those are both longer erg sessions. You need to prepare yourself not just for the distance that day, but drink more liquids the day BEFORE as well. Think of it like you might be going for a blood draw (except this is the blood, sweat and tears portion of erging)'s always better to be well hydrated so the blood draw is easy. On the erg, it's good to be hydrated to fight the fatigue and get the most speed and distance for your effort. This has been a public service announcement!
MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
1.9 MM Chip
550 K David A
450 K Tombeur
50 K John B
Thanks, everyone, for erging with us! Welcome back to Bill K !
Bill 1,208 m
Steve W 2,000 m
Jason 3,065 m
Melissa 6,000 m
Donna 6,410 m
Judy 7,338 m
Ken 10,000 m
Michael C 10,000 m
Tombeur 10,532 m
Minnie 12,311 m
Rich 13,041 m
Dennis 13,431 m...a palindrome!
Ron 18,181 m...a palindrome!
Robin 19,012 m

Team Progress Thru 6.13.22
There are going to be some green tinted toes today! After yesterday's near 100 F, these two are enjoying just mowed grass!
Flag Day! PS - Since we represent a lot of countries, I decided that we were all it's a pirate flag!
MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
1.95 MM Chip
1.15 MM Wild Bill
450 K Rich
300 K Patrick Hmr
300 K Minnie
Thanks, everyone, for erging with us!
Scott 2,011 m
Remon 3,020 m
Benjamin 5,000 m
William H 5,000 m
David W 6,165 m
Wim 8,527 m
Ken 10,000 m
K2 10,101 m...a palindrome!
Minnie 10,437 m
Robin 10,596 m
Steve W 12,000 m
Tombeur 13,520 m
David A 14,441 m...a palindrome for Flag Day!
Norma 15,151 m...a palindrome!
Ron 16,161 m...a palindrome!
danwho 17,171 m...a palindrome!
Zach 20,100 m
Rich 20,425 m