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Post by PJM » September 21st, 2009, 9:43 pm



Way to row!!



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Post by damselfly » September 21st, 2009, 9:54 pm

Thanks, Cap'n! Still rowing behind you though! You set a great example!

Watch out, Chris, Pat's less than 2k behind you!!!! :D
-- Lisa

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Post by PJM » September 21st, 2009, 11:12 pm


Way to row!!!


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Post by michaelc » September 22nd, 2009, 8:29 am

RowStrong Timbuk2!!!!!!!!!!

Keep up the pace, and most of all, enjoy the ride!

Hey, Pat, Chris, and James don't slow down on my account, I'm going for the cup, and don't give any handicap meters for age :P You guys are pushing hard, my arms are tired, one fell off last night, put it back on with duct tape, I'm talking lots of trash, gonna get me in trouble, but I've been there before :lol: I'm keeping an eye on Lisa coming up the ranks fast.

I wonder what our point spread is in Vegas, the viking outfit is intimidating, but I'm putting money on Cap'n Pat!

Okay, enough talk, I'm going rowing! :wink:


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Post by PJM » September 22nd, 2009, 9:27 am



Way to row!!


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Post by PJM » September 22nd, 2009, 9:30 am

michaelc wrote:RowStrong Timbuk2!!!!!!!!!!

Keep up the pace, and most of all, enjoy the ride!

Hey, Pat, Chris, and James don't slow down on my account, I'm going for the cup, and don't give any handicap meters for age :P You guys are pushing hard, my arms are tired, one fell off last night, put it back on with duct tape, I'm talking lots of trash, gonna get me in trouble, but I've been there before :lol: I'm keeping an eye on Lisa coming up the ranks fast.

I wonder what our point spread is in Vegas, the viking outfit is intimidating, but I'm putting money on Cap'n Pat!

Okay, enough talk, I'm going rowing! :wink:


Don't put any bets on Me for the TEAM CUP..I am suffering with a "bad" elbow joint.I won't call it a tennis elbow..I don't play tennis.
The inflammation is going on and I wear a support on that joint to row.Got a tetanus shot yesterday and now both arms are sore.So my rowing is not major league.. :cry:


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Post by PJM » September 22nd, 2009, 9:39 am



With 40 crew members with their oars in the virtual waters:
#14 in the overall rankings( out of 1089 teams)
#12 in the virtual rankings (out of 118 teams)

15,734,289 meters for the season
127,443 meters for the day

LISA...22,649 meters ImageImage
ANDREW...18,150 meters
YISROEL...14,797 meters
CHRIS...12,000 meters
PAT...10,650 meters
CINDY...5,325 meters
ERIKA...5,037 meters
TED...5,025 meters
PAUL...5,000 meters
STU...5,000 meters
CAROL...4,541 meters
SHERYL...4,000 meters
JIM...3,900 meters
BOBBIE...3,500 meters
ALISON...3,469 meters
TRISTAN..2,200 meters
DALTON...2,200 meters



”There ain’t no rules here. We’re trying to accomplish something.”
- Thomas Edison

You need to be aware of what others are doing, applaud their efforts, acknowledge their successes, and encourage them in their pursuits. When we all help one another, everybody wins.”


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Post by PJM » September 22nd, 2009, 9:47 am



1 Age Without Limits Virtual Club 11,088,930 263 42,163
2 Free Spirits Virtual Club 5,403,237 142 38,051
3 LUNA-TICS Virtual Club 3,068,013 64 47,938
4 RowPro Online Virtual Club 2,638,619 68 38,803
5 UK Rowers Virtual Club 1,761,635 71 24,812
6 TIMBUK2 Virtual Club 1,695,827 52 32,612
7 ANCIENTS Virtual Club 1,643,995 18 91,333
8 SUB7 & PaddyPower FRC Team Virtual Club 1,642,027 37 44,379
9 Forum Flyers Virtual Club 1,543,965 34 45,411
10 Empty the tanks Virtual Club 1,375,179 54 25,466

TOP 10 Overall Teams:

1 Age Without Limits Virtual Club 11,139,771 263 42,357
2 Free Spirits Virtual Club 5,403,237 142 38,051
3 LUNA-TICS Virtual Club 3,071,629 64 47,994
4 RowPro Online Virtual Club 2,638,619 68 38,803
5 UK Rowers Virtual Club 1,761,635 71 24,812
6 TIMBUK2 Virtual Club 1,695,827 52 32,612
7 'Big Blue' International Undefined 1,684,268 14 120,305
8 ANCIENTS Virtual Club 1,643,995 18 91,333
9 SUB7 & PaddyPower FRC Team Virtual Club 1,642,027 37 44,379
10 Forum Flyers Virtual Club 1,543,965 34 45,411


2136 Chris Hughes TIMBUK2 M 46 124,000
2137 James Kielma TIMBUK2 M 55 111,764
2138 Pat Mazzei TIMBUK2 F 59 110,766
2139 Michael Taft TIMBUK2 M 39 102,241
2140 Lisa Hakesley TIMBUK2 F 47 100,649
2141 Andrew Augenstein TIMBUK2 M 57 80,600
2142 Linda Brown TIMBUK2 F 59 77,702
2143 Joel Westerhof TIMBUK2 M 41 73,914
2144 David Heistand TIMBUK2 M 55 63,398
2145 Raymond Wright TIMBUK2 M 46 55,425
2146 Bobbie Kielma TIMBUK2 F 57 51,300
2147 Jeff Rice TIMBUK2 M 60 47,080
2148 tait luste TIMBUK2 M 40 47,031
2149 Mike O'Rourke TIMBUK2 M 54 47,000
2150 Yisroel Homnick TIMBUK2 M 50 43,097
2151 Paul Edgar TIMBUK2 M 41 42,869
2152 Charles Pester TIMBUK2 M 51 39,678
2153 James (JD) Liddil TIMBUK2 M 49 39,382
2154 Ted Parr TIMBUK2 M 50 38,601
2155 Sheryl Moody TIMBUK2 F 44 38,200
2156 mike esposito TIMBUK2 M 53 32,531
2157 Glenn Yaniero TIMBUK2 M 47 31,449
2158 Sanjeev Kulkarni TIMBUK2 M 48 29,075
2159 Erika Millen TIMBUK2 F 41 27,312
2160 Cindy Kepler Reck TIMBUK2 F 37 23,105
2161 Alison Hughes TIMBUK2 F 46 22,554
2162 Gabriela Caranfil TIMBUK2 F 46 22,521
2163 Carol S TIMBUK2 F 37 18,041
2164 Allison Biggar TIMBUK2 F 26 17,623
2165 Kathy Butters TIMBUK2 F 53 16,360
2166 Leif Henecke TIMBUK2 M 48 15,750
2167 Sandi Jump TIMBUK2 F 42 14,665
2168 Dalton B TIMBUK2 M 7 13,650
2169 Tristan B TIMBUK2 M 10 13,556
2170 E Lynne Fitzmorris TIMBUK2 F 60 13,381
2171 MARY HILLMAN TIMBUK2 F 65 13,150
2172 Julie Dillon TIMBUK2 F 37 11,202
2173 Joy Chan TIMBUK2 F 30 10,205
2174 Daiva Satas TIMBUK2 F 45 10,000
2175 Bernie Julian TIMBUK2 M 58 5,000



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Post by michaelc » September 22nd, 2009, 10:05 am

Go Team Timbuk2!

Pass the 100k and Join the Race to the Timbuk2 Cup- Andrew is almost there- RowStrong

LANE 1---------------------------------michaelc
LANE 2-------------------------------Lisa
LANE 3--------------------------------------------Pat
LANE 4----------------------------------------------------------James
LANE 5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------Chris
LANE 6------------?????????????????
who's next?

Chris is way out front with a strong lead! It may not be just the viking outfit, I think Chris may be the real deal............................viking blood! :twisted:


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Post by damselfly » September 22nd, 2009, 1:00 pm

FRC09 Haiku

Row, row, row my "boat".
The meters are piling up.
C2 Fall Challenge.

I surprise myself
By competing so strongly!
My great teammates help.

Row on TimBuk2!
To glory and the Team Cup.
Row long and ROW STRONG!
-- Lisa

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Post by HiAltRowgal » September 22nd, 2009, 2:00 pm

Felt so good to take Sunday off. We were skunked fishing again (3rd time in a row; very unusual for me!), but I love getting away. Will probably continue to take at least one day off per week to prevent injuries.

We had our first snow last night (7200 feet) which is a reminder that the work outside needs to be done soon. We built a gazebo in June and still haven't sealed it for the winter. We were supposed to paint at least the south side of the house, too. Fall seems busier than the summer, but at least we don't have to work in the garden now.

Go Rockies! Go Broncos! Bad loss by Wyoming to CU last Saturday, but what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.

Keep rowing strong, Timbuk2ers! Can't wait to see who gets the cup!


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Post by damselfly » September 22nd, 2009, 2:07 pm

HiAltRowgal wrote: We had our first snow last night (7200 feet)
Whoa! :shock: That's a lot of snow! ;)

(Sorry, just couldn't resist!)
-- Lisa

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Post by chris hughes » September 22nd, 2009, 6:43 pm

I think it's way too early to think about winning the cup, long long way to go yet!!

Pat- you have my sympathy with the elbow, this is my first pain free elbow competition is truly amazing!

As for the Viking - he feels strong but is probably more of a "Dilbert"

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Post by HiAltRowgal » September 22nd, 2009, 7:21 pm

Thankfully, we don't get a lot of snow each season here on the high plains, Lisa, but this is early even for a dusting. The strange thing is that I don't think we had a hard freeze because many of the flowers still look okay; the clouds must have kept enough heat in. I thought it would warm up more quickly & return to the Indian Summer weather right away, but not today. Hoping for good football weather by Saturday and good baseball weather for the Rockies game on Sunday!


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Post by damselfly » September 22nd, 2009, 7:40 pm

Linda -- I miss the seasons! (Grew up in IL). It's our HOT season here now, and the fires and Santa Ana winds will be kicking up soon. Perversely, our growing season will be starting soon and I'm thinking what new plants to put in if I get some time. Enjoy your fall. :)

Pat -- Ouch!!! Take care of that elbow! We need our Cap'n whole and hearty!

I think I might take a rest day tomorrow. This pace is tough. I'm not a fast or really strong rower, so it's just time in the saddle. But, I might just row through all the Pixar films by the end of the challenge. :D
-- Lisa

Try not! Do, or do not! There is no "try". -- Yoda

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