LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

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Can this one team row to the moon and back?

Poll ended at May 17th, 2008, 12:28 pm

I think we can do it together. I'm all in!
No way! You all are wacko!
Total votes: 54

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Re: All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 8.12.15

Post by Thor MW » August 13th, 2015, 10:24 pm

950 K Thor...heading down the final approach to the ONE million meter milestone!

Thanks K2.
Day after tomorrow I will have the million. I only need a bit more than 30K. Duck! The hammer is a swinging. hahaha

I am following the interactive 2K training program. I maxed out the settings to give me a harder schedule then I can follow with ease. tomorrow is an 80 minute UT2. I find it really hard to keep in my HR zone at only 20 SPM. I increase the drag factor to around 160. This is 7 on the damper. Gets hard on the lower back. does anyone else know about this training program? When I max out the settings to generate the table it doesn't have the suggested SPM table included. I wonder if that means I'm able to go what ever SPM I want or am I supposed to hold the suggested 18 to 20 strokes per minute?
I will have to check my RHR and see if it changed since the last time I did it. The current table it was 60 so my HR for a UT2 is 137 to 143. I have to pull very hard each stroke to keep the HR in that zone.
If nothing else, I am feeling some muscle groath so that's good. If anyone wants the link to the training program, let me know and I will include it next time.
Happy meters

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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 8.13.15

Post by Kona2 » August 14th, 2015, 10:50 am

Image Last day of week two....get your 20K for the week finished up!

Hooboy! Gardening contains so many surprises....frogs, a snake here and there....and zucchinis that lie in wait, kind of like green torpedos....because I didn't see them lurking there to pick them when they were smaller...why can't the rabbits go after the zucchini??!

Season meters as of 104/365 = 37,993,382 m

Total meters on the day = 2,012,224 m

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

2.55 MM Richard T
1.75 MM bg
1.1 MM David A
550 K Bobbie
300 K Paul

Thanks for rowing and ski-erging with us! It's going to be an AMAZING season!

Lily ImageImageImageImage m ...a great double double!
Gene 1,500 m
Doug G 3,077 m
Tony ImageImageImageImage m ...another Van Gogh moment....a starry palindrome!
Anita ImageImageImageImage m ... a starry palindrome here too!
Peter G 5,000 m
Ryan 5,000 m
Jay R 5,052 m
Teresa G 5,061 m
Briana 5,553 m
Ross 5,642 m
Steve G 6,117 m
Danno 7,025 m
Tammy ImageImageImageImage m ...a lucky palindrome!
David T 8,000 m
Bernie 8,026 m
Larry 8,066 m
Steve W 8,537 m ....he's got this meter upload thing all worked out now! Good deal !
Dan O' 9,000 m
Tom M 9,982 m
Matt 10,000 m
Paul 10,000 m
Jay ImageImageImageImageImage m ...a starry palindrome here too!
Danwho ImageImageImageImageImage m ... a starry palindrome...who-la who-la!
Bobbie 11,013 m
Stephen W 12,000 m
Marie 13,343 m ...that's a lot of threes!
Janice ImageImageImageImageImage m ... not a palindrome...but a good countdown!
Chuck 15,000 m
David A 15,083 m
Norton 15,131 m
Thor 18,675 m
Image Rosita 21,097 m ... and she moons us again!
Image Ed ImageImageImageImageImage m ...a starry palindrome from afar!
Image bg 35,642 m
Image Richard T ImageImageImageImageImage m ..not a palindrome, but a good sequence after that first 30K...

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by macbruce1 » August 14th, 2015, 11:44 am

macbruce1 wrote:Image
Didn't row a meter,
But I gave about a liter :D
It rhymes, but I just realized the volume was off. :oops: I did give "double red" so I donated about a liter's worth of red blood cells.

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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 8.14.15

Post by Kona2 » August 15th, 2015, 10:01 am

Image Starting Week 3....get your 30 K in the next 7 days.!

Pretty sure that Barbara's out there running through the streets of Boston today (wave at the landmarks!) ready to reach another milestone, and Thor is less than 9 K from his meter millionaire status. He must want to savor those last few thousand meters! Meanwhile, Richard says a bear has been chomping on his challenge pumpkins (just sayin' sounds sort of like 'the bear ate my homework'...hahaha)...scary business for bears to be browsing in the gardens. Thanks, Richard, for sharing the info and letting me have a little fun with it.

Season meters as of 106/365 = 38,378,433 m

Total meters on the day = 385,051 m

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

2.6 MM Richard T
2.55 MM Ed
600 K Larry
600 K Ronnie
550 K Anita
300 K AJ

Thanks, everyone, for rowing and ski-erging with us!

Lily ImageImageImageImage m ...a palindrome!
Gene 2,500 m
Tristan 3,000 m
Tony ImageImageImageImage m ...a starry palindrome!
Dan O' 4,000 m
William H 5,100 m
Briana 5,674 m
bg 6,203 m
K2 6,323 m
Ross 6,352 m
Tammy ImageImageImageImage m ...a countdown!
Jay ImageImageImageImage m ...a palindrome from the Arkansas Traveler!
Doug G 9,239 m
Matt 10,000 m
Ronnie ImageImageImageImageImage m ... a starry palindrome!
Larry 10,595 m
Jonathan 11,008 m
Image ImageImageImageImageImage m .. well hula hula! 2K felt alright so she kept on going!
Roger 12,000 m
Marie ImageImageImageImageImage m ... good one! a cound em up and down palindrome!
David T 13,000 m
Anita ImageImageImageImageImage m ....the odds are with her!
Janice ImageImageImageImageImage m's a double-niner-double! Had to look three times to make sure it wasn't a palindrome...and if it's that close, well let's put some graphics on it!
Stefan 15,601 m
Ron ImageImageImageImageImage m ..a palindrome!
Image AJ 21,604 m ...wowzer! Must have been catching up on some episodes!
Image Thor 21,830 m
Image Ed ImageImageImageImageImage m ...a palindrome from afar!
Image Michelle ImageImageImageImageImage m ... a starry palindrome!
Image Dean 31,097 m ...wowzer! and a half moon in there, too!
Image Richard T 36,249 m

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Re: All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 8.14.15

Post by just27 » August 15th, 2015, 2:28 pm

Kona2 wrote: Meanwhile, Richard says a bear has been chomping on his challenge pumpkins (just sayin' sounds sort of like 'the bear ate my homework'...hahaha)
Too funny: "the bear ate my homework!" Not that having a bear foraging in your vegetable patch is funny; I'm traumatized by tiny spider webs, and snails in my garden. (City girl.) My pumpkins look like they're doing great but they're all vines and blossoms. Not a pumpkin to be seen. Epic fail. Must be the serious drought; surely nothing to do with my gardening abilities.
Kona2 wrote:Minnie 11,311 ... well hula hula! 2K felt alright so she kept on going!
That's exactly what happened. My knee was feeling much better, yesterday, but I'd planned to start back smart and slow, with a 2K. Well, "McFarland, USA" was holding my attention ... much more so than the monitor, apparently!
Kona2 wrote:AJ 21,604 m ...wowzer! Must have been catching up on some episodes!
Nah; if I'm not rowing, then no meters ever get loaded!

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Drivetofast » August 15th, 2015, 3:59 pm

Ok minnie You are going to think i'm nuts which i am but. Did you hand pollinate you pumpkin flowers If you don't have enough bee's you might have to. Most pumpkin flowers are male. Go to you tube and put in hand pollinate pumpkins It's all about the birds and the bee's :lol:

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by just27 » August 15th, 2015, 4:26 pm

Drivetofast wrote:Ok minnie You are going to think i'm nuts which i am but. Did you hand pollinate you pumpkin flowers If you don't have enough bee's you might have to. Most pumpkin flowers are male. Go to you tube and put in hand pollinate pumpkins It's all about the birds and the bee's :lol:
I need to pimp my pumpkins?! That's just downright pervy, even though youtube validates your suggestion ... :)
Another of the many weird and wonderful things that one learns on a rowing forum. (Well, our rowing forum.)


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Re: All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 8.14.15

Post by bg » August 15th, 2015, 5:41 pm

That's exactly what happened. My knee was feeling much better, yesterday, but I'd planned to start back smart and slow, with a 2K. Well, "McFarland, USA" was holding my attention ... much more so than the monitor, apparently!

that was the movie playing at my healthclub while i was rowing the other day :]

and i sooooooooooooooo agree about all the interesting knowledge i learn on our it just pumpkins or all plants that need to be pimped????is that why nothing grows for me????

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by danwho » August 15th, 2015, 6:14 pm


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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Drivetofast » August 15th, 2015, 6:16 pm

bg I think K2 would be best to answer your Question After viewing her beautiful garden She has the green thumb on our Team

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Thor MW » August 15th, 2015, 7:28 pm

Drivetofast wrote:bg I think K2 would be best to answer your Question After viewing her beautiful garden She has the green thumb on our Team

Well, one Saturday morning I called my parents to see how they were. Mom told me that dad was out having sex with his plants. Oh boy! I think it needs doing fairly often if the bees aren't going to do their bit.
Happy meters all.

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Birds and the Bees

Post by Kona2 » August 16th, 2015, 12:55 am

You never know what's going to strike a chord on this team forum, but I can honestly say that I couldn't have predicted this bunny trail.

I'm actually allergic to bees. This was discovered when my Dad decided that he wanted to keep bees in a suburban location of Tucson...namely our garage. Bee hives weren't so encouraged then as they are now that their population is declining, so he decided to put in a fake dryer vent so that the bees could get in and out of the garage where he kept the bee boxes. This worked pretty well for awhile, although the neighbors would often tell us that we had a problem with our dryer vent...there were bees in there. And there were bees that were on the clover in the backyard, and I was barefooted...and it was the worst. This was further complicated when a neighbor installed a pool and all the bees thought it was a great place to tank up on water. Soon thereafter, we moved the bees to another location. And, after a couple more stings, I didn't have to help with the bee care anymore. It does bother me a bit that one of the "decorations" my Mom treasures is a brass bee paperweight....

All that said, bees are important even if they can bump some of us off. So I plant flowers that attract bees, and the colors that bees seem to like. I have butterfly bushes, and lots of yellow flowers, and purple and blue ones. Alyssum and other things like sage work to give bees the things they need. This year, those bees have been quite busy and I have pumpkins that as noted in a previous post have escaped the boundaries of the garden fence, and are making their way to the gladiolas. The birds, well...they are fed and watered, too. I particularly liked the discovery that orioles could be attracted with half an orange on an orange-colored feeder, and grape jelly. Those orioles were attracted to the same colors that they are. The color thing is pretty important I guess. Like for most things, water availability is key.

Since this appears to be a naturalist kind of posting, here's a fox that was by the lake today: it's pretty young and scruffy looking.


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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Drivetofast » August 16th, 2015, 6:49 am

Great Posting K2.

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He's A Meter Millionaire !!

Post by Kona2 » August 16th, 2015, 6:40 pm

ImageImageImage Image

Woohoo! Thor thought hitting the ONE million milestone was so much fun that he tacked on a few extra meters! Wowzer!! Congratulations, Thor, on hammering out another million meter season! We wish you many, MANY more!!

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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 8.15.15

Post by Kona2 » August 16th, 2015, 7:07 pm

Image Dog Days...Week 3 ! Make it extra special !!

Season meters as of 107/365 = 38,934,798 m

Total meters on the day = 556,365 m

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebration:

2.65 MM Richard T
1.65 MM Michelle
1.3 MM Ron
Image 1.0 MM Thor
850 K Norma
750 K Roger
700 K Matt
600 K David T
600 K Janice
500 K Stefan ... a cool half million
350 K Steve W

Thanks, everyone, for rowing and ski-erging with us!

bg 3,516 m
Ryan 5,000 m
Tristan 5,000 m
Jay R 6,221 m
K2 ImageImageImageImage m ...a double accident!
Tom M 6,500 m
Stuart 6,557 m
Jay 7,000 m
Norma ImageImageImageImage m ... lucky seven palindrome!
David W 9,000 m
Marie ImageImageImageImage m ...a palindrome!
Doug G 9,279 m
Jessica 10,000 m
Matt 10,000 m
Stephen W 10,000 m
Danwho ImageImageImageImageImage m ..who-la who-la...a singular palindrome!
Larry 11,050 m
Minnie ImageImageImageImageImage m ...hula hula! A palindrome!
Janice 11,551 m
Laurie 12,071 m
Ronnie ImageImageImageImageImage m ... a starry palindrome!
Rosita 13,169 m
Bobbie 14,881 m
Paul 15,000 m
Steve W 15,477 m
Ron ImageImageImageImageImage m ...there's a story here...see below!
David A 18,868 m
Roger 21,097 m
Tammy 21,097 m
Chuck 22,500 m
Ed ImageImageImageImageImage m ... a palindrome from afar!
Stefan 34,046 m
Michelle ImageImageImageImageImage m ... nice palindrome! I almost missed it!
Thor 38,757 m ...trying to get ahead on week3?
Richard T 55,390 m

About Ron's numbers: Ron's got forum trouble again, so asked me to post the explanation as to why his meter total is special:

His number, 16877, commemorates 16 August, 1777 which is Bennington Battle Day! Apparently this is like Patriot's Day in Massachusetts...keep those commemoratives coming along, Ron....and get back on the forum soonest!

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