LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

A member of an indoor rowing team or club? If so, this is the place for you.

Can this one team row to the moon and back?

Poll ended at May 17th, 2008, 12:28 pm

I think we can do it together. I'm all in!
No way! You all are wacko!
Total votes: 54

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by bg » April 23rd, 2015, 3:47 pm

macbruce1 wrote:
danwho wrote:Uh oh. Having some eye issues. Needed to have an unplanned procedure done today. No rowing during recovery time.
Good luck!
No rowing today for me either. A blood donation day and I did the double red, so I need to take it easy for 24 hrs. What is really cool now is that when your blood is used you get an email telling you where it was used. So far I know my blood was used at the North Shore Medical Center in MA and in Skowhegan, ME.
Now I have to go online and register for free Red Sox tickets. If I win, I get to go on the field and be recognized with other blood donors. How cool is that :D :?:
Da Do Ron Ron

hope you are doing well danwho :] and that is cool da do ron ron...... i hope you win the tickets.....i'm a blood donor reject...87 lbs and very low iron....

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by just27 » April 23rd, 2015, 5:25 pm

bg wrote: ... i'm a blood donor reject...87 lbs and very low iron....
Eighty seven pounds! 87 lbs!? I don't think I ever weighed 87 pounds!

Hey, bg-87, ... I met a lady at yoga, this morning, wearing a really snazzy tank top, who had just returned home last night, from Boston. She ran in Monday's marathon, for your Go Liver team, and started the race at the same time as you. There were apparently only 12 Liver runners who weren't from the Boston area ... what were the chances of me meeting one of them! Maybe she's interested in rowing ... :)

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by bg » April 23rd, 2015, 6:14 pm

just27 wrote:
bg wrote: ... i'm a blood donor reject...87 lbs and very low iron....
Eighty seven pounds! 87 lbs!? I don't think I ever weighed 87 pounds!

Hey, bg-87, ... I met a lady at yoga, this morning, wearing a really snazzy tank top, who had just returned home last night, from Boston. She ran in Monday's marathon, for your Go Liver team, and started the race at the same time as you. There were apparently only 12 Liver runners who weren't from the Boston area ... what were the chances of me meeting one of them! Maybe she's interested in rowing ... :)

hmmmmm...there were more than 12 out of towners.....btw, i met two fellows from the philippines on our team bus that morning.....they just met each other that morning :] hopefully she's thawed out by now :}

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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 4.23.15

Post by Kona2 » April 24th, 2015, 11:44 am

Congratulations ! You made it through another week !

Richard T's meter piggy bank hit ImageImageImageImageImageImageImage m today...and I am pretty sure he's going to stop the dial there....amazing numbers! He's earned the Top Lunie for this year! Not sure if we've ever had a Top Lunie before, but the beauty of doing these forum postings is that I can make stuff up. Except meters...I can't make up meters.

I echo all the gasps of 87 lbs that have greeted bg's announcement. I might have been 87 lbs in fifth grade or that weight, bg probably gets a lift from the wind as she flies over the asphalt! Still, everyone is different. Better eat more marshmallow fluff bg!

Season meters as of 358/365 = 124,505,087 m

Total meters on the day = 431,875 m

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

7.5 MM Ed
5.5 MM bg
5.1 MM Steve G
3.4 MM Jim
2.45 MM Danno
1.95 MM David T
1.65 MM AJ
1.3 MM Ken G
450 K Ryan

Thanks, everyone, for rowing and ski-erging with us!

Lily 700 m
Tony ImageImageImageImage m ....twosies!
Bobbie ImageImageImageImage m ... a starry double double!
Paul B 5,000 m
Steve H 5,000 m
Jeff M 5,031 m
Steve G 5,095 m
Kerry 6,199 m
William H 7,097 m
Dan O' 9.631 m
Jon C 10,000 m
Ryan 10,000 m
Image ImageImageImageImageImagem yoga palindrome!
Tristan 12,000 m
Dennis 13,079 m
David T 15,000 m
David A 15,017 m
AJ 15,076 m
Jay 20,000 m
Jim ImageImageImageImageImage m ... a starry palindrome!
Thor 26,331 m
Richard T 28,000 m
bg 36,053 m close to a palindrome!
Danno 41,952 m .... a full moon plus some cool down???!
Ed 50,104 m
Ken 55,000 m ... great update

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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 4.24.15

Post by Kona2 » April 25th, 2015, 11:34 am

Welcome back to teammate Jeff G - always good to see repeaters on the roster!

Season meters as of 359/365 = 124,706,653 m

Total meters on the day = 201,566 m

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

1.8 MM Dan O'

Thanks, everyone, for rowing and ski-erging with us!

David T 1,000 m
Tony ImageImageImageImage m ....onesies!
Kevin 2,000 m
Peter G 2,000 m
Jeff G 3,245 m
Dan O' 3,385 m
Melissa 5,000 m
Jeff M 5,017 m
Doug G 5,444 m
bg 6,897 m
Larry 7,817 m
Chuck 10,000 m
James S 10,000 m
Jon C 10,000 m
Lynne 10,000 m
Minnie ImageImageImageImageImage m ...hula hula...palindrome! Or a double aught double palindrome...
Ron ImageImageImageImageImage m ...a onesie palindrome for you, too!
Todd 12,436 m
Danno 13,002 m
David W (GBR) 13,771 m ....getting really close to that ONE million milestone!
David A 15,014 m
Image Mikkel 21,097 m ....and he moons us!
Image Robyn 21,208 m ... a half moon here also!

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Re: All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 4.23.15

Post by bg » April 25th, 2015, 2:07 pm

I echo all the gasps of 87 lbs that have greeted bg's announcement. I might have been 87 lbs in fifth grade or that weight, bg probably gets a lift from the wind as she flies over the asphalt! Still, everyone is different. Better eat more marshmallow fluff bg![/color][/size]

due to my wacky digestive system, i lost 15+ lbs this fall......i'm eating my fluff and a lot of other food trying got gain it back :] in the be careful about what you wish for department....i was chubby/fat at various times in my life and wanted to be skinny....but not this skinny and not because of health issues...oh well at least my weight has stabilized and i do feel could be so much worse.....

and since i'm here...welcome and welcome back to new/returning luna-tics :}

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Nepal Earthquake

Post by just27 » April 25th, 2015, 10:09 pm

I just noticed on Facebook that Bazzy was supposed to arrive in Kathmandu, four days ago. But, due to family circumstances, he had to cancel his climbing plans. I'm so happy that he's safe, and cannot imagine the horror of what's happening in Nepal. Makes me realize how insignificant my "problems" are.

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The Thor Update

Post by Thor MW » April 25th, 2015, 11:02 pm

Ok K2, now you went and did it. You said something about my being man of few or no words lately. I read back a few screens to get caught up and noticed it. As it was just stated by BG, watch what you ask for. Grin.
Now then. Again so many heroes on this team. We have a marathon that has been run. Millions popping out all over the place. A WEC with some amazing numbers that boggles this mind. The rock’n do Ron Ron put up some good meters showing he is back in fine form again. Some eye issues and you won’t get a joke about that from me. I hope all turns out very well with that. Although I do have an extra white cane around here somewhere. Sorry. In all seriousness I hope all works out for you man. You are all and remain my heroes. Thank you for sharing your meters and stories with us. The Luna-tics are all such beautiful people and I can’t say enough.
Now then, what have I been up to? Just working on getting this business of mine ready to go. I have a publisher for the book so eventually it will be in print and I think that’s so cool. Next I have to figure out the website stuff. I have to create a couple of web pages. Not something I know a lot about. Then comes podcasts, Facebook, YouTube, webinars, seminars and who knows what else. Yep this ol’doggie Thor just might be coming to a town near you. More about that another time.
Now then, I am getting myself siked for the upcoming marathon challenge. I am finally going to try it. I said this back in January when there was a sort of challenge by our very own team mate. I apologise but I can’t remember her name but I was impressed with her then and now. A relatively new mom and still found the time and more importantly energy to complete one. I have no choice. I can’t do a half marathon as the PM4 doesn’t have one programmed in and I don’t have anyone here to help me program it. So like with so much else in my life, it’s all or nothing. I once again have blisters on my otherwise gorgeous tushy, um, butt. Before you all give me advice, I can’t do anything about it right now. I just have a towel folded very flat and smooth on the seat and I can’t do anything else. So I will just have to tough it out and lick my wounds, as it were, when it is over. I think the most I’ve ever done in one day was 33k and I bet that wasn’t in one sitting. So in a few days, may my phone battery hold on for the how ever many hours it will take me to row-row my little boat.
I will have lots of water on hand. I don’t know if I should have some food and if so what sort of food to gnaw on during the marathon. Any thoughts on this? I will be tackling this puppy in the morning as early as possible. I will not be treating this as a race in any way shape or form. I just want to get to the done in line so I can hear myself sing, Michael rowed his boat a shore. Well maybe it will sound more like moaning and groaning with a side order of whimpering sounds but that’s what I will be singing in my head. All this for a pin and certificate and something to brag on with people that have no idea just what it is I am talking about. You rowed for 4 hours? Sounds like fun. Haha I wonder if I will crawl away from the machine or just be a little bent as I walk to the shower.
Have fun guys.
Love TMW

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Re: The Thor Update

Post by Kona2 » April 26th, 2015, 11:59 am

Thor MW wrote:Ok K2, now you went and did it. You said something about my being man of few or no words lately. I read back a few screens to get caught up and noticed it. As it was just stated by BG, watch what you ask for. Grin.
Now then, I am getting myself siked for the upcoming marathon challenge. I am finally going to try it. I said this back in January when there was a sort of challenge by our very own team mate. I apologise but I can’t remember her name but I was impressed with her then and now. A relatively new mom and still found the time and more importantly energy to complete one. I have no choice. I can’t do a half marathon as the PM4 doesn’t have one programmed in and I don’t have anyone here to help me program it. So like with so much else in my life, it’s all or nothing. I once again have blisters on my otherwise gorgeous tushy, um, butt. Before you all give me advice, I can’t do anything about it right now. I just have a towel folded very flat and smooth on the seat and I can’t do anything else. So I will just have to tough it out and lick my wounds, as it were, when it is over. I think the most I’ve ever done in one day was 33k and I bet that wasn’t in one sitting. So in a few days, may my phone battery hold on for the how ever many hours it will take me to row-row my little boat.
I will have lots of water on hand. I don’t know if I should have some food and if so what sort of food to gnaw on during the marathon. Any thoughts on this? I will be tackling this puppy in the morning as early as possible. I will not be treating this as a race in any way shape or form. I just want to get to the done in line so I can hear myself sing, Michael rowed his boat a shore. Well maybe it will sound more like moaning and groaning with a side order of whimpering sounds but that’s what I will be singing in my head. All this for a pin and certificate and something to brag on with people that have no idea just what it is I am talking about. You rowed for 4 hours? Sounds like fun. Haha I wonder if I will crawl away from the machine or just be a little bent as I walk to the shower.
Have fun guys.
Love TMW

Thor -

Your posting is an excellent example of why the forum is important to us - you never know how your story will impact others and the inspiration (and sometimes goading) that it will bring. Kerry is the new Mom who found time to row the marathon...because it was a promise (not sure if that is the right word but it will do) she made to herself. The personal steel that helps us keep those promises to ourselves is something that you can't either is or isn't there. What's really cool, though, is that seeing its presence in others helps bring it to the surface in each of us.

Every person who has ever finished a half marathon or a full marathon knows exactly what it took - not just physically, but psychologically. So when you get bragging rights here, you have a bunch of someones who know just what it took for you to complete. The full marathons are tough because you can feel like maybe you will never be able to sit down again...but you do, and you repeat them, too. Many recommend getting off the rower and walking about every 30 minutes or so...if only to walk over to where you have your snacks. Teammate Kiba would have pizza during her ultramarathon rows. Some would have the gel blocks like runners use. Peanut butter sandwiches are ok as long as you can wash them down. Others will have their own suggestions for you. In fact, Jim and Jay Kielma just did a full and a half marathon back to back (maybe one on one day and the other the next). Richard T rows and ski-ergs for long periods of time.

Me...problem solver personality that I am, I'm trying to figure out how to help you program the PM4 for a half marathon. Seems like you could store it in your favorites, and I get why that might be a tougher task for you. Since the Global Marathon Challenge is a two week long opportunity, I think we have time to ask for some help from Concept2. I don't know if the PM4 is adapted for an audible readout or not...lots of questions. Surely Concept2 or one of our teammates may have some answers.


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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Toothdoc » April 26th, 2015, 12:59 pm

Thor if you want to program in a half marathon, From the Main Menu goto:

1. Select A Workout

2. New Workout

3. Single Distance

4. Enter the distance

5. Save

6. It will ask if you would like to save this to Favorites. Check yes


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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 4.25.15

Post by Kona2 » April 26th, 2015, 1:17 pm

It was to be a golf tourney day. The forecast for rain and thunderstorms wasn't too gear for wet, cold weather works well for golf, too. It would be a rainy adventure. The powers that be wrestled with a decision for go or no go until the 11th hour, and the deciding factor was that the entire field would not be able to finish before the biggie thunderbumpers moved in. So it's a cancel day. We were snowed out last week, and rained out this week. What happened to all that sunshine?!

Meanwhile, like a chapter out of a science fiction story, the skies above the Kielma universe appear to be surrounded by multiple moons. Two full moons, three (and close to four) half moons are in the Arkansas skies. On the west coast, Robyn finished up a nice half marathon, too...probably while the Giants were taking revenge for losses against the Rockies yesterday. Danno has a half moon and Ed has one from afar Qatar. And, just as could be predicted, marathon fever begins to sweep through the team. This happens whether or not there's a Global Marathon Challenge. Of course, as we get closer to this event...well, it's kind of irresistible, isn't it. Cue Robert Palmer.

Season meters as of 360/365 = 125,042,101 m

Total meters on the day = 335,448 m

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

Image 7.55 MM Ed
ImageImage 3.45 MM Jim
ImageImage 3.25 MM Jay
Image 2.5 MM Danno
Image 900 K Tristan

Thanks, everyone, for rowing and ski-erging with us!

Tony ImageImageImageImage m ...a onesie palindrome!
Terry 2,000 m
Kerry 5,660 m
Kevin 5,675 m
David T 6,000 m
Dan O' 6,423 m
William H 7,232 m
Jessica 10,000 m
Jon C 10,000 m
Jeff M 10,042 m
Minnie ImageImageImageImageImage m ...a double aught double hula hula palindrome...
James S 15,150 m
Bobbie 19,500 m
Image Robyn 21,097 m
Tristan 21,097 m
Ed ImageImageImageImageImage m ...a palindrome!
Danno 31,814 m
Jay 63,292 m
Jim 63,292 m

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Drivetofast » April 26th, 2015, 1:38 pm

American Pharaoh Will be the Derby Favorite

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Re: The Thor Update

Post by Thor MW » April 26th, 2015, 2:46 pm

Thor -

Your posting is an excellent example of why the forum is important to us - you never know how your story will impact others and the inspiration (and sometimes goading) that it will bring. Kerry is the new Mom who found time to row the marathon...because it was a promise (not sure if that is the right word but it will do) she made to herself. The personal steel that helps us keep those promises to ourselves is something that you can't either is or isn't there. What's really cool, though, is that seeing its presence in others helps bring it to the surface in each of us.

Every person who has ever finished a half marathon or a full marathon knows exactly what it took - not just physically, but psychologically. So when you get bragging rights here, you have a bunch of someones who know just what it took for you to complete. The full marathons are tough because you can feel like maybe you will never be able to sit down again...but you do, and you repeat them, too. Many recommend getting off the rower and walking about every 30 minutes or so...if only to walk over to where you have your snacks. Teammate Kiba would have pizza during her ultramarathon rows. Some would have the gel blocks like runners use. Peanut butter sandwiches are ok as long as you can wash them down. Others will have their own suggestions for you. In fact, Jim and Jay Kielma just did a full and a half marathon back to back (maybe one on one day and the other the next). Richard T rows and ski-ergs for long periods of time.

Me...problem solver personality that I am, I'm trying to figure out how to help you program the PM4 for a half marathon. Seems like you could store it in your favorites, and I get why that might be a tougher task for you. Since the Global Marathon Challenge is a two week long opportunity, I think we have time to ask for some help from Concept2. I don't know if the PM4 is adapted for an audible readout or not...lots of questions. Surely Concept2 or one of our teammates may have some answers.


Yes Kerry I remember now. Thank you.
I want to make something clear. I wasn’t referring to the Luna-Tics when I was mentioning bragging rights. I was talking about friends and family who don’t row. Grin. So many of the Lunes have done far more than I ever have and I sure no that. I am always stunned by just what is achieved here in this team. I won’t say I can’t or will never be able to do it because that would be placing un wanted limitations on myself. But man! Wow!
Back to back half and full marathon. Does the following mean anything?
Luna-Tic. Haha Absolutely amazing!
The problem is that since I can’t see the PM4 following all those steps on my own would be tricky at best. The PM4 does not talk at all.
I know a few of the pre-set programs from memory and once selected it comes up on my phone.
Before someone suggests it, C2 has a program for the computer called UrgChatter. It does have some pre-set programs already there. I don’t know if the half marathon is there or not. It’s been years since I used it. It works well but with one major down fall and C2 doesn’t appear to want to rectify it. The C2 utility program is not accessible for the screen reading software. This means that I can hear the data as I row and even listen to music or a book while I row, something I can’t do with the phone. What I can’t do is upload my workout from the log card to the internet. In fact I can’t do anything in the utility program at all. I pointed this out to them recently again but I didn’t really get a response about it. maybe they are pondering or no response was their response. Also ErgChatter may or may not work with Window 7 and I don’t think they do more updates. Instead they made the app for the phone. I really love the app but the only down fall is when the voice is turned on I can’t listen to anything else. I play a book and as soon as the voice kicks in for my update the voice stops the book and the book doesn’t come back on. So when I am rowing just for meters and don’t care much about split time and so on I turn off the voice and I can listen to whatever I feel like listening to. I have to stop rowing and read the meters when I want. Don’t get me wrong I recommend C2 to everyone and I probably always will it’s just they get things so close to being fully functional for a blind person but they are just not quite there. I also totally understand that it isn’t their business to make everything perfect for blind people. They offer these apps and programs free of charge and I am very grateful they do.
If someone is willing about the only way I can think of to do it is to have either Skype or FaceTime on and I aim the camera at it and who ever I’m talking to tells me what to do.
I sort of looked in to this and I think I have to insert a log card and the new workout gets stored on it. Then I think the workout gets moved from there to the PM4 custom rowing list. Before that is done I would like to know what is currently programmed. I started playing with them and I know there are some I won’t use and others I really like. So I wouldn’t want to copy over one I like.
So, all that to say, I don’t know if it is worth the hassle of programming in a half marathon or not. Grin. Sometime in the next month or so I will have a set of eyes in the shape of my new GF and that will help. This only takes care of my needs. What about all the other blind people who have to wait for someone to be available to upload a workout from their log card. Even with the GF I will have to wait for her too. It’s always the simple things that frustrates right?

Aas always thank you for everything K2.

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Drivetofast » April 27th, 2015, 9:59 am

This is Secretariat The GOAT Kentucky derby time 159 2/5 for 1 1/4 mile Time never beat nor will it ever be

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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 4.26.15

Post by Kona2 » April 27th, 2015, 11:31 am

Image Get ready.......

Here we are, back in the erg saddle again....rounding up all the numbers (well, not literally)...I have somewhat accepted that we are NOT going to meet the million meter per team member average this year. Rats. Of course, I haven't met the million meter mark myself, so I have put some drag on the system so to speak. Then there are those who are carrying two or eight of their teammates in terms of building a team average. Every team year is different, and this year is no exception. It will be what we make it. Next year will be better!!

Season meters as of 361/365 = 125,236,990 m

Total meters on the day = 194,889 m

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

5.55 MM bg
4.25 MM David A
3.35 MM Minnie
1.85 MM Anita
1.25 MM Jon C

Thanks, everyone, for rowing and ski-erging with us!

Melissa 2,000 m
Kerry 2,011 m
Bobbie 4,000 m
Rebecca 4,000 m
Jeff M 4,015 m
K2 5,117 m ....I know! Practically had to dust off the erg!
Jon C 6,705 m
AJ 7,047 m
Larry 8,146 m
Jay 9,000 m
Steve H 10,000 m
Image ImageImageImageImageImage m ... a double aught double onesies kind of palindrome..hula hula!
Tristan 12,000 m
Dan O 14,643 m
Steve G 15,028 m
bg 22,017 m
David A 22,059 m
Anita 36,000 m

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