by Thor MW » April 25th, 2015, 11:02 pm
Ok K2, now you went and did it. You said something about my being man of few or no words lately. I read back a few screens to get caught up and noticed it. As it was just stated by BG, watch what you ask for. Grin.
Now then. Again so many heroes on this team. We have a marathon that has been run. Millions popping out all over the place. A WEC with some amazing numbers that boggles this mind. The rock’n do Ron Ron put up some good meters showing he is back in fine form again. Some eye issues and you won’t get a joke about that from me. I hope all turns out very well with that. Although I do have an extra white cane around here somewhere. Sorry. In all seriousness I hope all works out for you man. You are all and remain my heroes. Thank you for sharing your meters and stories with us. The Luna-tics are all such beautiful people and I can’t say enough.
Now then, what have I been up to? Just working on getting this business of mine ready to go. I have a publisher for the book so eventually it will be in print and I think that’s so cool. Next I have to figure out the website stuff. I have to create a couple of web pages. Not something I know a lot about. Then comes podcasts, Facebook, YouTube, webinars, seminars and who knows what else. Yep this ol’doggie Thor just might be coming to a town near you. More about that another time.
Now then, I am getting myself siked for the upcoming marathon challenge. I am finally going to try it. I said this back in January when there was a sort of challenge by our very own team mate. I apologise but I can’t remember her name but I was impressed with her then and now. A relatively new mom and still found the time and more importantly energy to complete one. I have no choice. I can’t do a half marathon as the PM4 doesn’t have one programmed in and I don’t have anyone here to help me program it. So like with so much else in my life, it’s all or nothing. I once again have blisters on my otherwise gorgeous tushy, um, butt. Before you all give me advice, I can’t do anything about it right now. I just have a towel folded very flat and smooth on the seat and I can’t do anything else. So I will just have to tough it out and lick my wounds, as it were, when it is over. I think the most I’ve ever done in one day was 33k and I bet that wasn’t in one sitting. So in a few days, may my phone battery hold on for the how ever many hours it will take me to row-row my little boat.
I will have lots of water on hand. I don’t know if I should have some food and if so what sort of food to gnaw on during the marathon. Any thoughts on this? I will be tackling this puppy in the morning as early as possible. I will not be treating this as a race in any way shape or form. I just want to get to the done in line so I can hear myself sing, Michael rowed his boat a shore. Well maybe it will sound more like moaning and groaning with a side order of whimpering sounds but that’s what I will be singing in my head. All this for a pin and certificate and something to brag on with people that have no idea just what it is I am talking about. You rowed for 4 hours? Sounds like fun. Haha I wonder if I will crawl away from the machine or just be a little bent as I walk to the shower.
Have fun guys.
Love TMW