LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

A member of an indoor rowing team or club? If so, this is the place for you.

Can this one team row to the moon and back?

Poll ended at May 17th, 2008, 12:28 pm

I think we can do it together. I'm all in!
No way! You all are wacko!
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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 1.26.13

Post by Kona2 » January 27th, 2013, 3:29 pm

Image Day 27 or 28 of 31....hooyah !!

The skies of our Rowing Universe are blazing with the lights of a supernova, full moons, half moons and other galactic wonders generated while the team was busy achieving over TWENTY million meters thus far! We have 67 watercraft in the virtual waters, including five bathtubs. The ArMOONda is not complete, though, so keep rowing!

Marathon fever continues to sweep through the crew, and maybe I've caught a touch of it as well. Have been toying with the idea of finishing out this Challenge with a full marathon, and thought it would be good to try the recommended 30K (recommended to occur at least 10 days out from the "official try"). I'm not sure I'd tried the 30K distance previously, but do recommend it prior to a marathon try. Like any sport where you're increasing distance - whether it's a run, or a biking distance - has to be a stepwise progression. I found with biking that whatever my previous recent longest ride distance might be is probably the equivalent of two-thirds of what I can try for the next distance, so I wanted to try 30K as a 70 percent of the full marathon. Gotta have the right gloves if you row with gloves, the right hydration (more water, less sport drink for me!), the right rowing clothes. Some of those things just weren't all that obvious with a half marathon - but they could be the difference between finishing or not. I think there's a lot of mental game in this kind of effort.

Don't know about the rest of the team, but there are often times when I think about going for a specific distance only to find that it is just not the day to complete that distance once I'm actually rowing the piece. The Global Marathon Challenge doesn't occur until May 1st, which is the start of the 2014 Rowing Season, so there's still a chance to earn a marathon pin for the 2013 rowing season. Remember, Concept2 allows you to submit for one pin a year - although so many on this team seem to really like the ultra distances and could have a drawer full of these little items.

Team Standings
Pos. Team Team Type Total Event Meters Team Members Average Meters
1 Age Without Limits Virtual Club 44,528,825 323 137,860
2 Community Rowing, Inc On-Water Club 26,257,710 453 57,964
3 LUNA-TICS Virtual Club 20,344,217 107 190,133 Thank you for rowing with us!!
4 HAVK Mladost On-Water Club 18,516,298 209 88,595
5 ANCIENTS Virtual Club 16,904,218 42 402,481

Season meters as of 270/365 = 127,423,582 m (I liked the fact that we have 127 million on January 27th..)

Total meters on the day = 749,785 m

Oars in space (participation) = 26 percent

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

5.4 MM Jay - with a supernova
3.9 MM Cathie - with a half marathon
2.75 MM Jim - with a red giant (50K)
2.15 MM Rosi - with a full marathon
2.05 MM Dana
2.0 MM Sam - with a half marathon
1.3 MM AJ - with a half marathon plus some
1.25 MM Roger
550 K Karyn
500 K David W...a cool half million
300 K Mike G

Thanks for being teammates!

Tony ImageImageImageImage m :D
Brian C 5,000 m
Mary O 5,000 m
Rebecca 5,000 m
Peter H 6,000 m
Debbie 6,016 m
Marty 6,500 m
Nataliya 7,500 m
Jane 10,261 m
Stephen W 10,525 m
Tammy ImageImageImageImageImage m :D
Anita 11,500 m
Christa 11,500 m
Dana 11,500 m
RogerImageImageImageImageImage m :D
Ronnie ImageImageImageImageImage m :D
Rivka 12,000 m
David W 12,103 m
Zander 14,000 m
Peter G 15,000 m
Marie 15,678 m
Tim G 17,500 m
Mike G 18,168 m
Karyn 19,040 m
Harold 20,000 m
Image Cathie 21,097 m
Image Danno 21,097 m
Image Laurie 21,097 m
ImageMinnie 21,097 m
Image Robyn 21,097 m
Image Sam 21,097 m
Image Ron 21,100 m
Image AJ 28,646 m
Image K2 ImageImageImageImageImage m
ImageRichard T 34,808 m
Image Rosi 42,195 m
Image Jim 50,000 m
Jay ImageImageImageImageImageImage m :shock:

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Updated caricatures! Nataliya's is new!

Post by Kona2 » January 27th, 2013, 4:05 pm

AJ often revisits a caricature, and provides an update. He's done that with Nataliya's !

.....Nataliya Pyatrova......

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Another Update! It's Kathryn A !

Post by Kona2 » January 27th, 2013, 4:09 pm

Kathryn recently posted a photo for her Challenge team profile, so AJ has updated her caricature, too !


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kathryn Acciari. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Hooboy! Jodi's got her canoe...a fine one!

Post by Kona2 » January 27th, 2013, 7:44 pm

Seemingly a short time ago....two more days of rowing were predicted to capture this canoe....however...INSPIRATION surely had a hand in this...great rowing, Jodi !!
Jodi wrote: I was going to take the day off, since I just spent 2 hours driving back from dropping my husband off at the airport, but am now guilted, er, I mean inspired, to go get some more meters in and get closer to my measly 100,000 for the month. Two more days of rowing and I should be able to get in my canoe. :D
Enough stalling, I'm off to my rowing machine :!:
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jodi Nelson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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The ArMOONda takes a shakedown cruise...

Post by Kona2 » January 27th, 2013, 7:54 pm

Here is a shakedown cruise of the 2013 LUNATIC ArMOONda before its final launch on Friday, thanks to AJ!

Jay, Richard, Norton, Cathie, Michelle
Jim Kielma, Rosita Delacruz, Marie Ballantine, Dana Noeske, Ronnie Mills
Zander Fraser, Samuel Johnson, Jan Stevenson, Barbara Grandberg, Roger Ramjet
Harold Janusek, Dan Rhoden, Tammy Gwinn, Rivka Levitt, Anita Holub
Christa Krause, Robyn Lee, Jane Newall, Laurie Pachter, David Alden
Katerina Mack, Chris Tudury, Tim Garlick, Ian MacFall, Ed Church
Scott Ryan, Ted Cowley-Gilbert, Nataliya Pyatrova, Howard Lett, Andrei Rozenshtein
Martin Hayes, Mike Gilger, Stephen Wild, Dan Cox, Stuart Babendir
Karyn Gallagher, Sarah Addams, AJ Tudury, Ron MacBruce, Jennifer Browning
Kristine Bay, Eric Anderson, Jay Rawot, Steven Larky
Dan Wickwar, Kenny Rowland, Peter Verdirame, David Tangerini, William Brackett
Kathryn Acciari, Rebecca Whitcomb, David Ballard, Mike Crossley
Jon Casadont, Bobbie Kielma, Peter Huurman, Tom McGuire, Melissa Harsley
Tim Kenney, Rick Carveth, Peter Gingras, Paul Sharp, Jodi Nelson

Still time for some changing of boats and seats in the boat....don't give up....keep cranking the erg!

I did note that the power of the canoe did not win over the power of numeric alliteration for Tony...he's stopped at 99999 for today (a sequence that required him to go outside of his 3,333 m). Sometimes you just have to make a statement! :D

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Re: Hooboy! Jodi's got her canoe...a fine one!

Post by Jodi » January 28th, 2013, 9:25 am

Kona2 wrote:Seemingly a short time ago....two more days of rowing were predicted to capture this canoe....however...INSPIRATION surely had a hand in this...great rowing, Jodi !!
Jodi wrote: I was going to take the day off, since I just spent 2 hours driving back from dropping my husband off at the airport, but am now guilted, er, I mean inspired, to go get some more meters in and get closer to my measly 100,000 for the month. Two more days of rowing and I should be able to get in my canoe. :D
Enough stalling, I'm off to my rowing machine :!:
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jodi Nelson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Thank you, thank you! I got on the rower and the music was loud and had a great beat, so I just kept rowing. My husband said, "I'm proud of you" when I texted my accomplishment to him. :D Too bad AJ didn't place my glass of wine in the canoe with me, because I definitely am celebrating!
With that in mind I'm going to hit the rower again tomorrow, and see how many more meters I can put into the team total before the deadline. Go Luna-tics!!!
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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Kerry1976 » January 28th, 2013, 12:12 pm

I am new to the team (and to rowing in general) and am loving all the cool stuff you guys do in acknowledging each person's accomplishments and encouraging goals. How much does one need to row get on the bathtub brigade? How much for a canoe and an oar? What should a newbie to the group like me know?

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Drivetofast » January 28th, 2013, 12:48 pm

Kerry1976 Row 500k for tub this month Canoe 100k Canoe w/0ar200k For this month

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by voodoogirl » January 28th, 2013, 12:57 pm

Way to go, Jodi! Hope you enjoyed your celebratory libation!

Speaking of inspiration (or exhaustion!) C2 posted:

This past weekend, Henrik Stephansen (Denmark) improved his 2000m world record in the Men's Lightweight category at the Danish Championships 2013 in Gladsaxe Sports Center, Copenhagen: 5:56.7

Pretty amazing to watch--but I noticed that everyone really is bending their wrists at the finish and I thought one's wrists should be pretty straight (C2s technique video says wrists should be "flat" at the finish). I'm asking because I wear wrist braces that cover my wrist, half my hand, and most of my forearm (bc of torn cartilage), so I have to keep my wrists straight/flat! Can anyone tell me if there's a right and wrong way? I'm wondering if my forced wrist position is affecting my times--especially after watching Henrik's technique!--probably so, and anyway I'd rather row slowly than not row, so in some ways it doesn't matter! But now I'm curious and would love to hear thoughts from those who have rowed much longer and farther than I have.
Laurie Pachter
Herndon, VA

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Re: Hooboy! Jodi's got her canoe...a fine one!

Post by just27 » January 28th, 2013, 2:18 pm

Jodi wrote: ... Too bad AJ didn't place my glass of wine in the canoe with me, because I definitely am celebrating!
With that in mind I'm going to hit the rower again tomorrow, and see how many more meters I can put into the team total before the deadline. Go Luna-tics!!!
Hah! "Maybe there should be a glass of wine in Jodi's cartoon's hand" was actually discussed, over a glass of wine, last night during dinner at our house.
Everything's Shiny. Not to fret.

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Kona2 » January 28th, 2013, 5:01 pm

Kerry1976 wrote:I am new to the team (and to rowing in general) and am loving all the cool stuff you guys do in acknowledging each person's accomplishments and encouraging goals. How much does one need to row get on the bathtub brigade? How much for a canoe and an oar? What should a newbie to the group like me know?
Welcome to the team, Kerry! The Virtual Challenge distance awards and graphics are pretty special - and we have our resident artist AJ to thank for them. That said, the graphics are specific to this Challenge and to those who signed on for the Challenge team. We do, however, celebrate wildly all year long and have other distance awards, particularly for the Holiday Challenge when 100K earns you a reindeer, 200K earns antler lights, 300K earns a flashing red harness, etc.

For year round kinds of things, we have awards that seemed appropriate given our goal to row enough meters to get to the moon:

Image a supernova designates that the individual has rowed the equivalent of 100,000 m in a 24 hr period (yep....we have one who does this)
Image a red giant designates that the individual has rowed the equivalent or more of 50,000 m in a 24 hr period
Imagea full moon designates that the individual has rowed the equivalent or more of a full marathon 42,195 m in a 24 hr period
Image a half moon designates that the individual has rowed the equivalent or more of a half marathon 21,097 m in a 24 hr period

half or full marathons are completed in one sitting and are "official" ranking distances through Concept2.

Other things to know as a newbie about this team:

- one of the most important is that the more you interact on the team forum, the more that you'll feel like you're part of the team
- it's great to call out a teammate's achievements, or give a shout out about something you've done
- if you have a question, ask it - chances are that many others have the same question
- stats are posted most days, and occasionally there are bunny trails of the mind
- milestones called out are generally every 50K you row, there'll be a listing that would be 50K Kerry, for example
- million meter achievements...and you become a meter millionaire and get virtual fireworks

For this Challenge:

100K was a canoe
200K was a paddle or oar
500K is a bathtub
1 MM is a million meter boat (very fancy)


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Another's Jim !!

Post by Kona2 » January 28th, 2013, 5:10 pm

Knew you could do it, Jim ! You've tackled this Challenge just like you go after a lot of challenges that come your way - and your efforts inspire many on this team (love the oar message!)! Thank you for that - we all need some extra hooyah moments to cheer onwards - and yours is certainly one to cheer about! Whoop, whoop and hooyah!!


................Jim Kielma.................

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by kgallagher » January 28th, 2013, 6:10 pm

voodoogirl wrote: This past weekend, Henrik Stephansen (Denmark) improved his 2000m world record in the Men's Lightweight category at the Danish Championships 2013 in Gladsaxe Sports Center, Copenhagen: 5:56.7

Pretty amazing to watch--but I noticed that everyone really is bending their wrists at the finish and I thought one's wrists should be pretty straight (C2s technique video says wrists should be "flat" at the finish). I'm asking because I wear wrist braces that cover my wrist, half my hand, and most of my forearm (bc of torn cartilage), so I have to keep my wrists straight/flat! Can anyone tell me if there's a right and wrong way? I'm wondering if my forced wrist position is affecting my times--especially after watching Henrik's technique!--probably so, and anyway I'd rather row slowly than not row, so in some ways it doesn't matter! But now I'm curious and would love to hear thoughts from those who have rowed much longer and farther than I have.
In my opinion, Henrik's wrists are flat. The bend you see looks to me to be more of a natural horizontal bend /rotation due to the pull through and the angle the forearm makes at the finish with his elbows out. When Concept 2 is referring to "flat" wrists, my understanding is that they are refering to not bending the wrists in a vertical up and down movement (also referred to as breaking the wrists). I'm an on the water rower, and if I break my wrist in the boat it changes the height of the oar off the water and you don't want the oar to be too high off the water. When erging you want to be mindful of the same thing. You don't want to break the wrist at the finish resulting in the handle dropping towards your lap.

If you have to row with a brace, it may have an impact on how well you can finish therefore affecting your time. However, people are resiliant and you have probably learned how to maximize your efforts even though you wear a brace/braces. If the braces allow you to row, don't fret it. We'd rather have you row than not row.


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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by brotherjim » January 28th, 2013, 7:55 pm

Thank you Kona and AJ for my tub. I love it. Way to row to all my teammates this has been an amazing challenge. You are all awesome.
On a serious note, I am so glad Bobbie wont be getting a paddle. The last 3times we went canoeing she used the paddle mainly to swat me.

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Jodi » January 28th, 2013, 9:11 pm

Kerry1976 wrote:I am new to the team (and to rowing in general) and am loving all the cool stuff you guys do in acknowledging each person's accomplishments and encouraging goals. How much does one need to row get on the bathtub brigade? How much for a canoe and an oar? What should a newbie to the group like me know?
Welcome, welcome :!: Good to have you on the crew. I think you're going to love being on this team. They seem like a really good bunch of people, and very supportive.
“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty & well preserved body, rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, used up, totally worn out, & loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!”

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