A member of an indoor rowing team or club? If so, this is the place for you.
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by BAZzy » March 8th, 2012, 6:54 pm
As usual there has been plenty of rowing from team Luna-tics, and it has been great to see a number of members signing up! I even managed to tip myself over into the 3M category this morning, bit of a long time coming this season!
Good to hear from Dave H, and I like the ‘rusty’ bit as it describes the Sydney weather perfectly of late. Yesterday was a shocker, today is bewdiful!
Not sure if TomO will have sport this weekend, and we are off to Newcastle (sister & brother in law) and I’ve got a sled workout planned for him, starting payback for the Coast to Coast!
Have a good weekend wherever you are in the Luna-tic universe, take care, and don’t take any wooden nickels... And remember if all else fails, go for the vegemite, 20 million Aussies can’t be wrong
Cheers, BBB
"Those who don't think it can be done shouldn't bother the person doing it..."
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by Dave_H » March 8th, 2012, 7:18 pm
Lets face it - there is something "strange" about Marmite and some of their branding... (not that there is anything wrong with moustaches, however Minnie may want to reconsider her consumption!


Last edited by
Dave_H on March 8th, 2012, 7:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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by Restless » March 8th, 2012, 8:52 pm
Life is not about learning to survive the storm, but rather learning to dance in the rain.
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by just27 » March 8th, 2012, 8:54 pm
Dave_H wrote:Lets face it - there is something "strange" about Marmite and some of their branding... (not that there is anything wrong with moustaches, however Minnie may want to reconsider her consumption!

Oh, no, Dave ... not you, too, in Team Vegemite's corner! My "consumption" of Marmite is severely limited. As Kona can attest, my 4.4 oz jar of Marmite has a sell-by date of 2007. (I made her try some, anyway. Something that salty will never rot.)
"Eat Marmite or Vegemite? Perhaps you'd rather rip the wings off live chickens. You'd rather be stripped naked in public. You'd rather swallow rat's tails and snail shells." Both spreads, I've found, have vaguely that disturbing of a flavor!"
Moustaches optional.
Everything's Shiny. Not to fret.
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by Edscapade » March 8th, 2012, 11:09 pm
Hi Kona,
Thanks for the information. I have updated everything. Let me know if you need anything else. I appreciate your help!
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by Kona2 » March 8th, 2012, 11:37 pm
Thanks, Ed! Glad you're all signed up!
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by enrage » March 9th, 2012, 12:13 am
the daily 10k march madness is making me sore.
Are you a Lebowski Achiever?
big maq
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by big maq » March 9th, 2012, 12:43 am
woo hoo finally made my million for the season!!!
Mitch J
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by bg » March 9th, 2012, 4:35 am
big maq wrote:woo hoo finally made my million for the season!!!
Mitch J
woooo hoooo mitch and bazz and anyone else that i missed.....and welcome and welcome back to folks.....good to hear from you dave,,,,and loved the biking with k2.....
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by Kona2 » March 9th, 2012, 10:09 am
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by Kona2 » March 9th, 2012, 12:08 pm
Hooyah! We are keeping the big wheel turning .... those erg odometers are clicking through the meter numbers! Madness....it's March Madness....and add a full moon...well, there's no telling what today might bring!
Madness!! Day 9 or 10 of 31......
Wowzer, mates! The Concept2 rowing universe tipped the number scales at a little greater than 5400 participants in the March Madness Challenge yesterday...yet today the descent has begun! This morning's numbers stand at a little over 4000 participants. So keep "stayin' alive" in this Challenge! I know I've used two of my "get out of rowing for the day" cards...yikes. We have many who have already earned 9 days of the 25. Way to row, everyone! resisting a graph opportunity...
No daily winner posted yet for yesterday, so perhaps we'll see two daily postings today. Past history SUGGESTS (but does not guarantee) that a 10K winner is also chosen on the 9th or 10th of March. Less overall participation = improved chances of winning....

teammates in the Challenge (and well over 100 rowing consistently!)
Season meters as of 315/366 = 169,703,321 m
Total meters on the day = 632,588 m
Oars in space (participation) = 33 percent
MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:
6.8 MM Ron
4.7 MM Michelle
4.15 MM Minnie
4.1 MM Ronnie
3.15 MM Zander
3.0 MM Rivka
3.0 MM Baz
2.7 MM Danno
2.5 MM Robyn
1.15 MM Marty
1.1 MM Bobbie
1.0 MM Mitch J
300 K Lily
Million Meter Watch:
Ron with (171,657 m) to go!
Million Meter Watch:
Bernie with (113,560 m) to go!
AJ with (159,750 m) to go!
Million Meter Watch:
Katerina with (2,439 m) to go! Whoa...she might finish this off before the posting is complete!
David T with (122,000 m) to go!
Million Meter Watch:
Kevin N with (14,050 m) to go!
Chris H with (44,301 m) to go!
Kiba with (60,000 m) to go!
Rebecca with (75,000 m) to go!
Chuck with (108,500 m) to go!
Ted with (137,000 m) to go!
Thanks to all who rowed today!
Ethan 450 m
Ashlee 650 m
Lily 1,055 m
Kaylee 1,300 m
Gene H 1,800 m
Bobbie 2,500 m
Denny 2,500 m
Ken H 2,500 m
Terri 2,500 m
Karen 4,500 m
Peter G 5,000 m

m reads the same...front and back
Marty 5,009 m
Nancy P 5,106 m
Pat B 5,316 m
Roger 5,500 m
Harold 6,500 m

Nataliya 6,500 m
KarYn 6,631 m 
Sam 6,824 m
Jim 7,000 m
Diana 7,500 m
Scott 7,700 m

Walter 8,500 m
Mitch J 9,263 m
Baz 10,000 m
Dave H 10,000 m
Jeff P 10,000 m
Peter H 10,000 m
Rebecca 10,000 m
enrage 10,023 m ...just think how prepared you'll be for the World Erg Challenge!
Greg C 10,362 m
Fritz 10, 

m ...yep...first it was 10,444 then 10,555 then 10,666 m....8s are looking good.
Rivka 11,000 m
Sarah 11,000 m
Ross 11,523 m
Ronnie 12,000 m
Zander 12,000 m
Katerina 12,200 m
Chuck 12,500 m
Minnie 12,880 m
Anita 13,000 m
Christa 13,000 m
bg 14,083 m
Jerry 15,000 m
David A 15,461 m
Raoul 15,573 m
Michelle 19,500 m
Cathie 20,

Jay 25,000 m
Robyn 30,000 m
Ron 31,097 m ...nice half marathon in there!
Danno 34,168 m
Kiba 40,000 m
Ed 45,000 m
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by Restless » March 9th, 2012, 1:31 pm
Congrats Mitch J on your one million meters! And also Rivka on the 3 million meters!
Day off rowing for me, know I need it but I feel like such a slug not doing it
Life is not about learning to survive the storm, but rather learning to dance in the rain.