LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

A member of an indoor rowing team or club? If so, this is the place for you.

Can this one team row to the moon and back?

Poll ended at May 17th, 2008, 12:28 pm

I think we can do it together. I'm all in!
No way! You all are wacko!
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Re: He's A Meter Millionaire!

Post by bg » December 21st, 2011, 2:09 pm

Kona2 wrote:ImageImageImage Image

Woohoo and hooyah! Congratulations, Harold, on achieving a ONE million meter rowing season! We wish you many, MANY more!

wooooooo hooooooo harold.....

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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 12.20.11

Post by Kona2 » December 21st, 2011, 2:34 pm

Image 2 or 3 days to go !!

The days are just a blurrrrrrr....and hooboy are we in countdown mode for this challenge! All over the rowing universe there is meter frenzy as we row to put the finishing touches on our meter contributions .... what? add in another luncheon...that'll be 15,000 meters to work that one off! Hahahahaha...hah.

Meanwhile, here at reindeer central, reindeer flight school is proceeding well. We're still awaiting the arrival of Rudolph, but have great faith that he will arrive in time to guide our sleigh (which is jam packed with meters by now). We definitely have two contenders for Rudolph.....Kaylee has only 2,467 m to go for her 50K, and Ashlee is not far behind for her 50K (she needs 6,499 ... and this is so very possible). Stay focused....get that donation!'s the junior rower with the most Holiday Challenge meters who gets to be Rudolph.

Citroen correctly predicted that we would start seeing a steeper incline on our rocket graph as Concept2's meter database is FLOODED with meters from rowers finishing the Challenge. Sure enough, we picked up SIX percentage points yesterday in the overall contributions to Concept2. Citroen's been helping spread the word to get the full donation on the other side of the pond...and he's been through just a few Challenges. We'll see what Saturday brings (although meters may indeed continue to come in for a day or two following the official challenge deadline).

Image Concept2 Challenge Donations Earned:

Luna-Tics Team = $568.13 ( 190 % of our goal - incredible !)

Concept2 Overall = $ 22,445 =
75 percent of goal!!!! :D


Season meters as of 235/365 = 105,508,650 m

Total meters on the day = 683,042 m

Oars in space (participation) = 42 percent !! Hooyah!!!

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

4.8 MM Ron
4.45 MM Will S
4.2 MM Cathie
2.75 MM Jim
2.7 MM Ronnie - great new photo!
2.25 MM Bernie
1.95 MM Rivka
1.9 MM Zander
1.4 MM David T
1.15 MM Elton
1.0 MM Harold
950 K Kim
850 K Mitch J
350 K Nathan
170 K Kaylee
140 K Ashlee

Image Million Meter Watch:

Jay with (12,803 m) to go!

Ron with (178,950m) to go!

Image Million Meter Watch :

Rosi with (113,371 m) to go!

Jim with (248,629 m) to go!

Ronnie, David A.... in the queue!

Image Million Meter Watch:

Christa with (16,174 m) to go ! She might go for it today!

AJ with (34,443 m) to go!

Rivka with (40,481 m) to go !

Zander with (81,493 m) to go! Wowzer, zooming along!

Ross with (137,089 m) to go!

Image Million Meter Watch:

Charles B with (29,340 m) to go!

Raoul with (16,789 m) to go!

Terri M with (38,703 m) to go!

Kim with (47,705 m) to go!

Chris H with (70,650 m) to go!

Dave H with (93,691 m) to go!

James G "enrage" with (133,482 m) to go!

And...for our youngest rowers pursuing their 50K and the donation $$$: as of 645 PM MST

Kaylee with (2,467 m) to go! Woohoo!

Ashlee with (6,499 m) to go! She sees the finish line!

And Ethan has rowed more this month than he's ever rowed before! He's now at 27,434 m !

Thanks to all who rowed're doing a fine bit of work here!

Ethan 800 m
Steven D 942 m
Lily 1,500 m
Sorin 2,000 m
Jeff M 2,018 m
Ashlee 2,981 m
Kaylee 3,128 m
Terri M 3,510 m
Harold 4,000 m
Marty 4,000 m
Robyn 4,800 m
Nataliya 4,950 m
K2 5,000 m
Jeff P 5,000 m
Danno 5,006 m ...33 minutes at 33 F....F is for frosty meters...
Bobbie 5,475 m
Tony ImageImageImageImage m :D
Mike G 6,231 m
Jodi 6,251 m ... less than 5K to reindeer...and donation counting!
Jack 6,498 m
Gene 6,500 m
Tom M 6,500 m
Sunny 6,706 m ... and the 100K milestone in the Holiday Challenge!
Katerina 7,200 m
Rodrigo-go-go 7,281 m
Wim 8,000 m
David A 8,273 m
Sam 9,900 m
Baz 10,000 m
Ken G 10,000 m
Peter H 10,000 m
Karyn 10,104 m :D
Greg C 10,188 m
Tammy 10,690 m
bg 11,129 m
Andrea 11,742 m
Dennis 11,793 m
David T 12,000 m
Sarah 12,000 m
Bernie 12,014 m
Roger 12,600 m
Rivka 12,800 m
Ronnie 12,900 m
Elton 13,012 m
Mitch J 13,537 m
Anita 15,000 m
Christa 15,000 m
BJ 15,058 m
Jim K 15,231 m
Nathan 16,043 m
Kevin 17,000 m
Michelle 18,000 m
Gail 20,000 m
Zander 21,000 m
Jay 22,500 m
Cathie 32,900 m
Ron 43,995 m ...back to back FMs...ugh.
Will S 45,000 m
Kim 49,801 m ... pretty close to 1 MM now..

Reindeer Milestones:

900 K : Ron

700 K: Jay

600 K: Cathie

500 K: Will S, Michelle

400 K: Jim K

300 K: Minnie, Rosi, Ronnie, David A, Baz, Anita, AJ, Zander, bg, Roger, Tammy, Richard T, Robyn

200 K: Bernie, Christa, Rivka, Ross, Danno, Sarah, Elton, Katerina, Harold, Terri M, Dave H, Kim, Ken G, K2, Kristine, BJ, Greg C, Tony, Karyn, Sam

100 K: David T, Mitch, Dennis, Kevin, Bobbie, Ted, Chuck, Marty, Greg H, Mike G, Gail, Dan E, Jack, Wim, Andrea, Rodrigo, Sunny, Jeff P, Gene, Nathan

50+ K: Nataliya, Lily

Have reindeer and working on the donation level: Ashlee, Kaylee, Ethan

Tis the season for all kinds of lights!


Image Day 2

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Ladybug power!

Post by Kona2 » December 21st, 2011, 5:00 pm

Kaylee is ONLY 717 meters from getting to her 50K....c'mon, Kaylee! You can finish it!!

Ashlee is ONLY 4,749 meters from getting to her 50K.....c'mon Ashlee! You can finish, too!

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Another Reindeer! Number 67 !

Post by Kona2 » December 21st, 2011, 5:10 pm

Woohoo! Good stuff is happening today! Congratulations, Jodi, on achieving the 100K milestone in the Holiday Challenge, freeing up YOUR reindeer and having your meters count towards a Concept2 donation! Most excellent! Your reindeer is named after your current home state....Georgia!

Image Georgia (Jodi)

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Jodi » December 21st, 2011, 5:16 pm

Thanks K2 on the congratulations. :D Before last week I erroneously thought that the most difficult aspect of the holiday challenge was going to be getting the 100,000 meters of rowing in. I now realize that it has a name and her name is Ciera (my granddaughter), and she's 3 years old! Good grief! :shock: No wonder we have children when we're young! I have had to sneak rows in during naps just to be sure and be back in the house before she wakes up and realizes that I'm not anxiously awaiting the opportunity to wait on her hand and foot every waking hour.
But it's done, I got over the hump and got 102,000+, so now anything else is like cool whip on my apple pie. (Meaning not necessary, but it sure makes the pie that much more enjoyable to eat.) So here's to the cool whip! My son and daughter-in-law will be here with the baby tomorrow and maybe I can get a few more meters added on for good measure. Or maybe I'll just enjoy the baby, either way, I accomplished a goal, and all is well in my neck of the woods.

As far as people joining the Luna-tics through invitation on the board, that's the way I found you guys. And I have totally enjoyed every minute of the comraderie, information, advice and just plain fun posts! Here's to 2012. Thanks for being here :wink:
Copy of Ciera's visit Christmas 2011 038.jpg
My Holiday Challenge
Copy of Ciera's visit Christmas 2011 038.jpg (26.82 KiB) Viewed 5916 times
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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by bg » December 21st, 2011, 5:41 pm

Jodi wrote:Thanks K2 on the congratulations. :D Before last week I erroneously thought that the most difficult aspect of the holiday challenge was going to be getting the 100,000 meters of rowing in. I now realize that it has a name and her name is Ciera (my granddaughter), and she's 3 years old! Good grief! :shock: No wonder we have children when we're young! I have had to sneak rows in during naps just to be sure and be back in the house before she wakes up and realizes that I'm not anxiously awaiting the opportunity to wait on her hand and foot every waking hour.
But it's done, I got over the hump and got 102,000+, so now anything else is like cool whip on my apple pie. (Meaning not necessary, but it sure makes the pie that much more enjoyable to eat.) So here's to the cool whip! My son and daughter-in-law will be here with the baby tomorrow and maybe I can get a few more meters added on for good measure. Or maybe I'll just enjoy the baby, either way, I accomplished a goal, and all is well in my neck of the woods.

As far as people joining the Luna-tics through invitation on the board, that's the way I found you guys. And I have totally enjoyed every minute of the comraderie, information, advice and just plain fun posts! Here's to 2012. Thanks for being here :wink:
ciera is sooooo adorable.....enjoy the time with your family....and great having you on board....

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Woohoo! He's a meter millionaire!

Post by Kona2 » December 22nd, 2011, 9:58 am

ImageImageImage Image

Woohoo and hooyah! It's a FIRST million! Somehow, in between the other adventures he's been participating in, Raoul has found time to crank out a million meters this season! Congratulations, Raoul, on achieving a ONE million meter rowing season! We wish you many, MANY more (adventures and millions)!

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Woohoo! It's the big FIVE!

Post by Kona2 » December 22nd, 2011, 10:04 am

ImageImageImage Image

Woohoo and hooyah! Incredible! Congratulations, Jay, on achieving a FIVE million meter rowing season! We wish you many, MANY more!

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Reindeer #67

Post by Kona2 » December 22nd, 2011, 11:18 am

The Man From Snowy River is an old film (but a goodie) has some of the most memorable footage of a horse and rider making a rapid descent down a steep incline...ever. Breath-snatching. The Snowy River is one of southeastern Australia's major rivers. It originates on the slopes of Mount Kosciuszko, Australia's highest mainland peak, and snow melt drains via the eastern slopes of the Snowy Mountains (part of Australian Alps) in New South Wales, before flowing through the Snowy River National Park in Victoria and emptying into Bass Strait. And, since Angelo resides in New South Wales, we'll call his reindeer "Snowy"...maybe after the mountains or the river...and maybe after TinTin's dog, Snowy. :D

Image Snowy (Angelo)

Congratulations, Angelo, on achieving 100K in the Holiday Challenge....and getting your $2.13 Concept2 donation ! Woot!

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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 12.21.11

Post by Kona2 » December 22nd, 2011, 1:10 pm

Image 1 or 2 days to go !!

The weather people define a White Christmas as one in which there is at least one inch of snow on the ground (and here I always thought it meant that it was actually snowing!)....and so far, we have at least one foot of snow...and it's still snowing. I don't think this will melt in the next couple of days. In fact, thinking about a different form of transportation today! :lol:


Image = 67

Image Concept2 Challenge Donations Earned:

Luna-Tics Team = $598.38 ( 199 % of our goal - incredible !)

Concept2 Overall = $ 24,018 =
80 percent of goal!!!! :D


Season meters as of 236/365 = 106,160,714 m

Total meters on the day = 652,064 m

Oars in space (participation) = 36 percent !! Excellent!

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

5.0 MM Jay
4.85 MM Ron - with another Full Marathon
2.45 MM David A
1.7 MM Sarah
1.7 MM Richard T
1.0 MM Raoul
650 K K2

Image Million Meter Watch:

Ron with (133,755 m) to go!

Image Million Meter Watch :

Rosi with (104,071 m) to go! Less now as she's just uploaded a big bunch of meters! :D

Jim with (235,629 m) to go!

Ronnie, David A.... in the queue!

Image Million Meter Watch:

Christa with (4,174 m) to go ! She might go for it today!

AJ with (6,238 m) to go!

Rivka with (26,481 m) to go !

Zander with (66,483 m) to go! Wowzer, zooming along!

Ross with (137,089 m) to go!

bg is in the queue....

Image Million Meter Watch:

Charles B with (29,340 m) to go!

Terri M with (34,103 m) to go!

Kim with (47,705 m) to go!

Chris H with (70,650 m) to go!

Dave H with (81,691 m) to go!

James G "enrage" with (133,482 m) to go!

And...for our youngest rowers pursuing their 50K and the donation $$$: as of 0900 MST =

KAYLEE has made her ImageImageImageImageImage (plus a couple extra meters) !!! Woohoo! She's met the challenge...and I think that translates to a $2 donation for juniors?

Ashlee with (3,549 m) to go! Keep going - you're going to make it! Just a little bit more!

Thanks to all who rowed today !

Image Ethan 850 m
Steven D 988 m
Image Ashlee 1,750 m
Image Kaylee 1,750 m
Image Lily 2,500 m
Tim S 3,486 m
Image Marty 3,500 m
Image Bobbie 4,000 m
Image Will S 4,000 m
Image Terri M 4,600 m
Image Jack 4,768 m
Image Robyn 5,200 m
ImageTony ImageImageImageImage m
Image Jodi 6,152 m
Image Nataliya 6,200 m :D
Image Karyn 6,552 m
Image Jeff P 6,901 m
Image K2 7,069 m
James G enrage 7,553 m
Image bg 7,717 m
Image Bernie 8,022 m
Image Tammy 9,000 m
Image Rosi 9,300 m
Image Baz 10,000 m
Image Gail 10,000 m
Image Ken G 10,000 m
Image Kristine 10,000 m
Image Anita 12,000 m
Image Christa 12,000 m
Image Dave H 12,000 m
Image Katerina 12,500 m
Image Greg H 12,504 m
Image Rodrigo 12,530 m
Image Jim K 13,000 m
Image Michelle 13,000 m
Image Andrea 13,155 m
Image Mitch J 13,608 m
Image Rivka 14,000 m
Image Sarah 14,000 m
Image Harold 15,000 m
Image Ronnie 15,000 m
ImageZander 15,000 m
Raoul 16,ImageImageImage m
ImageElton 18,900 m
Image Roger 21,000 m
Image Angelo 23,059 m :D
Image AJ 28,205 m :D
Image Jay 34,000 m
Image David A 44,107 m there a Full Marathon in there?!
Image Ron 45,195 m ...definitely a full marathon in here!
Image Richard T 64,000 m

Reindeer Milestones:

900 K : Ron

800 K: Jay

600 K: Cathie

500 K: Will S, Michelle

400 K: Jim K, Roger, Richard T and Rosi

300 K: Minnie, Ronnie, David A, Baz, Anita, AJ, Rivka, Zander, bg, Tammy, Robyn, Elton, Sarah

200 K: Bernie, Christa, Ross, Danno, Katerina, Harold, Terri M, Dave H, Kim, Ken G, K2, Kristine, BJ, Greg C, Tony, Karyn,

100 K: David T, Mitch, Dennis, Kevin, Bobbie, Ted, Chuck, Marty, Greg H, Mike G, Gail, Dan E, Jack, Wim, Andrea, Rodrigo, Sunny, Jeff P, Gene, Nathan, Angelo, Jodi

50+ K: Nataliya, Lily, Kaylee

Have reindeer and working on the donation level: Ashlee, Ethan

Image Day 3

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by bg » December 22nd, 2011, 3:00 pm

congrats and woooooo hoooooo raoul and jay....

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Re: Reindeer #67

Post by just27 » December 22nd, 2011, 3:42 pm

Kona2 wrote:The Man From Snowy River is an old film (but a goodie) has some of the most memorable footage of a horse and rider making a rapid descent down a steep incline...ever. Breath-snatching. The Snowy River is one of southeastern Australia's major rivers. It originates on the slopes of Mount Kosciuszko, Australia's highest mainland peak, and snow melt drains via the eastern slopes of the Snowy Mountains (part of Australian Alps) in New South Wales, before flowing through the Snowy River National Park in Victoria and emptying into Bass Strait. And, since Angelo resides in New South Wales, we'll call his reindeer "Snowy"...
Definitely an oldie-but-goodie movie, but also a great poem. I had to learn it in 7th grade, at school in Melbourne, and can still recite (most of!) it. I think that Dave H is related to the Australian poet, Banjo Paterson. This scene from the movie has the poem voiced-over, and if you don't have 10 minutes to spare, start it at minute 4:

Congrats, all, on a great Holiday Challenge ... such a herd of liberated-n-lit reindeer cavorting around the globe! Merry, merry.
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Re: Woohoo! It's the big FIVE!

Post by BAZzy » December 22nd, 2011, 4:34 pm

Kona2 wrote:ImageImageImage Image

Woohoo and hooyah! Incredible! Congratulations, Jay, on achieving a FIVE million meter rowing season! We wish you many, MANY more!
Oarsome! Cheers, BBB
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Re: Reindeer #67

Post by BAZzy » December 22nd, 2011, 4:42 pm

Kona2 wrote:The Man From Snowy River is an old film (but a goodie) has some of the most memorable footage of a horse and rider making a rapid descent down a steep incline...ever. Breath-snatching. The Snowy River is one of southeastern Australia's major rivers. It originates on the slopes of Mount Kosciuszko, Australia's highest mainland peak, and snow melt drains via the eastern slopes of the Snowy Mountains (part of Australian Alps) in New South Wales, before flowing through the Snowy River National Park in Victoria and emptying into Bass Strait. And, since Angelo resides in New South Wales, we'll call his reindeer "Snowy"...maybe after the mountains or the river...and maybe after TinTin's dog, Snowy. :D

Image Snowy (Angelo)

Congratulations, Angelo, on achieving 100K in the Holiday Challenge....and getting your $2.13 Concept2 donation ! Woot!
Great work Angelo, and K2 it is funny you mention this region as we will be there for a week in about three weeks!!

And what a great movie, might have to watch it over the holiday season. We are camping at Khancobhan on a lake right in the foothills of this area, we'll do some kayaking, bike riding, four-wheel driving etc.

Cheers, BBB
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He's A Meter Multi-Millionaire!

Post by Kona2 » December 22nd, 2011, 5:44 pm


Woohoo and hooyah! Just in time for Christmas, AJ has earned his meter multimillionaire status! Congratulations, AJ, on achieving a TWO million meter season! We wish you many, MANY more!

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