TimbukTOO Team Room

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by markman » January 3rd, 2017, 6:38 pm

Happy New Year!

Great rowing everyone for the HC! I managed to do about what I wanted to but I'm going to try and bump it up a bit for the VTC.

Go ahead and please put me down for 202,138 meters. I know that's a strange number but it's 1 meter more than my best month ever so this seems like a good month to beat my best (even if it's only by 1 meter) :D
Good luck to everyone!
59 M 6' 1" 165#
Concept2 Model D w/PM5 Upgrade

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by goyo » January 3rd, 2017, 11:18 pm

Happy New Year! Row strong in 2017.

Thanks for posting the numbers.
Congratulations to Angela P for passing 1 million meters for the season!
Glenn Y

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Poprow » January 7th, 2017, 10:51 pm

Team TimbukTOO has passed 25MM!
What a way to start off the New Year! Let's keep it going in 2017!

Team TimbukTWO has passed 1MM!
Already?!? Awesome!

Congratulations to Gary W for reaching 2 Million Meters!
Woo hoo! Our own Energizer bunny!

TimbukTOO welcomes back Fred J and welcomes Robert R!
Team TimbukTOO now has 65 active members.
Welcome aboard!!
Robert R, should I be welcoming you back? Your name sounds familiar. I don't have access to my spreadsheet from last season right now.

The Virtual Team Challenge is underway with Team TimbukTWO in 23rd place of 456 teams.
Our Team is 47 members strong so far
Here's a quick rundown of our roster:

We welcome new team members:
Abe D
Bob S
Cliff R
Dave G
David R
Erik W
Jim D
Mike O
Patrick P
Tim J

We welcome back our TimbukTWO teammates:
Daniel H
Fred M
Hannah H
John W
Margaret W
Mark O
Mary H
Michael N

And we also have Team TimbukTOO's own:
Adam M
Angela P
Army Padre
Bobbie Z
Capn Izzy
Fred J
Gary W
George M
Glenn Y
Heather R
Jack F
Jamie B
Jeffrey R
Jim C
Joey W
John B
John S
Josh O
Ken C
Kristin C
Mark S
Pam S
Ray W
Riyad E
Stephen M
Steve I
Tom W
Warren F

Let's have a great challenge.

6 days in here are our Challenge meters:
John S 98,134
Gary W 96,258
Fred M 59,767
Riyad E 55,000
Mark S 50,860
Mark O 48,800
Bobbie Z 46,817
John W 41,580
Michael N 40,700
George M 37,225
Army Padre 35,570
Erik W 31,486
Josh O 30,946
Steve I 30,404
Warren F 29,181
Glenn Y 24,026
John B 22,203
Jim D 22,048
Tom W 20,983
Angela P 20,797
David R 20,000
Jim C 20,000
Ray W 17,263
Dave G 15,400
Cliff R 15,241
Stephen M 15,010
Izzy 14,774
Ken C 14,379
Abe D 13,788
Adam M 13,500
Fred J 12,276
Patrick P 12,000
JD 11,551
Bob S 10,055
Jamie B 8,500
Kristin C 6,031
Heather R 5,000
Tim J 3,059
Joey W 1,729
Mary H 1,000
Jeffrey R 625

Targets have been passed
Abe D passed 5k,10k
Adam M passed 5k,10k
Angela P passed 5k,10k
Army Padre passed 5k,10k,25k
Bob S passed 5k,10k
Bobbie Z passed 5k,10k,25k
Cliff R passed 5k,10k
Dave G passed 5k,10k
David R passed 5k,10k
Erik W passed 5k,10k,25k
Fred J passed 5k,10k
Fred M passed 5k,10k,25k,50k
Gary W passed 5k,10k,25k,50k,75k
George M passed 5k,10k,25k
Glenn Y passed 5k,10k
Heather R reached 5k
Izzy passed 5k,10k
Jamie B passed 5k
JD passed 5k,10k
Jim C passed 5k,10k
John B passed 5k,10k
John S passed 5k,10k,25k,50k,75k
John W passed 5k,10k,25k
Josh O passed 5k,10k,25k
Ken C passed 5k,10k
Kristin C passed 5k
Mark O passed 5k,10k,25k
Mark S passed 5k,10k,25k,50k
Michael N passed 5k,10k,25k
Patrick P passed 5k,10k
Ray W passed 5k,10k
Riyad E passed 5k,10k,25k,50k
Stephen M passed 5k,10k
Steve I passed 5k,10k,25k
Tom W passed 5k,10k
Warren F passed 5k,10k,25k

Meters until next goal in the VTC
Glenn Y 974 m to 25,000
Mark O 1,200 m to 50,000
Jamie B 1,500 m to 10,000
John S 1,866 m to 100,000
Tim J 1,941 m to 5,000
John B 2,797 m to 25,000
Jim D 2,952 m to 25,000
Bobbie Z 3,183 m to 50,000
Joey W 3,271 m to 5,000
Gary W 3,742 m to 100,000
Kristin C 3,969 m to 10,000
Mary H 4,000 m to 5,000
Tom W 4,017 m to 25,000
Angela P 4,203 m to 25,000
Jeffrey R 4,375 m to 5,000
David R 5,000 m to 25,000
Jim C 5,000 m to 25,000
Heather R 5,000 m to 10,000
Ray W 7,737 m to 25,000
John W 8,420 m to 50,000
Michael N 9,300 m to 50,000
Dave G 9,600 m to 25,000
Cliff R 9,759 m to 25,000
Stephen M 9,990 m to 25,000
Izzy 10,226 m to 25,000
Ken C 10,621 m to 25,000
Abe D 11,212 m to 25,000
Adam M 11,500 m to 25,000
Fred J 12,724 m to 25,000
George M 12,775 m to 50,000
Patrick P 13,000 m to 25,000
JD 13,449 m to 25,000
Army Padre 14,430 m to 50,000
Bob S 14,945 m to 25,000
Fred M 15,233 m to 75,000
Erik W 18,514 m to 50,000
Josh O 19,054 m to 50,000
Steve I 19,596 m to 50,000
Riyad E 20,000 m to 75,000

Warren F 20,819 m to 50,000
Mark S 24,140 m to 75,000

In TimbukTOO news, here are our meters Jan 1-Jan 6
John S 112,481
Gary W 96,258
Riyad E 55,000 - you have taken off without me, LOL!
Robert R 54,879
Bobbie Z 53,817
Mark S 50,860
Neil Q 50,000
George  M 37,225
Army Padre 35,570
Warren F 34,181
Josh O 30,946
Steve I 30,404
Capn Izzy 28,941
Ken C 25,329
Stephen M 24,317
Glenn Y 24,026
John B 22,203
Tom W 20,983
Angela P 20,797
Jim C 20,000
Ray W 17,263
Matthew R 15,585
Adam M 13,500
Everett B 13,500
Fred J 12,276
JD 11,551
Jamie B 8,500
Kristin C 6,031
Heather R 5,000
Jeffrey R 3,625
Joey W 1,729

936,777 team meters - almost 1M
25,137,132 total team meters this season

Targets passed
Army Padre passed 850k
Bobbie Z passed 1.35M
Everett B passed 5k,10k
Fred J passed 5k,10k
Gary W passed 1.95M,2.00M
George  M passed 1.30M
Heather R passed 800k
Jim C passed 1.45M
John B passed 650k
John S passed 550k,600k
Ken C passed 800k
Mark S passed 850k
Matthew R passed 50k
Neil Q passed 1.25M
Ray W passed 900k
Riyad E passed 1.05M
Robert R passed 5k,10k,25k,50k
Warren F passed 600k

Meters until next targets
Bel C 1,924 m to 300,000
Scott W 2,536 m to 10,000
Ulla D 2,630 m to 75,000
Glenn Y 2,833 m to 250,000
Ted P 3,073 m to 10,000
Linnea F 3,088 m to 5,000
Noah C 3,178 m to 5,000
Jeffrey R 3,593 m to 50,000
Rachel B 4,000 m to 5,000
Bob L 4,978 m to 10,000
Aditya P 5,000 m to 25,000
Carl R 5,000 m to 25,000
Capn Izzy 5,222 m to 800,000
Joey W 5,718 m to 25,000
Tom W 5,772 m to 150,000
Angela P 6,992 m to 1,050,000
Everett B 7,000 m to 25,000
Dale C 7,070 m to 100,000
Steve I 7,123 m to 800,000
Kerim 8,109 m to 50,000
Gabi H 8,490 m to 550,000
Heman B 8,986 m to 50,000
David W 10,430 m to 50,000
Pam S 10,778 m to 25,000
Matthew R 11,466 m to 75,000
Marco S 11,887 m to 25,000
Josh O 11,917 m to 250,000
Fred J 12,724 m to 25,000
Jack F 14,083 m to 600,000
Vince M 14,150 m to 25,000
Erik B 14,453 m to 25,000
Gary G 14,660 m to 25,000
Kevin K 15,288 m to 150,000
Bill M 15,858 m to 450,000
Daniel R 16,936 m to 100,000
Jamie B 18,453 m to 650,000
Bernie J 18,470 m to 50,000
Robert R 20,121 m to 75,000
JD 20,919 m to 300,000
Adam M 21,000 m to 300,000
Gary D 22,500 m to 50,000
Sheryl M 24,649 m to 75,000
Stephen M 25,337 m to 700,000
Ken C 25,353 m to 850,000
George  M 26,012 m to 1,350,000
John S 26,354 m to 650,000
Gary W 27,865 m to 2,050,000
John B 29,878 m to 700,000
Neil Q 30,000 m to 1,300,000

Joseph M 32,840 m to 400,000
Warren F 33,455 m to 650,000
Kristin C 34,624 m to 600,000
Ray W 36,152 m to 950,000
Bobbie Z 36,183 m to 1,400,000
Army Padre 37,277 m to 900,000

Kyle J 38,483 m to 350,000
Bob 39,000 m to 550,000
Jim C 40,000 m to 1,500,000
Barbara B 40,849 m to 150,000
Marcel D 41,827 m to 250,000
Greg H 43,200 m to 400,000
Riyad E 43,324 m to 1,100,000
Bob A 43,498 m to 150,000
Mark S 45,000 m to 900,000
Heather R 48,300 m to 850,000

Season meter counts
Gary W 2,022,135
Jim C 1,460,000
Bobbie Z 1,363,817
George  M 1,323,988
Neil Q 1,270,000
Riyad E 1,056,676
Angela P 1,043,008
Ray W 913,848
Army Padre 862,723
Mark S 855,000
Ken C 824,647
Heather R 801,700
Capn Izzy 794,778
Steve I 792,877
Stephen M 674,663
John B 670,122
Jamie B 631,547
John S 623,646
Warren F 616,545
Jack F 585,917
Kristin C 565,376
Gabi H 541,510
Bob 511,000
Bill M 434,142
Joseph M 367,160
Greg H 356,800
Kyle J 311,517
Bel C 298,076
JD 279,081
Adam M 279,000
Glenn Y 247,167
Josh O 238,083
Marcel D 208,173
Tom W 144,228
Kevin K 134,712
Barbara B 109,151
Bob A 106,502
Dale C 92,930
Daniel R 83,064
Ulla D 72,370
Matthew R 63,534
Robert R 54,879
Sheryl M 50,351
Jeffrey R 46,407
Kerim 41,891
Heman B 41,014
David W 39,570
Bernie J 31,530
Gary D 27,500
Aditya P 20,000
Carl R 20,000
Joey W 19,282
Everett B 18,000
Pam S 14,222
Marco S 13,113
Fred J 12,276
Vince M 10,850
Erik B 10,547
Gary G 10,340
Scott W 7,464
Ted P 6,927
Bob L 5,022
Linnea F 1,912
Noah C 1,822
Rachel B 1,000

That's a lot of meters, folks!

Mark S - your impressive goal is going to inspire me back into tracking goals. I'll get my act in order.

If anyone else is interested in setting a goal for the VTC, please share. We'll cheer you along. I'm cutting back. I think 150k is a stretch for me this month but that's my target for now.

Row strong, everybody but don't hurt yourself! We want you to make it through the 31st day.

Happy Saturday night!
-Angela P

It's so cold here in not so sunny FL. Stay warm!
Glenn Y - thanks for looking out for me!! :D

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Poprow » January 13th, 2017, 3:54 am

Team TimbukTWO has passed 2MM in the VTC!!
Wow! Wow! Wow! Another MM in less than a week - how far can we go this Challenge??

TimbukTOO welcomes back Alan D.
Team TimbukTOO now has 66 active members.
So nice to have you back aboard!

Our TimbukTWO has some additional roster changes
We welcome new team member
John M

We welcome back TimbukTWO teammate
Lee W

and we're happy to also now include Team TimbukTOO teammates
Bob L
Jack F
Kyle J

A boost to our meter count and our morale!

Finishing 12 days in the VTC

Team TimbukTWO holds 23rd place of now 535 teams
2,300,945 total team meters in the VTC

Days 7-12
John M 176,155
John S 84,277
Michael N 71,400
David H 67,705
Fred M 62,161
David R 52,500
Gary W 49,774
Steve I 43,713
Mark O 42,500
Tom W 38,907
George M 36,641
Erik W 36,552
Riyad E 35,000
Mark S 35,000
Josh O 33,977
Margaret W 29,646
Angela P 28,168
Lee W 25,816
Bobbie Z 24,731
Jim D 23,054
Ray W 21,611
John B 20,517
Dave G 20,105
Stephen M 20,037
Jack F 17,815
Abe D 17,469
Kyle J 17,125
Kristin C 14,102
John W 13,435
Cliff R 13,000
Bob L 10,037
Glenn Y 7,567
Fred J 7,400
Adam M 6,000
Jamie B 6,000
JD 5,530
Warren F 5,000
Douglas D 3,767
Joey W 2,785

Targets have been passed
Abe D passed 25k
Angela P passed 25k
Bob L passed 5k,10k
Bobbie Z passed 50k
Cliff R passed 25k
Dave G passed 25k
David H passed 5k,10k,25k,50k
David R passed 25k,50k
Erik W passed 50k
Fred M passed 75k,100k
Gary W passed 100k
George M passed 50k
Glenn Y passed 25k
Jack F passed 5k,10k
Jamie B passed 10k
Jim D passed 25k
John B passed 25k
John M passed 5k,10k,25k,50k,75k,100k,150k
John S passed 100k,150k
John W passed 50k
Josh O passed 50k
Kristin C passed 10k
Kyle J passed 5k,10k
Lee W passed 5k,10k,25k
Margaret W passed 5k,10k,25k
Mark O passed 50k,75k
Mark S passed 75k
Michael N passed 50k,75k,100k
Ray W passed 25k
Riyad E passed 75k
Stephen M passed 25k
Steve I passed 50k
Tom W passed 25k,50k

Meters until next goal in the VTC
Joey W 486 m to 5,000
Steve I 883 m to 75,000
Angela P 1,035 m to 50,000
George M 1,134 m to 75,000
Douglas D 1,233 m to 5,000
Tim J 1,941 m to 5,000
David R 2,500 m to 75,000
Bobbie Z 3,452 m to 75,000
Gary W 3,968 m to 150,000
Mary H 4,000 m to 5,000
Jeffrey R 4,375 m to 5,000
Kristin C 4,867 m to 25,000
Jim D 4,898 m to 50,000
Jim C 5,000 m to 25,000
Heather R 5,000 m to 10,000
Fred J 5,324 m to 25,000
Adam M 5,500 m to 25,000
Erik W 6,962 m to 75,000
Jack F 7,185 m to 25,000
John B 7,280 m to 50,000
David H 7,295 m to 75,000
Kyle J 7,875 m to 25,000
JD 7,919 m to 25,000
Mark O 8,700 m to 100,000
Riyad E 10,000 m to 100,000

Josh O 10,077 m to 75,000
Capn Izzy 10,226 m to 25,000
Jamie B 10,500 m to 25,000
Ken C 10,621 m to 25,000
Ray W 11,126 m to 50,000
Patrick P 13,000 m to 25,000
Mark S 14,140 m to 100,000
Army Padre 14,430 m to 50,000
Dave G 14,495 m to 50,000
Bob S 14,945 m to 25,000
Stephen M 14,953 m to 50,000
Bob L 14,963 m to 25,000
Tom W 15,110 m to 75,000
Warren F 15,819 m to 50,000
John S 17,589 m to 200,000
Glenn Y 18,407 m to 50,000
Abe D 18,743 m to 50,000
John W 19,985 m to 75,000

Margaret W 20,354 m to 50,000
Cliff R 21,759 m to 50,000
John M 23,845 m to 200,000
Lee W 24,184 m to 50,000
Fred M 28,072 m to 150,000
Michael N 37,900 m to 150,000

Total meters in the VTC
John S 182,411
John M 176,155
Gary W 146,032
Fred M 121,928
Michael N 112,100
Mark O 91,300
Riyad E 90,000
Mark S 85,860
Steve I 74,117
George M 73,866
David R 72,500
Bobbie Z 71,548
Erik W 68,038
David H 67,705
Josh O 64,923
Tom W 59,890
John W 55,015
Angela P 48,965
Jim D 45,102
John B 42,720
Ray W 38,874
Army Padre 35,570
Dave G 35,505
Stephen M 35,047
Warren F 34,181
Glenn Y 31,593
Abe D 31,257
Margaret W 29,646
Cliff R 28,241
Lee W 25,816
Kristin C 20,133
Jim C 20,000
Fred J 19,676
Adam M 19,500
Jack F 17,815
Kyle J 17,125
JD 17,081
Capn Izzy 14,774
Jamie B 14,500
Ken C 14,379
Patrick P 12,000
Bob S 10,055
Bob L 10,037
Heather R 5,000
Joey W 4,514
Douglas D 3,767
Tim J 3,059
Mary H 1,000
Jeffrey R 625

Back to our affiliation with Team TimbukTOO, here are our meters Jan 7-Jan 12
John S 84,277
Gary W 49,774
Steve I 43,713
Neil Q 40,000
Tom W 38,907
George  M 36,641
Riyad E 35,000
Mark S 35,000
Josh O 33,977
Angela P 28,168
Bobbie Z 24,731
Ray W 21,611
John B 20,517
Matthew R 20,084
Stephen M 20,037
Jack F 17,815
Kyle J 17,125
Kristin C 14,102
Alan D 12,194
Bob L 10,037
Glenn Y 7,567
Fred J 7,400
Jamie B 6,000
Bob 6,000
Adam M 6,000
JD 5,530
Warren F 5,000
Joey W 2,785
Vince M 500

650,492 team meters this period
25,787,624 total team meters this season

Targets passed
Alan D passed 5k,10k
Angela P passed 1.05M
Bob L passed 10k
Gary W passed 2.05M
George  M passed 1.35M
Glenn Y passed 250k
Jack F passed 600k
John B passed 650k
John S passed 650k,700k
Josh O passed 250k
Matthew R passed 75k
Neil Q passed 1.30M
Steve I passed 800k
Tom W passed 150k

Meters until next targets
Bel C 1,924 m to 300,000
Scott W 2,536 m to 10,000
Ulla D 2,630 m to 75,000
Joey W 2,933 m to 25,000
Ted P 3,073 m to 10,000
Linnea F 3,088 m to 5,000
Noah C 3,178 m to 5,000
Jeffrey R 3,593 m to 50,000
Rachel B 4,000 m to 5,000
Aditya P 5,000 m to 25,000
Carl R 5,000 m to 25,000
Capn Izzy 5,222 m to 800,000
Stephen M 5,300 m to 700,000
Fred J 5,324 m to 25,000
Everett B 7,000 m to 25,000
Dale C 7,070 m to 100,000
Kerim 8,109 m to 50,000
Riyad E 8,324 m to 1,100,000
Gabi H 8,490 m to 550,000
Heman B 8,986 m to 50,000
John B 9,361 m to 700,000
Bob L 9,941 m to 10,000
Mark S 10,000 m to 900,000

David W 10,430 m to 50,000
Pam S 10,778 m to 25,000
Bobbie Z 11,452 m to 1,400,000
Marco S 11,887 m to 25,000
Jamie B 12,453 m to 650,000
Alan D 12,806 m to 25,000
Steve I 13,410 m to 850,000
Vince M 13,650 m to 25,000
Erik B 14,453 m to 25,000
Ray W 14,541 m to 950,000
Gary G 14,660 m to 25,000
Adam M 15,000 m to 300,000
Kevin K 15,288 m to 150,000
JD 15,389 m to 300,000
Bill M 15,858 m to 450,000
Matthew R 16,382 m to 100,000
Tom W 16,865 m to 200,000
Daniel R 16,936 m to 100,000
Bernie J 18,470 m to 50,000

Robert R 20,121 m to 75,000
Kristin C 20,522 m to 600,000
Kyle J 21,358 m to 350,000
Gary D 22,500 m to 50,000
Sheryl M 24,649 m to 75,000
Ken C 25,353 m to 850,000
Josh O 27,940 m to 300,000
Gary W 28,091 m to 2,100,000

Warren F 28,455 m to 650,000
Angela P 28,824 m to 1,100,000
Joseph M 32,840 m to 400,000
Bob 33,000 m to 550,000
Army Padre 37,277 m to 900,000
George  M 39,371 m to 1,400,000
Neil Q 40,000 m to 1,350,000

Jim C 40,000 m to 1,500,000
Barbara B 40,849 m to 150,000
Marcel D 41,827 m to 250,000
John S 42,077 m to 750,000
Greg H 43,200 m to 400,000
Bob A 43,498 m to 150,000
Glenn Y 45,266 m to 300,000
Jack F 46,268 m to 650,000

Heather R 48,300 m to 850,000

Season meter counts
Gary W 2,071,909
Jim C 1,460,000
Bobbie Z 1,388,548
George  M 1,360,629
Neil Q 1,310,000
Riyad E 1,091,676
Angela P 1,071,176
Ray W 935,459
Mark S 890,000
Army Padre 862,723
Steve I 836,590
Ken C 824,647
Heather R 801,700
Capn Izzy 794,778
John S 707,923
Stephen M 694,700
John B 690,639
Jamie B 637,547
Warren F 621,545
Jack F 603,732
Kristin C 579,478
Gabi H 541,510
Bob 517,000
Bill M 434,142
Joseph M 367,160
Greg H 356,800
Kyle J 328,642
Bel C 298,076
Adam M 285,000
JD 284,611
Josh O 272,060
Glenn Y 254,734
Marcel D 208,173
Tom W 183,135
Kevin K 134,712
Barbara B 109,151
Bob A 106,502
Dale C 92,930
Matthew R 83,618
Daniel R 83,064
Ulla D 72,370
Robert R 54,879
Sheryl M 50,351
Jeffrey R 46,407
Kerim 41,891
Heman B 41,014
David W 39,570
Bernie J 31,530
Gary D 27,500
Joey W 22,067
Aditya P 20,000
Carl R 20,000
Fred J 19,676
Everett B 18,000
Bob L 15,059
Pam S 14,222
Marco S 13,113
Alan D 12,194
Vince M 11,350
Erik B 10,547
Gary G 10,340
Scott W 7,464
Ted P 6,927
Linnea F 1,912
Noah C 1,822
Rachel B 1,000

I'm up past my bedtime.
Row strong, friends!
-Angela P

Posts: 1
Joined: January 12th, 2017, 11:53 pm

Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by jmaybe » January 14th, 2017, 11:19 pm

I've really enjoyed reading through some of the previous pages of posts.

I only recently started rowing and, not knowing any better, joined some other team initially. There was no team board and absolutely no interaction among team members. After poking around on the forums I was delighted to find the TimbukTOO team.

I've already learned a lot from your posts and appreciate the help you have been so forthcoming in providing to others new to the erg or looking to improve.

Best regards,


2k Poster
Posts: 461
Joined: December 12th, 2011, 8:15 pm

Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by CONLEJM » January 15th, 2017, 7:39 pm

Welcome aboard John! This is a great team. The chatter on the forum ebbs and flows, and many of us have been here for years. The people here give a lot of encouragement, and advice. Chances are, anything you are struggling with, we have struggled with too. Just let us know!

Gabi H
Posts: 9
Joined: September 21st, 2016, 3:49 am

Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Gabi H » January 15th, 2017, 7:57 pm

Happy New Year everyone, it's been great seeing all the progress made so far in the team challenge. The dedication here is very impressive!

I recently found out I have a hernia that will need repair (surgery this week) I'm disappointed that I'm currently unable to row but sincerely hope I will be able to return to it soon. Does anyone have experience with this to share? I would love to know how it's resolved for you.

So long for now, keep rowing strong :D

Gabi H

Posts: 1
Joined: January 15th, 2017, 9:04 pm

Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by warrenf » January 15th, 2017, 9:16 pm

I had hernia surgery last January. It took about a week to get over the soreness. The doctor put me on a weight restriction. No lifting more than 20 pounds for 6 weeks. He also said no rowing for 6 weeks.
I was allowed to walk as much as I wanted so I had a 4 mile route that I walked 4 to 5 times a week.
Hope that helps


5k Poster
Posts: 501
Joined: August 9th, 2014, 9:47 am

Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Poprow » January 17th, 2017, 12:39 am

Team TimbukTOO has passed 26MM!
Cheers to us all! Go Team!

TimbukTOO welcomes Keith J!
Team TimbukTOO now has 67 active members.
Let’s all make some space on the boat for Keith. Thanks for joining us.

We are just about halfway through the Virtual Team Challenge. I was going to tell you that today was the last day to join in or move to another team but I didn’t get around to writing this update until now.

2,817,124 Team TimbukTOO meters after 15 days

Days 13-15 in the VTC
516,179 team meters

Gary W 54,468
John M 45,954
Mark O 40,000
Fred M 33,749
John S 29,007
Michael N 28,000
Mark S 25,000
David R 24,500
John W 21,184
Warren F 20,000
Abe D 19,112
Bob L 17,548
Dave G 15,520
Steve I 15,177
Bobbie Z 12,516
Josh O 12,241
Jim D 12,037
George M 11,608
Riyad E 10,000
Lee W 9,355
Capn Izzy 9,273
Tom W 8,016
John B 7,478
Stephen M 7,026
Cliff R 6,754
Adam M 6,000
Ray W 5,379
JD 5,000
Fred J 4,277

Targets passed
Abe D passed 50k
Adam M passed 25k
Bob L passed 25k
Bobbie Z passed 75k
Dave G passed 50k
David R passed 75k
Fred M passed 150k
Gary W passed 150k,200k
George M passed 75k
Jim D passed 50k
John B passed 50k
John M passed 200k
John S passed 200k
John W passed 75k
Josh O passed 75k
Mark O passed 100k
Mark S passed 100k
Riyad E reached 100k
Steve I passed 75k
Warren F passed 50k

Meters until next goal in the VTC
Joey W 486 m to 5,000
Capn Izzy 953 25,000
Angela P 1,035 m to 50,000
Fred J 1,047 m to 25,000
Douglas D 1,233 m to 5,000
Tim J 1,941 m to 5,000
JD 2,919 m to 25,000
David R 3,000 m to 100,000
Mary H 4,000 m to 5,000
Jeffrey R 4,375 m to 5,000
Kristin C 4,867 m to 25,000
Jim C 5,000 m to 25,000
Heather R 5,000 m to 10,000
Ray W 5,747 m to 50,000
Erik W 6,962 m to 75,000
Tom W 7,094 m to 75,000
Jack F 7,185 m to 25,000
David H 7,295 m to 75,000
Kyle J 7,875 m to 25,000
Stephen M 7,927 m to 50,000
Michael N 9,900 m to 150,000

Jamie B 10,500 m to 25,000
Ken C 10,621 m to 25,000
Steve I 10,706 m to 100,000
Patrick P 13,000 m to 25,000
Army Padre 14,430 m to 50,000
George M 14,526 m to 100,000
Lee W 14,829 m to 50,000
Bob S 14,945 m to 25,000
Cliff R 15,005 m to 50,000
Bobbie Z 15,936 m to 100,000
Jim D 17,861 m to 75,000
Glenn Y 18,407 m to 50,000
Mark O 18,700 m to 150,000

Margaret W 20,354 m to 50,000
Warren F 20,819 m to 75,000
Bob L 22,415 m to 50,000
Josh O 22,836 m to 100,000
John W 23,801 m to 100,000
Dave G 23,975 m to 75,000
Adam M 24,500 m to 50,000
Abe D 24,631 m to 75,000
John B 24,802 m to 75,000
John M 27,891 m to 250,000
John S 38,582 m to 250,000
Mark S 39,140 m to 150,000
Fred M 44,323 m to 200,000
Gary W 49,500 m to 250,000
Riyad E 50,000 m to 150,000

Total meters in the VTC
John M 222,109
John S 211,418
Gary W 200,500
Fred M 155,677
Michael N 140,100
Mark O 131,300
Mark S 110,860
Riyad E 100,000
David R 97,000
Steve I 89,294
George M 85,474
Bobbie Z 84,064
Josh O 77,164
John W 76,199
Erik W 68,038
Tom W 67,906
David H 67,705
Jim D 57,139
Warren F 54,181
Dave G 51,025
Abe D 50,369
John B 50,198
Angela P 48,965
Ray W 44,253
Stephen M 42,073
Army Padre 35,570
Lee W 35,171
Cliff R 34,995
Glenn Y 31,593
Margaret W 29,646
Bob L 27,585
Adam M 25,500
Capn Izzy 24,047
Fred J 23,953
JD 22,081
Kristin C 20,133
Jim C 20,000
Jack F 17,815
Kyle J 17,125
Jamie B 14,500
Ken C 14,379
Patrick P 12,000
Bob S 10,055
Heather R 5,000
Joey W 4,514
Douglas D 3,767
Tim J 3,059
Mary H 1,000
Jeffrey R 625

Team TimbukTOO, Jan 13-Jan 15
Gary W 54,468
Keith J 35,263
John S 29,007
Mark S 25,000
Warren F 20,000
Bob L 17,548
Steve I 15,177
Bobbie Z 12,516
Josh O 12,241
George  M 11,608
Neil Q 10,000
Riyad E 10,000
Capn Izzy 9,273
Tom W 8,016
John B 7,478
Stephen M 7,026
Adam M 6,000
Ray W 5,379
Bob A 5,006
JD 5,000
Matthew R 4,321
Fred J 4,277
Vince M 1,000

315,604 team meters this period
26,103,228 total team meters this season

Targets passed
Bob L passed 25k
Bobbie Z passed 1.40M
Capn Izzy passed 800k
Gary W passed 2.10M
Keith J passed 5k,10k,25k
Mark S passed 900k
Riyad E passed 1.10M
Stephen M passed 700k
Steve I passed 850k

Meters until next target
Fred J 1,047 m to 25,000
John B 1,883 m to 700,000
Bel C 1,924 m to 300,000
Scott W 2,536 m to 10,000
Ulla D 2,630 m to 75,000
Joey W 2,933 m to 25,000
Ted P 3,073 m to 10,000
Linnea F 3,088 m to 5,000
Noah C 3,178 5,000
Jeffrey R 3,593 m to 50,000
Rachel B 4,000 m to 5,000
Aditya P 5,000 m to 25,000
Carl R 5,000 m to 25,000
Everett B 7,000 m to 25,000
Dale C 7,070 m to 100,000
Kerim 8,109 m to 50,000
Warren F 8,455 m to 650,000
Gabi H 8,490 m to 550,000
Tom W 8,849 m to 200,000
Heman B 8,986 m to 50,000
Adam M 9,000 m to 300,000
Ray W 9,162 m to 950,000

JD 10,389 m to 300,000
David W 10,430 m to 50,000
Pam S 10,778 m to 25,000
Marco S 11,887 m to 25,000
Matthew R 12,061 m to 100,000
Jamie B 12,453 m to 650,000
Vince M 12,650 m to 25,000
Alan D 12,806 m to 25,000
John S 13,070 m to 750,000
Erik B 14,453 m to 25,000
Gary G 14,660 m to 25,000
Keith J 14,737 m to 50,000
Kevin K 15,288 m to 150,000
Josh O 15,699 m to 300,000
Bill M 15,858 m to 450,000
Daniel R 16,936 m to 100,000
Bob L 17,393 m to 50,000
Bernie J 18,470 m to 50,000

Robert R 20,121 m to 75,000
Kristin C 20,522 m to 600,000
Kyle J 21,358 m to 350,000
Gary D 22,500 m to 50,000
Gary W 23,623 m to 2,150,000
Sheryl M 24,649 m to 75,000
Ken C 25,353 m to 850,000
George  M 27,763 m to 1,400,000
Angela P 28,824 m to 1,100,000
Neil Q 30,000 m to 1,350,000
Joseph M 32,840 m to 400,000
Bob 33,000 m to 550,000
Mark S 35,000 m to 950,000
Army Padre 37,277 m to 900,000
Bob A 38,492 m to 150,000
Jim C 40,000 m to 1,500,000
Barbara B 40,849 m to 150,000
Marcel D 41,827 m to 250,000
Greg H 43,200 m to 400,000
Glenn Y 45,266 m to 300,000
Capn Izzy 45,949 m to 850,000
Jack F 46,268 m to 650,000
Steve I 48,233 m to 900,000
Stephen M 48,274 m to 750,000

Heather R 48,300 m to 850,000
Riyad E 48,324 m to 1,150,000
Bobbie Z 48,936 m to 1,450,000

Season meter counts
Gary W 2,126,377
Jim C 1,460,000
Bobbie Z 1,401,064
George  M 1,372,237
Neil Q 1,320,000
Riyad E 1,101,676
Angela P 1,071,176
Ray W 940,838
Mark S 915,000
Army Padre 862,723
Steve I 851,767
Ken C 824,647
Capn Izzy 804,051
Heather R 801,700
John S 736,930
Stephen M 701,726
John B 698,117
Warren F 641,545
Jamie B 637,547
Jack F 603,732
Kristin C 579,478
Gabi H 541,510
Bob 517,000
Bill M 434,142
Joseph M 367,160
Greg H 356,800
Kyle J 328,642
Bel C 298,076
Adam M 291,000
JD 289,611
Josh O 284,301
Glenn Y 254,734
Marcel D 208,173
Tom W 191,151
Kevin K 134,712
Bob A 111,508
Barbara B 109,151
Dale C 92,930
Matthew R 87,939
Daniel R 83,064
Ulla D 72,370
Robert R 54,879
Sheryl M 50,351
Jeffrey R 46,407
Kerim 41,891
Heman B 41,014
David W 39,570
Keith J 35,263
Bob L 32,607
Bernie J 31,530
Gary D 27,500
Fred J 23,953
Joey W 22,067
Aditya P 20,000
Carl R 20,000
Everett B 18,000
Pam S 14,222
Marco S 13,113
Vince M 12,350
Alan D 12,194
Erik B 10,547
Gary G 10,340
Scott W 7,464
Ted P 6,927
Linnea F 1,912
Noah C 1,822
Rachel B 1,000

JMaybe, glad that you found our Team Room. It’s always nice to check in and see a new post.

Gabi H, hope you have a speedy recovery. : (

Jim C and Warren F, thanks for the cheer and advice! Always great to hear from you.

The VTC is half over or there is 50% to go.
Hang in there!! Keep going!!
-Angela P

500m Poster
Posts: 55
Joined: March 12th, 2012, 8:37 am

Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by tobyj1 » January 18th, 2017, 8:01 am

Not a newbie, just hadn't erged for 18 months and stopped recording before that.

Got back into it so thought I would throw my metreage in the pot.


Gabi H
Posts: 9
Joined: September 21st, 2016, 3:49 am

Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Gabi H » January 18th, 2017, 4:11 pm

warrenf wrote:I had hernia surgery last January. It took about a week to get over the soreness. The doctor put me on a weight restriction. No lifting more than 20 pounds for 6 weeks. He also said no rowing for 6 weeks.
I was allowed to walk as much as I wanted so I had a 4 mile route that I walked 4 to 5 times a week.
Hope that helps

Thank you for sharing your experience WarrenF, that definitely gives me hope that I'll be able to return to my erg soon ... and Angela, thank you for your good wishes!

Go Team, Row strong everyone!

Gabi H

Posts: 25
Joined: August 23rd, 2016, 5:28 am

Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Draven » January 20th, 2017, 3:20 pm

Wow - don't check the forum for a while and there's a flurry of activity!

Hope you recover soon Gabi - just remember not to push yourself too soon, or you'll end up away from the erg for much longer. It's all too easy to have an injury drag on if you're too eager to get back into training - been there far too many times myself.

Thanks for all the updates as always Angela - I may have set off without you at the beginning, but I'm definitely feeling the strain after the Holiday Challenge. I'm also trying to run regularly again, which means less time and energy for rowing. I'll hopefully still hit my 200k pledge, though.

In the middle of trying to decide what school to send my daughter to in September. One of them has just built a beautiful new boat house on the Thames along with a training room stuffed with dozens of Concept 2 ergs - on the one hand I love the idea of her taking up rowing while she's at school, on the other, I have these visions of having to drive her to the boat house at 6am for training :-)

2k Poster
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Joined: December 12th, 2011, 8:15 pm

Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by CONLEJM » January 24th, 2017, 3:24 pm

Sorry for my absence from erging of late. Late last year I decided that I would source all of our firewood (that is: a year's supply - between six and eight cords) for this next Winter (beginning the end of 2017) from our own property.

Well, I have made very good progress, but it is a lot of work, and very tiring. I live on a wooded hill, so I cannot truck my cut wood from one place to another. Nor do I own draft horses. So I have to move it all UPHILL manually (by sled). Then I split it and stack it.

I am about two-thirds of the way through this adventure. Everything on my body hurts! But it is fun, and very good exercise. I feel like Rocky Balboa in Rocky IV, preparing to fight Ivan Drago :lol:

I should be back in the rowing saddle come March.

500m Poster
Posts: 55
Joined: March 12th, 2012, 8:37 am

Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by tobyj1 » January 27th, 2017, 10:16 am

So we passed 5 million, just thought someone should mention it!

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Posts: 501
Joined: August 9th, 2014, 9:47 am

Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Poprow » January 30th, 2017, 12:41 am

Team TimbukTWO has passed 3MM, 4MM, and 5MM in the VTC!
Team TimbukTOO has passed 27MM!!

Nothing is slowing you down!

Team TimbukTWO welcomes Jennifer C and TimbukTOO's own Bill M, Keith J and Matthew R.
Thanks for your contributions to our Team!
I'm sorry if I forgot someone. Please self identify so we can cheer you on.

I didn't realize how long it has been since my last post - my apologies to you all.

2 days left in the VTC
Thanks to Keith J for the 5MM shout out!

Since the last update
Gary W 231,625
Keith J 182,000
John S 178,769
Steve I 142,789
Fred M 140,103
John M 138,023
Mark O 126,358
Josh O 108,177
George M 83,680
John W 83,560
Michael N 75,500
Riyad E 75,000
Bobbie Z 71,936
Erik W 70,746
Matthew R 67,881
Jim D 66,305
Mark S 60,995
Izzy 59,125
Kyle J 59,000
David H 54,086
Ray W 53,780
Margaret W 51,537
John B 42,299
Dave G 36,755
Adam M 36,000
Abe D 31,280
Warren F 29,442
David R 28,000
Kristin C 27,245
Jack F 26,467
Angela P 23,972
Fred J 22,841
Army Padre 22,679
Lee W 21,395
Bob L 20,059
Stephen M 18,149
Jennifer C 17,500
Tom W 10,020
Bill M 8,933
JD 8,849
Ken C 8,347
Jamie B 7,885
Douglas D 7,116
Cliff R 6,196
Glenn Y 4,828

Total meters in the VTC
Gary W 432,125
John S 390,187
John M 360,132
Fred M 295,780
Mark O 257,658
Steve I 232,083
Michael N 215,600
Josh O 185,341
Keith J 182,000
Riyad E 175,000
Mark S 171,855
George M 169,154
John W 159,759
Bobbie Z 156,000
Erik W 138,784
David R 125,000
Jim D 123,444
David H 121,791
Ray W 98,033
John B 92,497
Dave G 87,780
Warren F 83,623
Izzy 83,172
Abe D 81,649
Margaret W 81,183
Tom W 77,926
Kyle J 76,125
Angela P 72,937
Matthew R 67,881
Adam M 61,500
Stephen M 60,222
Army Padre 58,249
Lee W 56,566
Bob L 47,644
Kristin C 47,378
Fred J 46,794
Jack F 44,282
Cliff R 41,191
Glenn Y 36,421
JD 30,930
Ken C 22,726
Jamie B 22,385
Jim C 20,000
Jennifer C 17,500
Patrick P 12,000
Douglas D 10,883
Bob S 10,055
Bill M 8,933
Heather R 5,000
Joey W 4,514
Tim J 3,059
Mary H 1,000
Jeffrey R 625

2,647,232 team meters
5,464,356 total Team TimbukTWO meters in the VTC
24th of 577 teams

Targets passed
Abe D passed 75k
Adam M passed 50k
Angela P passed 50k
Army Padre passed 50k
Bill M passed 5k
Bobbie Z passed 100k,150k
Dave G passed 75k
David H passed 75k,100k
David R passed 100k
Douglas D passed 5k,10k
Erik W passed 75k,100k
Fred J passed 25k
Fred M passed 200k,250k
Gary W passed 250k,300k,350k,400k
George M passed 100k,150k
Izzy passed 25k,50k,75k
Jack F passed 25k
JD passed 25k
Jennifer C passed 5k,10k
Jim D passed 75k,100k
John B passed 75k
John M passed 250k
John S passed 250k
John W passed 100k
Josh O passed 100k
Keith J passed 5k,10k,25k,50k,75k,100k,150k
Kristin C passed 25k
Kyle J passed 25k,50k,75k
Lee W passed 50k
Margaret W passed 50k,75k
Mark O passed 150k,200k,250k
Mark S passed 150k
Matthew R passed 5k,10k,25k,50k
Michael N passed 150k,200k
Ray W passed 50k,75k
Riyad E passed 150k
Stephen M passed 50k
Steve I passed 100k,150k,200k
Tom W passed 75k
Warren F passed 75k

meters to the next target in the FTC
Joey W 486 m to 5,000
Bill M 1,067 10,000
Tim J 1,941 m to 5,000
Ray W 1,967 m to 100,000
Angela P 2,063 m to 75,000
Ken C 2,274 m to 25,000
Bob L 2,356 m to 50,000
Jamie B 2,615 m to 25,000
Kristin C 2,622 m to 50,000
Fred J 3,206 m to 50,000
Mary H 4,000 m to 5,000
Fred M 4,220 m to 300,000
Jeffrey R 4,375 m to 5,000
Jim C 5,000 m to 25,000
Heather R 5,000 m to 10,000
Daniel H 5,000 m to 5,000
Hannah H 5,000 m to 5,000
Mike O 5,000 m to 5,000
Pam S 5,000 m to 5,000
Jack F 5,718 m to 50,000
Matthew R 7,119 75,000
Jennifer C 7,500 25,000
John B 7,503 m to 100,000
Cliff R 8,809 m to 50,000
John S 9,813 m to 400,000

Erik W 11,216 m to 150,000
Dave G 12,220 m to 100,000
Patrick P 13,000 m to 25,000
Adam M 13,500 m to 75,000
Glenn Y 13,579 m to 50,000
Douglas D 14,117 m to 25,000
Josh O 14,659 m to 200,000
Stephen M 14,778 m to 75,000
Bob S 14,945 m to 25,000
Warren F 16,377 m to 100,000
Army Padre 16,751 m to 75,000
Izzy 16,828 100,000
Gary W 17,875 m to 450,000
Steve I 17,917 m to 250,000
Keith J 18,000 200,000
Abe D 18,351 m to 100,000
Lee W 18,434 m to 75,000
Margaret W 18,817 m to 100,000
JD 19,070 m to 50,000

Tom W 22,074 m to 100,000
Kyle J 23,875 m to 100,000
Riyad E 25,000 m to 200,000
David R 25,000 m to 150,000
Jim D 26,556 m to 150,000
Mark S 28,145 m to 200,000
David H 28,209 m to 150,000
George M 30,846 m to 200,000
Michael N 34,400 m to 250,000
John M 39,868 m to 400,000
John W 40,241 m to 200,000
Mark O 42,342 m to 300,000
Bobbie Z 44,000 m to 200,000

You have been rowing so strong - how close will we get to 6MM?

Since we last left off with TimbukTOO, we now have 3 team members approaching 1 MM. Go go go!
Gary W 231,625
John S 178,769
Keith J 146,737
Steve I 142,789
Josh O 108,177
George  M 83,680
Neil Q 80,000
Riyad E 75,000
Bobbie Z 71,936
Mark S 60,995
Capn Izzy 59,125
Kyle J 59,000
Ray W 53,780
John B 42,299
Adam M 36,000
Matthew R 30,891
Warren F 29,442
Kristin C 27,245
Jack F 26,467
Angela P 23,972
Fred J 22,841
Army Padre 22,679
Bob L 20,059
Stephen M 18,149
Tom W 10,020
Barbara B 9,006
Bill M 8,933
JD 8,849
Ken C 8,347
Jamie B 7,885
Bob 6,000
Everett B 5,500
Glenn Y 4,828

1,721,025 team meters
27,824,253 total team meters this season

Targets passed
Adam M passed 300k
Bob L passed 50k
Bobbie Z passed 1.45M
Capn Izzy passed 850k
Fred J passed 25k
Gary W passed 2.15M,2.20M,2.25M,2.30M,2.35M
George  M passed 1.40M,1.45M
John B passed 700k
John S passed 750k,800k,850k,900k
Josh O passed 300k,350k
Keith J passed 50k,75k,100k,150k
Kristin C passed 600k
Kyle J passed 350k
Mark S passed 950k
Matthew R passed 100k
Neil Q passed 1.35M, reached 1.40M
Ray W passed 950k
Riyad E passed 1.15M
Steve I passed 900k
Tom W passed 200k
Warren F passed 650k

meters until next target
Everett B 1,500 m to 25,000
JD 1,540 m to 300,000
Bel C 1,924 m to 300,000
Scott W 2,536 m to 10,000
Ulla D 2,630 m to 75,000
Joey W 2,933 m to 25,000
Ted P 3,073 m to 10,000
Linnea F 3,088 m to 5,000
Noah C 3,178 m to 5,000
Fred J 3,206 m to 50,000
Jeffrey R 3,593 m to 50,000
Rachel B 4,000 m to 5,000
Jamie B 4,568 m to 650,000
Angela P 4,852 m to 1,100,000
Aditya P 5,000 m to 25,000
Carl R 5,000 m to 25,000
Ray W 5,382 m to 1,000,000
Steve I 5,444 m to 1,000,000
Bill M 6,925 m to 450,000
Dale C 7,070 m to 100,000
Josh O 7,522 m to 400,000
Kerim 8,109 m to 50,000
Gabi H 8,490 m to 550,000
Heman B 8,986 m to 50,000
John B 9,584 m to 750,000

David W 10,430 m to 50,000
Pam S 10,778 m to 25,000
Marco S 11,887 m to 25,000
Kyle J 12,358 m to 400,000
Vince M 12,650 m to 25,000
Alan D 12,806 m to 25,000
Erik B 14,453 m to 25,000
Army Padre 14,598 m to 900,000
Gary G 14,660 m to 25,000
Kevin K 15,288 m to 150,000
Daniel R 16,936 m to 100,000
Ken C 17,006 m to 850,000
Keith J 18,000 m to 200,000
Bernie J 18,470 m to 50,000
Jack F 19,801 m to 650,000

Robert R 20,121 m to 75,000
Bob L 22,334 m to 75,000
Gary D 22,500 m to 50,000
Adam M 23,000 m to 350,000
Riyad E 23,324 m to 1,200,000
Mark S 24,005 m to 1,000,000

Sheryl M 24,649 m to 75,000
Bobbie Z 27,000 m to 1,500,000
Bob 27,000 m to 550,000
Warren F 29,013 m to 700,000
Stephen M 30,125 m to 750,000
Matthew R 31,170 m to 150,000
Barbara B 31,843 m to 150,000
Joseph M 32,840 m to 400,000
John S 34,301 m to 950,000
Capn Izzy 36,824 m to 900,000
Bob A 38,492 m to 150,000
Jim C 40,000 m to 1,500,000
Glenn Y 40,438 m to 300,000
Marcel D 41,827 m to 250,000
Gary W 41,998 m to 2,150,000
Greg H 43,200 m to 400,000
Kristin C 43,277 m to 650,000
George  M 44,083 m to 1,400,000

Heather R 48,300 m to 850,000
Tom W 48,829 m to 250,000
Neil Q 50,000 m to 1,450,000

meters this season - Woo hoo!! We all contribute to the 27MM!
Gary W 2,358,002
Bobbie Z 1,473,000
Jim C 1,460,000
George  M 1,455,917
Neil Q 1,400,000
Riyad E 1,176,676
Angela P 1,095,148
Ray W 994,618
Steve I 994,556
Mark S 975,995
John S 915,699
Army Padre 885,402
Capn Izzy 863,176
Ken C 832,994
Heather R 801,700
John B 740,416
Stephen M 719,875
Warren F 670,987
Jamie B 645,432
Jack F 630,199
Kristin C 606,723
Gabi H 541,510
Bob 523,000
Bill M 443,075
Josh O 392,478
Kyle J 387,642
Joseph M 367,160
Greg H 356,800
Adam M 327,000
JD 298,460
Bel C 298,076
Glenn Y 259,562
Marcel D 208,173
Tom W 201,171
Keith J 182,000
Kevin K 134,712
Matthew R 118,830
Barbara B 118,157
Bob A 111,508
Dale C 92,930
Daniel R 83,064
Ulla D 72,370
Robert R 54,879
Bob L 52,666
Sheryl M 50,351
Fred J 46,794
Jeffrey R 46,407
Kerim 41,891
Heman B 41,014
David W 39,570
Bernie J 31,530
Gary D 27,500
Everett B 23,500
Joey W 22,067
Aditya P 20,000
Carl R 20,000
Pam S 14,222
Marco S 13,113
Vince M 12,350
Alan D 12,194
Erik B 10,547
Gary G 10,340
Scott W 7,464
Ted P 6,927
Linnea F 1,912
Noah C 1,822
Rachel B 1,000


Teams, keep up the great rowing!
I'll be back soon
-Angela P

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