TimbukTOO Team Room

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by CONLEJM » November 18th, 2016, 6:54 pm

I have heard of the Pete Plan, and many people swear by it. I have never implemented it. When I trained, my training consisted of doing whatever I did last time faster. :wink:

These are my best times since keeping a log for the past five years:


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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by army padre » November 20th, 2016, 12:24 pm

The Pete Plan is a modified training regimen taken from the Wolverine Plan, which was created by the head coach of the University of Michigan women's rowing team. The primary difference is that the Pete Plan incorporates faster SPMs. I've used it in the past and think it's a good way to stay in shape and improve your 2K time. I'm not a 2K racing kind of guy so I usually go for an hour or a 10K. My goal is meet the Army's height/weight standards, stay in shape and keep my SPMs between 20 and 24.

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Poprow » November 21st, 2016, 1:40 am

Congratulations to George M for reaching 1 Million Meters!
Well done, George!!

TimbukTOO welcomes Steve I! (now your forum name makes more sense)
Team TimbukTOO now has 60 active members.
Go Team!

Team TimbukTOO has passed 19MM!
That was a surprise! 1MM in about a week.
Excellent rowing and posting!!

26 rowed since the last time that I posted - I'm sorry about taking the easy way out...
Steve I 350,572
Heather R 112,700
George  M 61,156
Bobbie Z 58,000
Jim C 45,000
Neil Q 40,000
Ray W 38,740
Riyad E 37,000
Capn Izzy 31,934
Jamie B 27,219
Angela P 25,215
Gabi H 23,000
Gary W 22,233
Kerim 21,891
Ken C 20,714
Kyle J 19,956
Jack F 19,186
John B 18,719
Mark S 15,522
Warren F 12,500
John S 11,131
Stephen M 10,190
Bernie J 9,816
Barbara B 6,413
Bob 6,000
Ted P 3,072

102,055 team meters on Sunday
95,940 team meters on Monday
100,935 team meters on Tuesday
195,569 team meters on Wednesday
58,689 team meters on Thursday
429,918 team meters on Friday
64,773 team meters on Saturday
19,058,895 total team meters this season - woo hoo!!!

Targets passed
Bernie J passed 25k
Bobbie Z passed 1.20M,1.25M
Capn Izzy passed 550k
George  M passed 950k,1.00M
Heather R passed 500k,550k
Jack F passed 550k
Jim C passed 1.30M
Ken C passed 650k
Kerim passed 5k,10k
Neil Q reached 1.10M
Riyad E passed 700k
Steve I passed 5k,10k,25k,50k,75k,100k,150k,200k,250k,300k,350k

meters until next target
Ted P 73 m to 5,000
Gary W 634 m to 1,650,000
Kristin C 716 m to 450,000
Kerim 1,109 m to 25,000
Kyle J 1,171 m to 75,000
Pam S 2,366 m to 5,000
Ray W 2,447 m to 650,000
Barbara B 2,524 m to 100,000
Scott W 2,536 m to 10,000
Ulla D 2,630 m to 75,000
Linnea F 3,088 m to 5,000
Noah C 3,178 m to 5,000
Bob A 3,507 m to 75,000
Tom W 3,693 m to 75,000
John B 3,970 m to 500,000
Rachel B 4,000 m to 5,000
Matthew R 4,051 m to 50,000
Bob L 4,978 m to 10,000
Bob 5,000 m to 450,000
Aditya P 5,000 m to 25,000
Carl R 5,000 m to 25,000
Glenn Y 7,000 m to 25,000
Jeffrey R 7,218 m to 50,000
Heather R 8,300 m to 600,000
Dale C 8,518 m to 100,000
Heman B 8,986 m to 50,000
Jamie B 9,710 m to 300,000

David W 10,430 m to 50,000
Josh O 11,614 m to 100,000
Vince M 14,150 m to 25,000
Erik B 14,453 m to 25,000
Gary G 14,660 m to 25,000
Army Padre 14,859 m to 750,000
Daniel R 16,936 m to 100,000
Gabi H 17,490 m to 350,000
John S 18,170 m to 300,000
Bernie J 18,470 m to 50,000
Kevin K 19,288 m to 150,000
Riyad E 19,345 m to 750,000

Bel C 20,467 m to 200,000
Mark S 22,045 m to 650,000
Gary D 22,500 m to 50,000
Marcel D 27,437 m to 200,000
Bill M 28,036 m to 450,000
Capn Izzy 28,710 m to 600,000
Adrianne D 29,549 m to 200,000
Joseph M 32,840 m to 400,000
Warren F 33,333 m to 450,000
JD 33,867 m to 200,000
Stephen M 34,066 m to 600,000
Ken C 39,638 m to 700,000
Jim C 40,000 m to 1,350,000

Adam M 41,500 m to 250,000
Greg H 43,200 m to 400,000
Bobbie Z 44,000 m to 1,300,000
Jack F 46,143 m to 600,000
George  M 46,425 m to 1,050,000
Angela P 46,653 m to 850,000
Steve I 49,428 m to 400,000
Neil Q 50,000 m to 1,150,000

Looks like everyone's getting ready for the Holiday Challenge.
Only 3 days away!
Don't forget to choose a charity.

Thanks for keeping the chat going!
Row strong, people!!
-Angela P

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by sisaacso1 » November 21st, 2016, 1:24 pm

Wow, getting all my meters for the last two months at once makes it seem like I am a maniacal rower :D Appreciate everyone's comments since I am so new to rowing, so I have another newbie questions. Whenever I row anything over 30 minutes, my feet will start to go numb and my butt starts hurting a lot once i get to around the 40 minute mark. I did 60 min one time, but the last 10 minutes was pure torture, didn't even care about the time at the end, just wanted to stand up. I actually start leaning to the side for 6-7 strokes to try and get circulation going to my feet. I have looked at seat pads, but most do not have great reviews. I tried the concept2 pad from their website, but really didn't help much, if at all. I would like to attempt a HM, but don't think I could take sitting that long. Does anyone have any pads or tips they use for long rows? I know I have only been rowing for two months, but I thought I would be getting used to the seat by now. I did 12,500m on Saturday and it was the same thing, once I get past the 30 min mark it just keeps getting worse and worse. Anyway, if someone had any tip or suggestions I would appreciate it, thanks!
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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by CONLEJM » November 21st, 2016, 1:59 pm

Some people use bubble wrap as a seat cushion, but my experience with bubble wrap was such that by the end of the row all the bubbles had popped. :shock: Others swear by those foam garden kneeling pads.

My experience doing longer rows was similar to yours - feet and butt got numb. But I just pressed on through it and eventually I no longer experienced the numbness. I must have gotten used to it.

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Draven » November 21st, 2016, 3:28 pm

I'm with Jim on this one - I think it's essentially a case of conditioning. It's like when you first start cycling and you barely notice the burn in your lungs and legs because your backside hurts so much, but if you keep getting back on the bike, after a while you'll realise that the pain disappeared a while ago.

I only started rowing in July and threw myself into the Dog Days challenge, which I found incredibly tough. But by the time the Fall Team Challenge rolled around a few weeks later, I was pushing myself much harder without any numbness or aches.

As for your feet, though - I found that mine got numb when using light, thin shoes, and when I switched to bulkier running shoes my feet stopped hurting and going numb. I think I may also have been pulling the straps too tight :D

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Poprow » November 24th, 2016, 2:10 am

Happy Holiday Challenge!
And if you are in the US, Happy Thanksgiving too!

The Holiday Challenge begins today 11/24 and runs through 12/24.

Here is what C2 includes under Current Challenges for the Holiday Challenge:
Row and ski as much as you can between American Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve. We have honorboards and downloadable certificates for everybody who reaches 50k (adaptive and kids only), 100k and 200k.

For every person who rows or skis at least 100k during the challenge (50k for adaptive athletes or athletes aged 16 or under), Concept2 will donate $.02 per kilometer (1000 meters) you row/ski to your choice of the following organizations: One Acre Fund, Global Fund for Women, Ocean Conservancy or Building Bright Futures Vermont. And once you get beyond 100k, we'll donate $.04 per kilometer rowed/skied. Our goal through this group effort is to raise a total $30,000 to support these causes. Anybody who reaches 200k and has chosen to give money to charity will receive a free Holiday Challenge pin.

I have to check if we have declared goals. I'd like to reach 200k but I haven't been rowing as much lately, this season... Hummingbird did point out that 10k for 20 days is 200k which may be my path to 200k. I am not up to rowing a 10k but I may be up to rowing two 5ks and maybe get more than 20 days in.

So, let's do this!!
Get those meters in and work off the goodies that you will be eating now until the end of the year.

A team member has fallen overboard - I hope she found her way to another boat.
Team TimbukTOO now has 59 active members.
So just in case you check my math - that's why the numbers may appear a tad fishy.

Otherwise we have been chugging along with 2 100k days recently. Go go go!!

9 posted meters on Sunday
Capn Izzy 18,038
JD 16,000
Army Padre 13,188
George  M 12,222
Angela P 7,506
Jamie B 6,193
Mark S 5,277
Ted P 2,000
Dale C 1,448

12 kicked off the week on Monday with a row
Neil Q 20,000
Stephen M 20,000
Ray W 16,073
Tom W 14,897
Riyad E 10,000
Warren F 8,000
Jim C 7,500
Ken C 6,028
Bob 6,000
Kerim 6,000
Steve I 5,867
Angela P 4,999

12 were back on board on Tuesday
Capn Izzy 14,650
Steve I 13,318
Kyle J 13,082
Neil Q 10,000
Riyad E 10,000
Jamie B 9,128
Gary W 7,626
Jim C 7,500
John B 6,773
Ray W 5,571
Mark S 5,000
Angela P 3,575

8 got one more prep row in on Wednesday
George  M 18,913
Steve I 10,346
Gary W 7,214
John B 6,469
Jamie B 5,950
Riyad E 5,000
Warren F 5,000
Josh O 3,814

81,872 team meters on Sunday
125,364 team meters on Monday
106,223 team meters on Tuesday
62,706 team meters on Wednesday
19,264,609 total team meters this season

Targets passed
Gary W passed 1.650M
Riyad E passed 750k
Ray W passed 650k
Capn Izzy passed 600k
John B passed 500k
Jamie B passed 300k
Bob passed 450k
Kyle J passed 300k
Tom W passed 75k
Kerim passed 25k
Ted P passed 5k

meters until next target
Kristin C 716 m to 450,000
Army Padre 1,671 m to 750,000
Pam S 2,366 m to 5,000
Barbara B 2,524 m to 100,000
Scott W 2,536 m to 10,000
Ulla D 2,630 m to 75,000
Ted P 3,073 m to 10,000
Linnea F 3,088 m to 5,000
Noah C 3,178 m to 5,000
Bob A 3,507 m to 75,000
Rachel B 4,000 m to 5,000
Matthew R 4,051 m to 50,000
Bob L 4,978 m to 10,000
Aditya P 5,000 m to 25,000
Carl R 5,000 m to 25,000
Glenn Y 7,000 m to 25,000
Dale C 7,070 m to 100,000
Jeffrey R 7,218 m to 50,000
Josh O 7,800 m to 100,000
Heather R 8,300 m to 600,000
Heman B 8,986 m to 50,000

David W 10,430 m to 50,000
Mark S 11,768 m to 650,000
Kyle J 13,089 m to 100,000
Tom W 13,796 m to 100,000
Stephen M 14,066 m to 600,000
Vince M 14,150 m to 25,000
Erik B 14,453 m to 25,000
Gary G 14,660 m to 25,000
George  M 15,290 m to 1,050,000
Daniel R 16,936 m to 100,000
Gabi H 17,490 m to 350,000
JD 17,867 m to 200,000
John S 18,170 m to 300,000
Bernie J 18,470 m to 50,000
Kevin K 19,288 m to 150,000
Steve I 19,897 m to 400,000
Neil Q 20,000 m to 1,150,000

Kerim 20,109 m to 50,000
Warren F 20,333 m to 450,000
Bel C 20,467 m to 200,000
Gary D 22,500 m to 50,000
Jim C 25,000 m to 1,350,000
Marcel D 27,437 m to 200,000
Bill M 28,036 m to 450,000
Angela P 30,573 m to 850,000
Ray W 30,803 m to 700,000
Joseph M 32,840 m to 400,000
Ken C 33,610 m to 700,000
Gary W 35,794 m to 1,700,000
Jamie B 38,439 m to 350,000
John B 40,728 m to 550,000

Adam M 41,500 m to 250,000
Greg H 43,200 m to 400,000
Bobbie Z 44,000 m to 1,300,000
Riyad E 44,345 m to 800,000
Capn Izzy 46,022 m to 650,000

Jack F 46,143 m to 600,000
Bob 49,000 m to 500,000

Month to Date
2,245,050 team meters
37 of 59 - 62%

Steve I 380,103
George  M 134,541
Riyad E 122,000
Bobbie Z 121,000
Jim C 115,000
Heather R 112,700
Neil Q 110,000
Capn Izzy 107,460
Ray W 94,291
Angela P 89,416
Warren F 81,476
Jamie B 79,030
Army Padre 61,856
Mark S 60,983
Jack F 58,136
Stephen M 55,756
Ken C 54,306
John B 53,493
Gary W 49,876
Gabi H 46,000
Kyle J 33,038
Bob 32,000
Greg H 28,689
Kerim 27,891
Adam M 23,000
JD 21,079
Glenn Yan 18,000
Tom W 14,897
John S 11,131
Bernie J 9,816
Daniel R 8,052
Ted P 6,927
David W 6,423
Barbara B 6,413
Bob A 5,009
Josh O 3,814
Dale C 1,448

A quiet month but we are staring down 20MM - not too shabby! Can we get there in the next 7 days?
Though we don't want to burn out too quickly - the Holiday Challenge is 31 days.

Row strong but don't hurt yourself!
I wish you all a good Holiday Challenge and a happy, healthy, joyous and warm Holiday Season!!
-Angela P

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Draven » November 24th, 2016, 4:35 pm

Thursday is usually my rest day, but I made an effort this evening since it's the start of the challenge :-)

Put me down for 200k please Angela - hopefully doable.

Riyad E

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Poprow » November 24th, 2016, 6:44 pm

Riyad, I think you can do it. I have been wondering when you will pass me. Part of each Challenge is actually having the time in your schedule to row.
Keep up the great rowing!
-Angela P

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Hummingbird » November 25th, 2016, 11:16 am

Hi Angela:

Please put me down for 200K for the seasonal challenge. I sincerely hope to make it and will try very hard not to whip myself for not doing more as in years past. One must adapt to one's life changes :evil: .

I forgot to post yesterday, but I did row my first 10k for the challenge (I would have regretted starting off with a rest day). The new gym I've just joined actually has 5 brand new rowers with well oiled chains and the latest and greatest of monitors, so my old model might not get as much use for awhile, at least until I get back into form. Rowing 10 k without diversion from TV is one thing :lol:.

All the best to everyone for the challenge. The effort is worth it: if the health benefit isn't a strong enough motivator, all that work helps keep the season's calorie intake from showing up on the scales.


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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Draven » November 25th, 2016, 3:53 pm

Poprow wrote:Riyad, I think you can do it. I have been wondering when you will pass me. Part of each Challenge is actually having the time in your schedule to row.
Keep up the great rowing!
-Angela P
I doubt I'll be passing you anytime soon if we're both putting in 200k this month.

Believe me, it's been hard enough getting this close to you after starting the season a few months in :-)

As you say, it's all about time, which seems to get in shorter and shorter supply at this time of year. All that said, I plan to not deny myself too much over Christmas, so I'm going to need to put in some hard work beforehand to make up for it!

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by brick1101 » November 27th, 2016, 6:03 pm

Getting warmed up for the Winter Challenge. Put me down for 250,000 meters... hopefully I will break 300,000... will see... I'm working through my 7"s and will be the 8's next week. Was just talking with the rowing coach from the university... he just shakes his head at my madness which I go through this time of year for the challenge! Hope to get in a couple 1/2 marathons. This years challenge will make pin #8 for me.

I use a piece of foam which has holes for my seat cushion. I think was originally used over the necks of wine bottles in shipping. It arrived as packing in an E-Bay purchase. It works pretty well.

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Bobbie_Zee » November 30th, 2016, 11:47 am

Hey, how is everyone doing? Heather, don't overdo it!

Re foot and butt numbness -- a trick I learned from the crew guys -- try rowing without your feet strapped in. Yeah, it sounds whacky. But it helps you center on your core, and do very controlled pulls. It taught me how to be a lot less "jerky". As for the butt -- I used to have something akin to "road rash," but occasionally rowing without my feet in the straps helps "plant" my body (and my butt) on the seat. The crew guys refer to it as Rump Bump. So I guess it's an occupational hazard.

I've been felled by a chest cold, but will start rowing tomorrow.

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by sisaacso1 » November 30th, 2016, 12:06 pm

Thanks for the tips, I will try without the straps on my distance pulls the next few days to see if it helps. I did wuss out and bought a rowing pad from Amazon that should arrive Friday, but maybe I will save that for whenever I get the courage to try a 1/2 or full marathon :) Brick1011, what do you mean when you say you are doing your 7's and then 8's next week? Just curious as to what that means, since I don't know very much rowing terminology. I am loving the Pete Plan, fell like my numbers are improving. I should be able to get 200k for the challenge also, or maybe 250k if my new seat pad helps :)

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by goyo » November 30th, 2016, 5:27 pm

My last Holiday challenge pin was in 2011. 5 years! I am determined to get another this year: 200k for me.
Good tips! I wear padded cycling shorts on the erg when tackling long distances...seems to help.
Glenn Y

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