TimbukTOO Team Room

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Poprow » October 15th, 2016, 7:33 am

Last day of the FTC!
Let's finish strong!

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by johnb » October 20th, 2016, 7:34 pm

Hey team,

Sorry I fell off the rowing a bit. Life stress and minor seasonal illness has been knocking me off my game a bit. Trying to get back to it! Happy Erging!

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Draven » October 21st, 2016, 4:29 am

By contrast I think I may have overdone things - typical me, I start something new and then throw myself into it rather than pace myself!

Got a seriously sore shoulder at the moment and will probably have to take a good few days off. My own fault, I promised I'd rest after the FTC and ended up pulling a new 5k PB straight after it finished :-)

Seem to be paying the price now :-(

Guess I'll be upping my running over the weekend.

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Poprow » October 27th, 2016, 12:12 am

Congratulations to Neil Q for reaching 1 Million Meters!

Team TimbukTOO has passed 16MM!
Keep it up!!

TimbukTOO welcomes back Bob L!
Team TimbukTOO now has 57 active members.

I'm sorry to the TimbukTWOers. I was not able to keep up with the FTC this year and I'm not even including the final FTC post tonight.
I will try to get to this soon.

Also, the Skeleton Challenge has begun - more about that later.

TimbukTOOers, I'm rolling up the meters for the period 10/12-10/25.
Some outstanding work out there!

Jim C 92,000
Riyad E 85,000
Gary W 74,540
George  M 73,064
Neil Q 70,000
Joseph M 57,082
Adrianne D 56,186
Warren F 50,000
Ken C 49,174
Bobbie Z 48,184
Capn Izzy 45,855
Jack F 40,733
Mark S 37,015
Angela P 33,184
Kristin C 30,660
John B 30,253
Ray W 27,876
Bill M 26,770
JD 19,747
Bob 16,000
Stephen M 15,000
Gabi H 13,000
Adam M 11,000
Bob A 10,477
Jamie B 10,383
Josh O 10,351
Army Padre 10,200
Bob L 5,022
Bernie J 4,289
Kevin K 2,000

1,055,045 team meters for this period
16,564,782 total team meters this season

Targets passed
Adrianne D passed 150k
Army Padre passed 650k
Bill M passed 400k
Bob L passed 5k
Bobbie Z passed 1.10m
Gary W passed 1.55M
George M passed 800k,850k
Jack F passed 450k
Jim C passed 1.10M, 1.15M
Joseph M passed 300k,350k
Ken C passed 550k
Kristin C passed 400k
Mark S passed 550k
Neil Q passed 950k, reached 1.00M
Ray W passed 550k
Riyad E passed 550k
Warren F passed 300k

Well done, everybody!

meters until next target
m to target
Jamie B 1,806 m to 200,000
Pam S 2,366 m to 5,000
Scott W 2,536 m to 10,000
Ulla D 2,630 m to 75,000
Kerim 3,000 m to 5,000
Linnea F 3,088 m to 5,000
Noah C 3,178 m to 5,000
Bernie J 3,286 m to 25,000
Capn Izzy 3,482 m to 500,000
Tom W 3,693 m to 75,000
Rachel B 4,000 m to 5,000
Matthew R 4,051 m to 50,000
Bob L 4,978 m to 10,000
Aditya P 5,000 m to 25,000
Carl R 5,000 m to 25,000
Riyad E 6,345 m to 600,000
Jeffrey R 7,218 m to 50,000
Gary W 7,729 m to 1,600,000
JD 8,047 m to 150,000
Dale C 8,518 m to 100,000
Barbara B 8,937 m to 100,000
Heman B 8,986 m to 50,000

Josh O 11,614 m to 100,000
Bob 12,000 m to 400,000
Gabi H 13,490 m to 300,000
John B 13,892 m to 450,000
Vince M 14,150 m to 25,000
Erik B 14,453 m to 25,000
Bob A 14,523 m to 50,000
Gary G 14,660 m to 25,000
Ken C 15,021 m to 600,000
Daniel R 15,412 m to 75,000
David W 16,853 m to 50,000
Marcel D 17,511 m to 100,000
Jack F 18,436 m to 500,000
Kevin K 19,288 m to 150,000
Adam M 20,000 m to 200,000

Bel C 20,467 m to 200,000
Heather R 21,000 m to 500,000
Kyle J 21,127 m to 75,000
Greg H 21,889 m to 350,000
Gary D 22,500 m to 50,000
Bobbie Z 22,733 m to 1,150,000
Warren F 24,309 m to 350,000
Kristin C 25,759 m to 450,000
Bill M 28,036 m to 450,000
John S 29,301 m to 300,000
Adrianne D 29,549 m to 200,000
Stephen M 29,822 m to 550,000
Joseph M 32,840 m to 400,000
Jim C 38,000 m to 1,200,000
George  M 39,158 m to 900,000
Ray W 43,320 m to 600,000
Army Padre 44,044 m to 700,000
Angela P 47,577 m to 750,000
Mark S 49,610 m to 600,000
Neil Q 50,000 m to 1,050,000

The Skeleton Challenge is going on right now!
Here's the info from the C2 Website:
-Row and/or ski at least 31,000 meters between October 25 and October 31.
-This is an individual challenge. (You do not need to belong to a team to participate.)
-Meters must be entered online.
-Indoor rower and SkiErg meters only (no on water/on snow meters please). You can combine meters from each machine to reach 31,000 meters.
-Kid's Skeleton Crew Challenge allows kids (aged 16 and under) to participate at 10,000 meters.
-Adaptive athletes can choose to participate at the 10,000 or 31,000 meter level.

Here are the estimated meters from the first day of the Skeleton Challenge.
skeleton meters meters to complete the challenge
Army Padre 10,200 20,800 m to 31,000
Neil Q 10,000 21,000 m to 31,000
Gary W 9,000 22,000 m to 31,000
Warren F 7,500 23,500 m to 31,000
JD 6,820 24,180 m to 31,000
Ken C 6,727 24,273 m to 31,000
Kristin C 6,525 24,475 m to 31,000
George  M 6,105 24,895 m to 31,000
Mark S 6,067 24,933 m to 31,000
Ray W 5,543 25,457 m to 31,000
Angela P 5,006 25,994 m to 31,000
Jamie B 5,000 26,000 m to 31,000
Riyad E 5,000 26,000 m to 31,000

For official meters, check the Challenge page of your logbook, look under the Skeleton Crew Challenge.

I'm sorry that I haven't been keeping up. That shouldn't stop you from getting those meters in.
Row strong, team!
-Angela P

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by CONLEJM » October 30th, 2016, 8:57 am

Just checking in. Life can sure get busy! :wink: The board has gone quiet and many people seem to be treading water. I hope everyone is doing well and feeling good.

Tomorrow is the halfway point of the season, in case you track those sort of things. I am a little behind, but as it turns out I am exactly where I was last season, and then I had a more productive second-half of the season.

Good luck and happy rowing to all!

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Poprow » October 30th, 2016, 10:15 am

Congratulations to Jim C, Gary W, and Riyad E on completing this season's Skeleton Crew Challenge!

There are still 1-1.75 days left in the challenge depending on where you live

Estimated Skeleton Crew meters (for official meters, check the Challenge page of your logbook, look under the Skeleton Crew Challenge)

skeleton meters meters to complete the challenge
Jim C 36,000
Riyad E 35,000
Gary W 31,059
Army Padre 30,717 283 m to 31,000
George  M 30,520 480 m to 31,000
Neil Q 30,000 1000 m to 31,000
Jamie B 27,881 3119 m to 31,000
Ken C 27,144 3856 m to 31,000
Mark S 25,225 5775 m to 31,000
Angela P 25,087 5913 m to 31,000
Kristin C 24,550 6450 m to 31,000
Warren F 22,500 8500 m to 31,000
Bob 16,000 15000 m to 31,000
Jack F 14,157 16843 m to 31,000
JD 13,261 17739 m to 31,000
John B 13,086 17914 m to 31,000
Ray W 11,109 19891 m to 31,000
Bob A 10,000 21000 m to 31,000

I think Riyad has gotten even more meters in since I checked earlier.
Some will complete today - others have a little more work to do.
Keep rowing!

18 have put in time with the erg since Tuesday
Jim C 36,000
Riyad E 30,000
George  M 24,415
Jamie B 22,881
Gary W 22,059
Army Padre 20,517
Ken C 20,417
Angela P 20,081
Neil Q 20,000
Mark S 19,158
Kristin C 18,025
Bob 16,000
Warren F 15,000
Jack F 14,157
John B 13,086
Bob A 10,000
JD 6,441
Ray W 5,566

333,803 team meters Wednesday-about 8am EDT
16,898,585 total team meters this season

Targets passed
Bob passed 400k
Gary W passed 1.60M
Jamie B passed 200k
Ken C passed 600k
Riyad E passed 600k

meters until next target
John B 806 m to 450,000
JD 1,606 m to 150,000
Jim C 2,000 m to 1,200,000
Pam S 2,366 m to 5,000
Scott W 2,536 m to 10,000
Ulla D 2,630 m to 75,000
Kerim 3,000 m to 5,000
Linnea F 3,088 m to 5,000
Noah C 3,178 m to 5,000
Bernie J 3,286 m to 25,000
Capn Izzy 3,482 m to 500,000
Tom W 3,693 m to 75,000
Rachel B 4,000 m to 5,000
Matthew R 4,051 m to 50,000
Jack F 4,279 m to 500,000
Bob A 4,523 m to 50,000
Bob L 4,978 m to 10,000
Aditya P 5,000 m to 25,000
Carl R 5,000 m to 25,000
Jeffrey R 7,218 m to 50,000
Kristin C 7,734 m to 450,000
Dale C 8,518 m to 100,000
Barbara B 8,937 m to 100,000
Heman B 8,986 m to 50,000
Warren F 9,309 m to 350,000

Josh O 11,614 m to 100,000
Gabi H 13,490 m to 300,000
Vince M 14,150 m to 25,000
Erik B 14,453 m to 25,000
Gary G 14,660 m to 25,000
George  M 14,743 m to 900,000
Daniel R 15,412 m to 75,000
David W 16,853 m to 50,000
Marcel D 17,511 m to 100,000
Kevin K 19,288 m to 150,000
Adam M 20,000 m to 200,000

Bel C 20,467 m to 200,000
Heather R 21,000 m to 500,000
Kyle J 21,127 m to 75,000
Greg H 21,889 m to 350,000
Gary D 22,500 m to 50,000
Bobbie Z 22,733 m to 1,150,000
Army Padre 23,527 m to 700,000
Riyad E 26,345 m to 650,000
Angela P 27,496 m to 750,000
Bill M 28,036 m to 450,000
Jamie B 28,925 m to 250,000
John S 29,301 m to 300,000
Adrianne D 29,549 m to 200,000
Stephen M 29,822 m to 550,000
Neil Q 30,000 m to 1,050,000
Mark S 30,452 m to 600,000
Joseph M 32,840 m to 400,000
Gary W 35,670 m to 1,650,000
Ray W 37,754 m to 600,000
Ken C 44,604 m to 650,000
Bob 46,000 m to 450,000

Month to Date
2,834,591 team meters
34 of 57 - 59%

Gary W 270,232
Riyad E 245,000
Jim C 198,000
Joseph M 197,287
George  M 170,733
Neil Q 170,000
Adrianne D 128,128
Bobbie Z 125,267
Army Padre 102,709
Warren F 101,167
Mark S 96,246
Capn Izzy 94,560
Angela P 90,283
Ken C 89,746
Gabi H 85,000
Bob 82,000
Jack F 79,889
Kristin C 79,362
John B 59,914
Stephen M 58,532
Bill M 56,677
Ray W 50,591
JD 35,140
Jamie B 33,264
Josh O 30,267
Greg H 25,713
Bob A 20,477
Adam M 16,500
Kevin K 14,000
John S 13,738
Bob L 5,022
Bernie J 4,289
Scott W 3,238
Pam S 1,620

Let's finish off the Skeleton Crew Challenge, October, and the first half of the season strong!!

Jim C, you are right - life has gotten busy.
I'm so glad that I started rowing again 2+ years ago. I wouldn't have been able to do the physical work of the move and setting up the new house if I hadn't been exercising.

Row strong and stay healthy, team!
-Angela P

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by CONLEJM » November 1st, 2016, 11:03 am

Poprow wrote:TimbukTOO has passed 16MM!
Yesterday I also hit 16MM lifetime meters. Took me 4 years and 11 months.

I have been spending a lot of time thinking about what the next five years look like, exercise-wise. I have essentially been only rowing and ski-erging these last five years, but prior to that I had incorporated a lot of weight training into my fitness regimen. I would like to start that up again, which means I need to cut down the rowing since I sill only have the same amount of "exercise time" each day.

So ... this is a long-winded way of saying my meters will drop a little from here on out as I mix it up a bit.

Keep up the good rowing, Team!

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Draven » November 1st, 2016, 11:52 am

CONLEJM wrote:
Poprow wrote:TimbukTOO has passed 16MM!
Yesterday I also hit 16MM lifetime meters. Took me 4 years and 11 months.

I have been spending a lot of time thinking about what the next five years look like, exercise-wise. I have essentially been only rowing and ski-erging these last five years, but prior to that I had incorporated a lot of weight training into my fitness regimen. I would like to start that up again, which means I need to cut down the rowing since I sill only have the same amount of "exercise time" each day.

So ... this is a long-winded way of saying my meters will drop a little from here on out as I mix it up a bit.

Keep up the good rowing, Team!
That's an impressive number, which seems stratospheric to someone who only started rowing three months ago - congrats!

I know exactly what you mean about time - I like to run and cycle, too, along with some weights for strength, so I'll go through stages of focusing on specific activities. In the spring I'll probably break the bike out and start laying down miles on that, but it all comes down to time - a good bike ride can take four hours out of my weekend, and that's four hours I often don't have. The result is generally getting up at some ungodly hour on a Saturday or Sunday, and quite frankly I'm getting too old for that now :-)

All that said, I have been incredibly impressed at the workout I'm getting from the rowing, without any of the stressful impact that's unavoidable with running. Whereas I've always had to marry a certain amount of strength training with cardio in the past, rowing really does seem to deliver the whole experience.

But I still love some variety - I like tuning out and running through the trails listening to tunes, I like the social aspect of cycling as a group, and I just like to have different challenges throughout the year. As far as the rowing goes, though, I'm far more committed to it as a result of joining you guys!

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by CONLEJM » November 1st, 2016, 3:22 pm

Draven wrote: That's an impressive number, which seems stratospheric to someone who only started rowing three months ago - congrats
Thanks. I've been rowing off and on for 30 years, but never started recording my meters until about five years ago. But just to put it into proper perspective, some of the board leaders on the other virtual teams like Free Spirits and Age Without Limits have hundreds of millions of meters under their belt :shock: Furthermore, a few years ago we had a woman on this team who rowed 16 million meters in a single season! :o But, slow and steady stays the course. We'll get there someday!

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by markman » November 1st, 2016, 11:22 pm

Draven wrote:
CONLEJM wrote:
Poprow wrote:TimbukTOO has passed 16MM!
Yesterday I also hit 16MM lifetime meters. Took me 4 years and 11 months.

I have been spending a lot of time thinking about what the next five years look like, exercise-wise. I have essentially been only rowing and ski-erging these last five years, but prior to that I had incorporated a lot of weight training into my fitness regimen. I would like to start that up again, which means I need to cut down the rowing since I sill only have the same amount of "exercise time" each day.

So ... this is a long-winded way of saying my meters will drop a little from here on out as I mix it up a bit.

Keep up the good rowing, Team!
That's an impressive number, which seems stratospheric to someone who only started rowing three months ago - congrats!

I know exactly what you mean about time - I like to run and cycle, too, along with some weights for strength, so I'll go through stages of focusing on specific activities. In the spring I'll probably break the bike out and start laying down miles on that, but it all comes down to time - a good bike ride can take four hours out of my weekend, and that's four hours I often don't have. The result is generally getting up at some ungodly hour on a Saturday or Sunday, and quite frankly I'm getting too old for that now :-)

All that said, I have been incredibly impressed at the workout I'm getting from the rowing, without any of the stressful impact that's unavoidable with running. Whereas I've always had to marry a certain amount of strength training with cardio in the past, rowing really does seem to deliver the whole experience.

But I still love some variety - I like tuning out and running through the trails listening to tunes, I like the social aspect of cycling as a group, and I just like to have different challenges throughout the year. As far as the rowing goes, though, I'm far more committed to it as a result of joining you guys!
I'm with both of you on this. I was a competitive runner until my mid 30's then switched to Cycling after my knees started protesting a bit. I got the C2 almost 6 years ago as a way to add some efficient cardio/strength training to my cycling. In the last couple of years my available time for exercise has been compressed and I found it harder and harder to justify the 5-7 hours a weekend I spent on the bike. Add to that the increasing number of bike vs car accidents that have been happening and I decided that rowing with a little running is much safer! Rowing is a great workout and I can get all I need in 20-40 minutes. I add some running/walking to that along with some bodyweight exercises (push-ups, pull-ups, core exercises) and I have "recovered" 3-5 hours of extra time each week!

I've made a commitment this season to increase my rowing by a significant amount and so far I'm on track for 1 million meters, my biggest season so far. I frankly don't know how people row as much as they do, but HUGE props to those that of you that do! Rowing is a great workout but it's really hard for me to spend more than 40 minutes or so on the erg before I start going crazy. I find that a 20-30 minute session combined with the same amount of walking or running works out well for me.
59 M 6' 1" 165#
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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Bobbie_Zee » November 2nd, 2016, 1:51 pm

CONLEJM wrote:Just checking in. Life can sure get busy! :wink: The board has gone quiet and many people seem to be treading water. I hope everyone is doing well and feeling good.

Tomorrow is the halfway point of the season, in case you track those sort of things. I am a little behind, but as it turns out I am exactly where I was last season, and then I had a more productive second-half of the season.

Good luck and happy rowing to all!
And I am exactly where I have been--chasing you down, Jim! I was away for a bit, and you zoom by me. Why don't these hotel fitness rooms have ergs?????

They've done some remodeling in my gym, and I was in a new room today. I'm rowing away, in my trance, when I spy a new piece of equipment across the room. Later, I walk over and it's a......no.......it cannot be......a Concept2 SkiErg. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

Everybody has been doing some great work! The Holiday Challenge is coming up, so we can try to keep off those Thanksgiving to Christmas poundage! :roll:

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by army padre » November 2nd, 2016, 2:13 pm

I enjoy the Row Pro "company" each day. I think it provides a great opportunity to row with people around the world, and I've started taking the initiative to create 10K events that correspond with my work schedule. I will always maintain a connection to running because it's important for me to earn the right to serve as a chaplain for my Soldiers but I consider the erg as my primary weapon to counteract my consumption of Shiner Bock.

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by CONLEJM » November 5th, 2016, 12:44 pm

Padre, thank you for your service to our country, and for ministering to our men and women in uniform. And thanks for being in our boat!

I, too, love the Shiner Bock! There are so many new microbreweries up here in NH now there is never a shortage of good beer. Seriously there once was only five microbreweries, now there are fifty and new ones open every day. Plus we have a Budweiser brewery. We are ready for the apocalypse! :lol:

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by army padre » November 5th, 2016, 9:46 pm

Sounds like I need to take a mission trip to NH. LOL! I have one of our team members as a training partner, and I think that might be a good motivational tool to help each other keep our oars in the water, so to speak. Sunday is my last day to row as a 54-year-old so I will do 40 minutes for the team.

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Poprow » November 6th, 2016, 8:42 am

Team TimbukTOO wishes Concept2 a very Happy 40th Anniversary!!

Today, November 6, we have a special anniversary challenge - the 40-4-40 Challenge.

Here is the information about the 40-4-40:
Row or ski for at least 40 minutes on November 6.
You can row/ski all at once in one workout or over several workouts throughout the day.
This is an individual challenge. (You do not need to belong to a team to participate.)
Meters must be entered online.
Indoor rower, SkiErg, on water and on snow meters count. You can combine your workouts to get to your total of 40 minutes.

Thanks for the reminder, Army Padre!!

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