The Holiday Challenge...get ready...22 November...
For many of us, the Holiday Challenge was the first Concept2 challenge we participated in (and surely the first time you might have rowed 200K in a month!)....and it's one that we repeat year after year. Maybe it's about the Challenge pin - maybe it's about offsetting all the holiday treats - or maybe it's about helping earn that Concept2 donation! Last year was the FIRST year that the Concept2 rowing community met the meter goal necessary to earn the $30K donation that Concept2 was offering to split between several charitable organizations. In fact, the rowing community exceeded that meter amount...and Concept2 continued to match the meters rowed. We have 33 days from start to finish this year - that's two more than last year. Can we do a repeat ?!
This year, we have several areas where we can choose to help out. From the Concept2 Challenge write up:
Support Great Causes!
Each year, Concept2 selects several non-profit organizations and donates money to these organizations based on the meters completed during the Holiday Challenge. We present the list of charities in your logbook, and you select which one you'd like your efforts to benefit. This year we decided to offer a choice of charities that support a spectrum of options, including a charity that is working directly to support the victims of Hurricane Sandy. This year's choices are:
AmeriCares (supporting Hurricane Sandy relief efforts)
Natural Resource Defense Council
Doctors Without Borders
Vermont Land Trust
For every person who completes at least 100k during the challenge, Concept2 will donate $.02 for each kilometer (1000 meters) you accumulate. Once you get beyond 100k, we'll donate $.04 per kilometer. For kids and adaptive athletes, the $.04 rate takes effect at 50k. Every bit adds up: Last year, your efforts raised over $31,000 for disaster relief organizations!
There are other incentives and rewards, too:
Incentives and Rewards
The incentives and rewards available depend on which goal you achieve. Here's how it works.
200k, 50k Kids and Adaptive
Participants who complete 200,000 meters, kids who complete 50,000 meters, and adaptive athletes who complete at least 50,000 meters are entitled to the following incentives and rewards:
A free downloadable certificate of achievement
A free downloadable heat transfer for making your own Holiday Challenge-wear
A free Holiday Challenge pin: Pins are sent automatically to the address on file in your Online Logbook. Please ensure you have entered a valid address in order to receive your pin.
Access to the Holiday Challenge shop through our third-party fulfillment vendor
100k Finishers
Participants who complete 100,000 meters are entitled to the following incentives and rewards:
A free downloadable certificate of achievement
A free downloadable heat transfer for making your own Holiday Challenge-wear
Access to the Holiday Challenge shop through our third-party fulfillment vendor
And....you'll have a chance to earn your reindeer...