LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

A member of an indoor rowing team or club? If so, this is the place for you.

Can this one team row to the moon and back?

Poll ended at May 17th, 2008, 12:28 pm

I think we can do it together. I'm all in!
No way! You all are wacko!
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Re: All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 2.29.12

Post by cdykstra01 » March 1st, 2012, 6:14 pm

kakattack wrote:
Kona2 wrote:Chip has returned from his service in the Military Challenge. Looks like you rowed about 400K during the month long Military Challenge, Chip - that's a great accomplishment!
Chip - Thank you for your service and congrats and completing the Military Challenge!

Let the Madness begin!
Thanks for the support and the welcomes back. My goal was to finish in the top 10, and I think I accomplished that, unless someone dropped some late meters in on the challenge.

Being on the C2 Army team was not the same as being on the Lunatics, and I really hope that if C2 does the military challenge again, they find a way to do it without forcing a change in affiliation. I missed the sense of connection and "team" I get from you guys.

With that said, let the MADNESS begin!


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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Jodi » March 1st, 2012, 6:30 pm

Great job Chip, and good to have you back with the Luna-Tics. My son in law is in the Army (just got back from a tour in Afghanistan) and my daughter was an Army nurse. They're stationed in Germany, so we don't get to see them very often. So I'm glad to hear that you did so well in the challenge, it's like rooting for a family member :) , top 10% is quite an accomplishment!
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Re: Welcome 2 new team members

Post by Restless » March 1st, 2012, 6:32 pm

Kona2 wrote:Welcome Paul B and Stephen N! Glad to have you rowing with us!
Welcome to the team Paul and Stephen! Wishing you many good rows :)

Also, welcome back Chip.

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Madness....Day 1 or 2 of 31

Post by Kona2 » March 1st, 2012, 8:08 pm


Yes, the shamrocks have started to appear on our virtual landscape...and the March progress board looks VERY nice with all the Luna-Tics starting to make their way onto the honor boards. I think Rebecca said that this was her first Challenge (three years ago) - and that it held special meaning for her because of this. Well, I am pretty sure that the March Madness Challenge was the first one where we started having some fun with graphics as we chased the pot of gold, and enjoyed virtual beverages at our favorite virtual team hangout....the Sham Rock.

Even our moon takes on a bit of the Irish.....Image

And, as is usual for our Challenges, we tailor them a bit so that our younger rowers can participate and make it onto our Luna-Tics Challenge Honor Board. So if the younger rowers row what they can for 25 of the 31 days, then they're on our Honor Board...would that work?

Btw, I've put several bits of shameless advertising for team members out on the forum - telling future teammates that we're an open team. Please feel free to respond to any of the questions that future teammates might be asking. I don't know about each of you, but it's still fresh in my mind how I felt when I was first joining a team (even a challenge team), and wondering what the rules were! :shock: Spread the good word.

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by BAZzy » March 1st, 2012, 8:35 pm

Crikey, so many milestones to celebrate again this week, and I’m reluctant to name them for fear of missing someone, there are that many. But a special thanks to those who did the military challenge, the members of the Armed Services hold a special place in the hearts of all Australian’s – so a big thanks from Down-Under also.

Sydney is under a deluge of rain once again, the sporting fields are saturated, so no weekend sport for TomO this weekend... I’m hoping to give my Power Sled a work-out over the weekend, a new training advice added to the shed, and Janet is settling for a sleep-in. :o

And I hope Dave H is okay, as he lives down near the Nepean River, not too far from where the dam is about to over-flow for first time in a long-while....

Good weekend to all, wherever you are!

Cheers, BBB
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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by bg » March 1st, 2012, 9:36 pm

Kona2 wrote:ImageImageImageImage

Woohoo and hooyah! Congratulations to our teammates Brett and Jill on the safe arrival of their new baby last Saturday! It's a hectic time for sure, but hoping that Brett will swing by the forum pages.

woooo hooo and mazel tov....

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by rsdavr » March 2nd, 2012, 12:07 pm

I can't believe how well our team is doing - and how many new heavy (meters, not pounds) contributors have joined us.

Recently, I've felt like I've reached a point of stability in my own training and have been seeking for ways to inject some more creativity and fun into my exercise. So this morning, after a bunch of cross-fit stuff (fran, squats, sit ups and push ups), using Row Pro, I joined a group of rowers for the "Half Hour any Power" on-line row at 1100 GMT. There were five of us - one from down under (Baz's territory and certainly a vegemite consumer I'll wager), 2 from Great Britain and 1 from California (I have no clue what he was doing on the rower at 3am). The row was a blast - I came in fourth, but I placed a personal best for the 30 minutes. Then I ranked it on the Concept2 web site which placed me in the bottom of the top quartile for others in my category (men, light weight, between 60 and 65).

I supposed that's all right, but somehow I row under the illusion that I should be better than that after two years on the rower. Guess I'll have to try vegemite!

Go March-Mad Lunatics!
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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by bg » March 2nd, 2012, 1:49 pm

rsdavr wrote:I can't believe how well our team is doing - and how many new heavy (meters, not pounds) contributors have joined us.

Recently, I've felt like I've reached a point of stability in my own training and have been seeking for ways to inject some more creativity and fun into my exercise. So this morning, after a bunch of cross-fit stuff (fran, squats, sit ups and push ups), using Row Pro, I joined a group of rowers for the "Half Hour any Power" on-line row at 1100 GMT. There were five of us - one from down under (Baz's territory and certainly a vegemite consumer I'll wager), 2 from Great Britain and 1 from California (I have no clue what he was doing on the rower at 3am). The row was a blast - I came in fourth, but I placed a personal best for the 30 minutes. Then I ranked it on the Concept2 web site which placed me in the bottom of the top quartile for others in my category (men, light weight, between 60 and 65).

I supposed that's all right, but somehow I row under the illusion that I should be better than that after two years on the rower. Guess I'll have to try vegemite!

Go March-Mad Lunatics!
congrats on the personal best.....

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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 3.1.12

Post by Kona2 » March 2nd, 2012, 2:12 pm

Image Madness! Day 2 or 3 (for the southern hemisphere...)

Thanks for the update on the floods in Sydney, Baz. The rains have indeed triggered release of the drum gates holding the drinking water supply, and residents are on flood alert in NSW. Get to higher ground Dave, Angelo, Baz !

Image 59 teammates participating in the Madness Challenge!

There's still time to join in the Challenge....and try to get to that magic "25" days of participation. Always nice to have some "get out of rowing free" days in a Challenge so that all can participate. Those six days can be burned up pretty quickly, though - so use 'em wisely!

Welcome also to returning teammate Helena R - always good to see returning people on the roster.

Season meters as of 308/366 = 165,300,690 m

Total meters on the day = 2,274,546 m

Oars in space (participation) - 41 percent

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

7.25 MM Jay
6.7 MM Ron
4.55 MM Michelle
4.25 MM Jim
3.55 MM David A
3.45 MM Anita
3.05 MM Christa
1.6 MM Ken H
1.55 MM Raoul
850 K Rebecca
700 K Walter - with one of the first Image of the challenge :D
140 K Ethan
PB on 30 ' row - Ross !

Image Million Meter Watch:

bg with (6,520 m) to go!

Baz with (74,257 m) to go!

Rivka with (77,942 m) to go!

Bernie with (173,631 m) to go!

AJ with (183,357 m) to go!

Image Million Meter Watch:

Elton with (17,930 m) to go!

Sam with (30,392 m) to go!

Katerina with (81,466 m) to go!

David T with (158,000 m) to go!

Image Million Meter Watch:

Tony with (11,889 m) to go!

Kevin N with (14,050 m) to go!

Sunny with (21,902 m) to go!

Mitch with (36,153 m) to go!

Chris H with (44,301 m) to go!

Chuck with (128,500 m) to go!

Ted with (137,000 m) to go!

Rebecca with (150,000 m) to go! Woohoo! The countdown has begun!

Image Thanks to all who rowed today!

Ethan 800 m
Ashlee 900 m
Kaylee ImageImageImage m
Lily 1,155 m
Mario Jackson 1,255 m
Helena 2,004 m
Denny 2,500 m
Gene H 2,500 m
Roger 3,000 m
Tammy 4,000 m
Tony ImageImageImageImage m
Peter G 5,000 m
Marty 5,002 m
Sunny 5,002 m
Tracy 5,013 m
bg 5,018 m
Robyn 5,252 m
Marie 5,300 m
Diana 5,500 m
Harold 5,802 m
Tim K 5,818 m
Mary O 6,011 m :D
Nancy 6,017 m
Karyn 6,619 m
Nataliya 7,000 m
Scott 7,502 m
Chuck 10,000 m
James G enrage 10,000 m
Jeff P 10,000 m
K2 10,000 m
Mike C 10,000 m
Peter H 10,000 m
Richard T 10,000 m
Rosi ImageImageImageImageImage m ...reads the same back and front...what is name of your soccer team?
Rebecca 10,045 m
Sam 10,100 m
Bobbie 10,104 m :D
Wim 10,170 m
Ross 10,452 m
Zander 10,555 m :D
Jim 11,006 m
Collin 11,019 m
Anita ImageImageImageImageImage m :D
Raoul 11,617 m
Ronnie 12,000 m
Sarah 12,000 m
Christa 12,050 m
Pat B 12,270 m
Fritz 12,384 m
Jerry 14,000 m
David A 14,207 m
Ken H 14,500 m
Terri 14,500 m
Baz 15,000 m
Ken G 15,000 m
Rivka 15,000 m
Thomas T 16,272 m
Kevin N 17,000 m
Stephen N 18,935 m
Cathie ImageImageImageImage Image m ...reads the same back and front!
Image Walter 21,097 m
Image Minnie ImageImageImageImage Image
Image Ron 23,097 m
Image Jay 24,000 m
Image Michelle 27,600 m
Image Elton 30,000 m :D
Paul 134,259 m
Chip 1,461,756 m (roster return)

Well done !

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by bg » March 2nd, 2012, 2:22 pm

BAZzy wrote:Crikey, so many milestones to celebrate again this week, and I’m reluctant to name them for fear of missing someone, there are that many. But a special thanks to those who did the military challenge, the members of the Armed Services hold a special place in the hearts of all Australian’s – so a big thanks from Down-Under also.

Sydney is under a deluge of rain once again, the sporting fields are saturated, so no weekend sport for TomO this weekend... I’m hoping to give my Power Sled a work-out over the weekend, a new training advice added to the shed, and Janet is settling for a sleep-in. :o

And I hope Dave H is okay, as he lives down near the Nepean River, not too far from where the dam is about to over-flow for first time in a long-while....

Good weekend to all, wherever you are!

Cheers, BBB

oh no...just read this.....hope all you folks are safe....and welcome to all our new and returning team members...

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by rosita » March 2nd, 2012, 2:22 pm

Rosi m ...reads the same back and front...what is name of your soccer team?

We are called the Verde Abejas, which means green bees.
Rosi :)

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by just27 » March 2nd, 2012, 2:33 pm

rsdavr wrote:I supposed that's all right, but somehow I row under the illusion that I should be better than that after two years on the rower. Guess I'll have to try vegemite!

Oh, Ross, Ross, Ross. You're going to get us started again ... Marmite Rules!
Everything's Shiny. Not to fret.

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by BAZzy » March 2nd, 2012, 4:41 pm

just27 wrote:
rsdavr wrote:I supposed that's all right, but somehow I row under the illusion that I should be better than that after two years on the rower. Guess I'll have to try vegemite!

Oh, Ross, Ross, Ross. You're going to get us started again ... Marmite Rules!
I walked past a colleagues desk yesterday, and crikey there it was a jar of Marmite! Fair dinkum, how did they smuggle that into the workplace I thought!

On the floods, Sydney is okay, just some flash flooding in low lying areas, but other parts of the State have copped a lot of rain and flooding. Warragamba Dam, our main water supply, has not overflowed in a long time and did so last night.
Mind you I saw some tornado pictures from your part of the world a couple of days back, unbelievable the destruction they cause...

And I'll leave you with....

We're happy little Vegemites
As bright as bright can be.
We all enjoy our Vegemite
For breakfast, lunch and tea.
Our Mummies say we're growing stronger every single week
Because we love our Vegemite.
We all adore our Vegemite.

(I feel better now :lol: )

Cheers, BBB
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She's A Meter Millionaire...times THREE

Post by Kona2 » March 2nd, 2012, 5:58 pm


Woohoo and hooyah! Congratulations, Barbara aka bg, on achieving a THREE million meter rowing season! We wish you many, MANY more!

And, as a great testament to how much better you're feeling following successful surgeries, last year at this time your meter total was about 575,000 ....and look at you now! Woohoo! It's going to be a BEST ever Boston Marathon for you.... :D

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Kona2 » March 2nd, 2012, 6:00 pm

BAZzy wrote:And I'll leave you with....

We're happy little Vegemites
As bright as bright can be.
We all enjoy our Vegemite
For breakfast, lunch and tea.
Our Mummies say we're growing stronger every single week
Because we love our Vegemite.
We all adore our Vegemite.

(I feel better now :lol: )

Cheers, BBB
Hahaha! I don't remember that you virtually sang to us before, Baz! We'll have to see if Minnie finds a corresponding virtual tune for Marmite....and I'm sure the Marmite was there for comparison of the competition... :lol:

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