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Post by PJM » August 27th, 2008, 9:54 am



Has passed the 500,000 meter mark!!!

Half a million meters..way to row!!!

Pat & Crew

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Post by dragonfly » August 27th, 2008, 10:06 am

Wecome back Pat,

Glad you made it through the storm.

I have been battling a dental problem and have not rowed much this week. Go in for a root canal today so won't be rowing any today. Hope to get back in the grove tomorrow.


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Post by PJM » August 27th, 2008, 12:18 pm


Well...we dodged the bullet here in our section of Naples,Florida.Fay made landfall south of us and we only got about 4 inches of rain.No flooding..
We did lose a couple of trees but they fell away from the house and not On the house.
No real damage.
Our home is hurricane/storm protected with shutters and windows made just for us.
We had to go out of town just as Fay was about to strike so we buttoned up the house and took a great road trip.
We had to go further North though as Fay was coming at us in all directions.
Driving would have been a challenge and we waited out the storm.
Driving back to the Sunshine State was not uneventful..we had torrential rains all the way back.
Fay really gave us a good race around the states.
All is well and I thank the whole team for your thoughts and support.
Ryan..we miss you!!
Please return!!!

More updates to follow.


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Post by PJM » August 27th, 2008, 11:30 pm



29th place in the rankings
6,020,226 meters for the season
28,599 meters for the day




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Post by PJM » August 27th, 2008, 11:35 pm



We wish you a speedy recovery from your dental issue and hope that your virtual oars are back in the water real soon!!


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Post by PJM » August 28th, 2008, 9:44 am


I just heard from Ryan..

He is having some stressful times and dealing with health issues and some personal issues.He will return to rowing in the near future..we will be hearing from him.

Your team wishes you the best, Ryan.

Life has a way of crashing in on us at times and our team friendships can help to give us the lift we need.

GO TimbukTOO!!!
We are strong despite the number and will always row for the health of it!!!and the friendship of it!!


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Post by HiAltRowgal » August 28th, 2008, 2:10 pm

Way to go, Alison! 500,000 is such a HUGE milestone!

Susan, send us a post when you're feeling up to it. I'm a mess after trips to the dentist.

Take care, Ryan, and we hope you'll return to the team when things are better!

Glad things are continuing to go well with baby #3, Cindy. You'll be passing that 200,000 mark soon!

Will try my new reel and line tonight... I'm still looking forward to a time when my line isn't giving me trouble. Must be some sort of lesson to learn here, but I can't figure it out! I love fishing mid-week without the crowds, even though it's not always easy getting up to the lake after work. I wish we had started doing this years ago with the kids, but they were involved in so many activities, it would have been too stressful. I think they would have loved it.

So glad to have you back, Pat, safe and sound!


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Post by PJM » August 28th, 2008, 4:07 pm

People become really quite remarkable when they start thinking that they can do things. When they believe in themselves they have the first secret of success.
Norman Vincent Peale

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Post by dragonfly » August 28th, 2008, 7:12 pm

Thanks for the well wishes,

Ryan I too hope you are feeling better soon.

Congrats Alison on the 500,000. That is a biggie.

Linda, you are pretty close to another one too. I expect to hear a big fish story tomorrow. I would love some fried catfish or stripper (actually any fried fish) about now.

The dentist was a nightmare as usual. He could only do two of the three roots and had to put some medication in one to try and soften it and then I get to go back next week to finish. I am one of the 2 o9r 3 % that has had a lot of pain after. Could not sleep or get rid of it no matter what I took. Finally stopped about 12 noon today and was able to sleep for a few hours and am much better now. Not supposed to exercise. Thinking about just sitting on it and pulling on the handle lightly just to contribute some meters.


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Post by PJM » August 28th, 2008, 8:03 pm


Congrats GEORGE!!!

George passed the 100,000 meter mark.

Way to row!!!

Pat & Crew

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Post by PJM » August 28th, 2008, 9:51 pm



LINDA..800,000 meters
LYNNE...600,000 meters
CINDY..200,000 meters

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Post by PJM » August 29th, 2008, 12:09 am



29th place in the rankings
6,079,985 meters for the season
59,759 meters for the day


Last edited by PJM on August 31st, 2008, 11:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by HiAltRowgal » August 29th, 2008, 4:47 am

Great job, George! You've been rowing up a storm this past week!

Susan, I'm sure I'm also among the 2-3% you were talking about. I avoid the dentist at all costs, only going in when I know there's something wrong! Don't worry about the meters. Take care of yourself and get the dental work out of the way. I know you'll add plenty upon your return!

Not one tangle or knot tonight, but also no fish. We had two catch and release as well as many strikes, but nothing to bring home. We'll avoid the lake for a couple of days because of the crowds. There were very few people there tonight, but I'm sure the camp sites will be full by tomorrow night. What a dream to be able to cast freely all evening. The lake was as smooth as glass during the last hour and with the exception of a camper's generator, it was quiet and peaceful.

I had to row after we came home. I got in about 9000, but I sure am slow at night! I enjoyed watching the end of "Mrs. Palfrey at The Claremont", a real tear-jerker for me. I can't believe how many good things I've been able to watch while rowing more during the past couple of months!

Anyone out there watching the US Open? I forgot to Tivo it the last couple of nights.


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Checking in!

Post by Bodie » August 29th, 2008, 7:29 am

Hi all,

Thanks so much for the kudos on the 500,000 meters. I don't feel like I have been putting in much lately, meter-wise, yet I do seem to be fairly consistent on the days I row. Rowing first thing in the morning before work seems to keep me at a few less meters as time does get away from me! :) I'm getting close to 900,000 lifetime meters and look forward to the first million. Hopefully I can start adding more meters on a regular basis as well.

Alas! All these goals with little time!! I'm sure we all know how that one feels.

Thanks again for being such a great team. It's always a pleasure to get out on the forum and see what everyone is doing...and Pat...it is a real pleasure to have you back at the helm!!

Take care,


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Post by PJM » August 29th, 2008, 8:49 am


LINDA has passed the 800,000 meter mark!!!

Way to row!!!

Pat & Crew

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