Looking for a team/affiliation
- Paddler
- Posts: 2
- Joined: December 26th, 2023, 6:36 pm
Looking for a team/affiliation
I've been rowing for about three years now and would like to start joining team challenges and have an affiliation. I'm a lightweight (5'10" and 155 lbs) and in this most recent Holiday Challenge, I ended up with more than 200k meters. Is there a team for people like me that is looking for new members?
Re: Looking for a team/affiliation
In the EXR Rowing affiliation and team, everybody is welcome, regardless of weekly meters and pace. People expect you to row on EXR (a rowing game which can be combined with a PM5), but that isn't enforced in any way. We communicate via the EXR discord server.
Package maintainer of OpenRowingMonitor, the open source PM5
Re: Looking for a team/affiliation
There are many many teams who would be very pleased to welcome you and have your contribution. Luna-tics and Forum Flyers are by far the most active on this forum, but if you use facebook or other social media your choice will be a lot wider. Some teams have age or location restrictions and a very few are performance based or invitee only but you'll find the vast majority will be very welcoming. Most teams take part in all of the C2 challenges, the CTC (cross team challenge) and often have a monthly internal challenge as well - all good fun to take part in. Checkout the challenges section of your C2 Log https://log.concept2.com/challenges - or the CTC http://www.c2ctc.com/ - to find any number of team names. Then just try googling any name (+ indoor rowing club) that strikes your fancy. Typically will hit on some more info about the team and a contact page somewhere on the web and you can take it from there.
Mike - 67 HWT 183