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Rowing Specific Strength Development

Posted: August 29th, 2006, 5:41 am
by lgluckma
The Rowing Ergometer provides an opportunity to develop rowing specific strength in the exact position of the rowing activity. By progressing through the stroke from the beginning of the recovery to the complete stroke the rower can work on specific muscle groups of that portion of the stroke. This may be an appropriate activity for IRs who have not been doing strength work during this period of there training. I would consider doing this drill as the part of the warm up, 2-3 x a week until the week before the 2k time trial the last weekend in October.

This activity is not designed for everyone so go slow and experiment.
1. Increase the drag between 40-60 points. If that is too much go 20-40 points
2. Set the monitor for 20 seconds work and 20 seconds rest. You will complete 3 repetitions of :20/:20 for each positoin listed below. The entire activity takes 8 minutes.
3. The four position are arms only, then arms, back with about 2-3 inches of slide so that you are pushing, prying and pulling, next half slide so the body is in the pre-catch position but at half the slide available and finally full slide.
4. Begin with the just arm rowing with the legs down and the body in the lay back position. Maintain pressure on the feet so the legs are long and firm. The lower back and stomach must be engaged and in a strong position. In the beginning row a very comfortable stroke rate but as you become familiar with the activity try to increase the stroke from rep to rep. Once you complete 3 -:20 reps move to the next position.
5. Arms, back and 2-3 inches of slide is next. Same concept applies here regarding moderate rate in the beginning with increasing stroke rate through the 3 reps. This position includes the last part of the drive sequence through the beginning of the recovery. Think of the stroke moving around the transition point at the body and not just to the body. This way you will create a comfortable rhythm into and away from the body. Try not to segment the body parts involved. Treat the movement as a concert of legs, back and arms building upon each other.
6. The third position is not unlike the 2nd but with more slide available to push down and a more wheel speed to pick up. The half slide position is the catch position just at the half way point on the recovery. Arms are reaching for the wheel, head is up, thighs are beginning to squeeze against the upper body, shoulders are ahead of the hips moving toward the wheel and the handle and slide are moving at the same speed.
7. Finally, there is 3 - :20 reps of full slide putting together entire drive sequence as you did with each segment. A seamless transition from full compression to arms only. Always trying to accelerate the handle.
8. Some suggestions: If you need additional rest between the four positions just lightly row through a couple of 20/20 reps. If the drag is too high for the smaller muscle groups (positions 1-2) just drop the damper and increase it as the more leg becomes involved. The goal would be to try to complete the four positions in eight minutes. You might consider doing this type of warm up on days when the intensity of the rowing in your workout is above steady state. Row at a moderate intensity for 6-10 minutes after the 4 position drill to clear the lactate from the system before you start your regular part of your workout. I recommend doing this in the beginning of the workout as opposed to the end because it helps recruit more muscle fiber because of the isolation and intensity of each segment. Finally, remember to return to your regular drag before starting the body of the workout. Good luck, lg