Workouts/coaches' q & a
- Yankeerunner
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It's great to see familiar names posting, and I hope to eventually meet up with many others.
A brief update. Today was TEST day in the Interactive Program that I'm following. My UT1 and AT workouts of the past few days indicated that I should be capable of about 7:12 if I wasn't a wuss about it. Was pleasantly surprized to hit 7:09.1. My only concern is that I'm doing too much, too soon and will be beyond my peak come November. But what the heck, live dangerously!
Also left out from my previous post:
Goal, to at least stay sub-7:00 in the big races despite advancing age.
Club or School rowing, none. Except like some others I'm a member of a virtual erging team, the resurrected Forum Flyers.
Rick Bayko , m/58/lwt
A brief update. Today was TEST day in the Interactive Program that I'm following. My UT1 and AT workouts of the past few days indicated that I should be capable of about 7:12 if I wasn't a wuss about it. Was pleasantly surprized to hit 7:09.1. My only concern is that I'm doing too much, too soon and will be beyond my peak come November. But what the heck, live dangerously!
Also left out from my previous post:
Goal, to at least stay sub-7:00 in the big races despite advancing age.
Club or School rowing, none. Except like some others I'm a member of a virtual erging team, the resurrected Forum Flyers.
Rick Bayko , m/58/lwt
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- Posts: 2
- Joined: June 13th, 2006, 6:02 pm
My training is loosely based on Mike Caviston’s Wolverine Plan, currently with less structure and less volume. (Thank you, and apologies for the looseness, to Mike!
) I average 5-6 days/week, mainly on the erg. For motivation, I've recently been participating in the "fun" Concept2 UK team challenges, as others have mentioned here. (Team Oarsome)
My goal is to improve my fitness, my technique (efficiency), and my 2K time. To accomplish this, I think I need more discipline and structure to my training.
My amount of time spent on the water depends somewhat on upcoming rowing races. Prior to selected fall and spring races, I train in the Long Beach Rowing Association's women's masters 8 on weekends. I enjoy rowing my single (Van Dusen...I've had 4
), and plan on that for 1-2 days/week during the summer for variety.
I'm looking forward to participating with the USIRDS.

My goal is to improve my fitness, my technique (efficiency), and my 2K time. To accomplish this, I think I need more discipline and structure to my training.

My amount of time spent on the water depends somewhat on upcoming rowing races. Prior to selected fall and spring races, I train in the Long Beach Rowing Association's women's masters 8 on weekends. I enjoy rowing my single (Van Dusen...I've had 4

I'm looking forward to participating with the USIRDS.
Last edited by Joanvb on June 28th, 2006, 6:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Joan Van Blom
58 Ltwt.
Long Beach Rowing Association
58 Ltwt.
Long Beach Rowing Association
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- Joined: March 18th, 2006, 6:46 pm
- NavigationHazard
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- Location: Wroclaw, Poland
Dean,dean smith wrote:I had a busy 80th birthday. Broke 2 official world records in the 500 meters and 1000 meters. One unoffical record for the 2000 meters.
This weeks goal is to break the 5000 meter record.
Congratulations! I knew that you would be doing it, but I am impressed that you did it so soon. I am particularly impressed that you have done it at altitude. You live at what? - about 6000 ft? I am at only 4000 ft and my short distance (0.5k, 1k, and 2k) times here are dismal compared with my old records, which were all set at sea level. The others were set here at altitude and are not too bad, but I expect you to start knocking off the middle distances soon. The one place where it seems that you need work is the long distances. As I remember, you didn't post a full marathon time and your half marathon was the only event in which you had less than a thousand nonathlon points. I agree that they are literally a pain in the usual, but go after them anyway.
Best regards,
Bob Spenger
Planning a training program (strategy)
Dear Team,
out first post is more of an outline to get help you better plan an effective workout and preparation strategy than a list of specific workouts. It seems to us that most of you already know what it takes to do well and that these concepts could help you get better results.
Concepts to consider for improvement Ergometer rowing performances
1. Personalizing the erg:
• For water rowers be sure that your flex foot on the erg is similar to the height of your feet in your shell. Measure from the top of the seat in the stern position to the lowest point in the heel of your shoes pressed down against the foot board. Take that measurement and adjust the flex foot to achieve the same height of the heel relative to the seat top.
• For land rowers be sure that your flex foot setting permits your shins to reach a perpendicular at the catch with your seat 6-8 inches away from your heels. Avoid hypercompressing at the knees or over–flexing at the ankle joint so the shins is moving toward the wheel.
• Keep the monitor high so that your head and shoulders remain upward to enhance breathing during all phases of the stroke
• Keep tabs on your drag factor so that if you move to different ergometers you will know where to put the damper.
• Keep the monorail clean and the chain lubricated.
• If you share an erg be sure to clean the handle with a disinfectant type spray before and after use.
2. From the beginning of July through the last week of October and early November there are 19-20 weeks and another 5-6 before Amsterdam. So for most of you there will be one peak and for 12 of you there will be two. Many of you have Master 1km races throughout the summer and 5-6 km races in the fall. All of this training will enhance your conditioning for the erg although it is not entirely specific. Here are a few training workouts which might help you determine you 2k summer fitness level. Obviously if you want to take a 2k that is probably the easiest what to test you 2k fitness level. The others we will propose can be part of a regular training program without the need to peak. Since we have nearly 20 weeks these can be selections every 12-15 workouts.
• A 30 minute row can be a 2km predict a range of 2k pace by subtracting 5-7 off the 30 min pace. Similar predictions can come from 5k, 6k, or 20’ pieces. You don’t need to do a completely different workout than you usually would to determine a predicted pace.
• Rowing 6 x 500m with 1 minute rest, then the average of the paces will be very close to your present 2km pace.
• Rowing 4 x 1000m on 12 minutes centers, then the average of the paces will also be very close predictor.
• For noting progress try 10 x 3 minutes with 30 seconds rest. After a warm up try to row each piece at your 2km stroke rate but start off 6-8 seconds off your 2km “guess” pace to start and try to lower by 3-4 tenths each subsequent 3:00 interval. This is a high aerobic workout in the beginning but challenges the early lactate system toward the end.
3. The basic requirement to be successful is to do a variety of workouts to stress all aspects of the cardio-vascular and neuro-muscular system. In addition there should be progress made in maximizing technique so that the rowing motion optimally uses the skeletal and muscular systems efficiently. Making every effort to coordinate the leg drive with a strong back pry while keeping the arms long for as long as possible.
• Strength development should be part of your training. This can be done by a balanced weight lifting program, low rate rowing for moderate length pieces, high rate rowing for 10-30 sec. pieces, body weight exercises, running interval and hills, and solid cross training like swimming or biking. If you are weight lifting for strength improvement we recommend lifting before the erg or rowing workout so that the increase muscle stimulation of the lifting would be used by the subsequent speed or shorter interval training in the rowing format. This concept is called maximal recruitment. If you lift to near failure then have a high intensity rowing workout you will recruit the muscle fibers you activated during the lifting. Many times just rowing hard does always maximally recruit.
• Creating a workout plan which escalate in volume or intensity followed by rest days or very light load days is critical. Remember the phrase that, “work builds fitness and rest builds performances”. So if you expect to see improvements in your fitness via improved performance be sure to incorporate rest days.
4. Many exercise physiologists working with rowing athletes preparing for 2km suggest that 70-80 % of the time spent training should be done in the aerobic area. From conversational pace to the point when you are unable to whistle while you row. 10-15% of your time should be spent in the anaerobic threshold area which include over-distance race pieces like 3 x 10 min- 2 x 6km or pieces like (1:40 work / :20 rest x 10 ) x2 where the intensity is greater than you could normal row 20 min. straight but not as fast as you would row 1:40 with lots of rest. 10 % at speeds greater than race pace with even to 3 times work length for rest This includes 1 min on/ 1 min off, 6-8 x 500m with 3-5 min rest or (3 x 2:00/2:00) x 2, 3-6 x 1000 m with 5 -8 min rest. Some physiologist believe that 3-5 % of this 10% should be done at speeds and load which will last only 10-30 seconds with 6-8 minutes rest. Here we are trying to achieve maximum watts on an erg or maximum speed in your single, etc within the first 7-10 seconds and then try to hold on. Building this type of rowing specific power has a trickle down value when you return to training your other energy paths, since if you build greater power then for the same heart rate or perceived exertion you will actually be working at a higher work level or watts. For example if you are able to raise your maximum power by 30-50 watts then training at 60-70% of you aerobic rower will be between 18-30 watts higher as a result of improved power.
5. Finally, most physiologists suggest that attacking each energy system regularly is important. Since this will provide the body with a variety of stresses and adaptations which will benefit more that one system. If you train 400-500 hours in a year, trying to pack 40-50 hrs of over speed training in the last month of training before major races would be impossible. So consider a little speed every week. We don’t want to body to habituate at low turnover rates (stroke rates) and moderate speeds. A little pedal to the metal should be part of the weekly diet.
6. Always start with the end date (most important race) and work back to the present and pencil in the other races, vacations, etc. then build your training. Try to create waves of volume and intensities changes so the body has a chance to fatigue and recovery. We assume that since you were selected to be on this team you have some sort of plan. What we will try to provide you is another perspective to draw from. We do not want to confuse the issue or assume we know what is best for you since you were selected without our input. But we do feel we can be a resource for training ideas, technical concepts and general support. So good luck and we look forward to the next 5-6 months as we prepare for the selection races and the Amsterdam regatta.
Linda Muri and Larry Gluckman
out first post is more of an outline to get help you better plan an effective workout and preparation strategy than a list of specific workouts. It seems to us that most of you already know what it takes to do well and that these concepts could help you get better results.
Concepts to consider for improvement Ergometer rowing performances
1. Personalizing the erg:
• For water rowers be sure that your flex foot on the erg is similar to the height of your feet in your shell. Measure from the top of the seat in the stern position to the lowest point in the heel of your shoes pressed down against the foot board. Take that measurement and adjust the flex foot to achieve the same height of the heel relative to the seat top.
• For land rowers be sure that your flex foot setting permits your shins to reach a perpendicular at the catch with your seat 6-8 inches away from your heels. Avoid hypercompressing at the knees or over–flexing at the ankle joint so the shins is moving toward the wheel.
• Keep the monitor high so that your head and shoulders remain upward to enhance breathing during all phases of the stroke
• Keep tabs on your drag factor so that if you move to different ergometers you will know where to put the damper.
• Keep the monorail clean and the chain lubricated.
• If you share an erg be sure to clean the handle with a disinfectant type spray before and after use.
2. From the beginning of July through the last week of October and early November there are 19-20 weeks and another 5-6 before Amsterdam. So for most of you there will be one peak and for 12 of you there will be two. Many of you have Master 1km races throughout the summer and 5-6 km races in the fall. All of this training will enhance your conditioning for the erg although it is not entirely specific. Here are a few training workouts which might help you determine you 2k summer fitness level. Obviously if you want to take a 2k that is probably the easiest what to test you 2k fitness level. The others we will propose can be part of a regular training program without the need to peak. Since we have nearly 20 weeks these can be selections every 12-15 workouts.
• A 30 minute row can be a 2km predict a range of 2k pace by subtracting 5-7 off the 30 min pace. Similar predictions can come from 5k, 6k, or 20’ pieces. You don’t need to do a completely different workout than you usually would to determine a predicted pace.
• Rowing 6 x 500m with 1 minute rest, then the average of the paces will be very close to your present 2km pace.
• Rowing 4 x 1000m on 12 minutes centers, then the average of the paces will also be very close predictor.
• For noting progress try 10 x 3 minutes with 30 seconds rest. After a warm up try to row each piece at your 2km stroke rate but start off 6-8 seconds off your 2km “guess” pace to start and try to lower by 3-4 tenths each subsequent 3:00 interval. This is a high aerobic workout in the beginning but challenges the early lactate system toward the end.
3. The basic requirement to be successful is to do a variety of workouts to stress all aspects of the cardio-vascular and neuro-muscular system. In addition there should be progress made in maximizing technique so that the rowing motion optimally uses the skeletal and muscular systems efficiently. Making every effort to coordinate the leg drive with a strong back pry while keeping the arms long for as long as possible.
• Strength development should be part of your training. This can be done by a balanced weight lifting program, low rate rowing for moderate length pieces, high rate rowing for 10-30 sec. pieces, body weight exercises, running interval and hills, and solid cross training like swimming or biking. If you are weight lifting for strength improvement we recommend lifting before the erg or rowing workout so that the increase muscle stimulation of the lifting would be used by the subsequent speed or shorter interval training in the rowing format. This concept is called maximal recruitment. If you lift to near failure then have a high intensity rowing workout you will recruit the muscle fibers you activated during the lifting. Many times just rowing hard does always maximally recruit.
• Creating a workout plan which escalate in volume or intensity followed by rest days or very light load days is critical. Remember the phrase that, “work builds fitness and rest builds performances”. So if you expect to see improvements in your fitness via improved performance be sure to incorporate rest days.
4. Many exercise physiologists working with rowing athletes preparing for 2km suggest that 70-80 % of the time spent training should be done in the aerobic area. From conversational pace to the point when you are unable to whistle while you row. 10-15% of your time should be spent in the anaerobic threshold area which include over-distance race pieces like 3 x 10 min- 2 x 6km or pieces like (1:40 work / :20 rest x 10 ) x2 where the intensity is greater than you could normal row 20 min. straight but not as fast as you would row 1:40 with lots of rest. 10 % at speeds greater than race pace with even to 3 times work length for rest This includes 1 min on/ 1 min off, 6-8 x 500m with 3-5 min rest or (3 x 2:00/2:00) x 2, 3-6 x 1000 m with 5 -8 min rest. Some physiologist believe that 3-5 % of this 10% should be done at speeds and load which will last only 10-30 seconds with 6-8 minutes rest. Here we are trying to achieve maximum watts on an erg or maximum speed in your single, etc within the first 7-10 seconds and then try to hold on. Building this type of rowing specific power has a trickle down value when you return to training your other energy paths, since if you build greater power then for the same heart rate or perceived exertion you will actually be working at a higher work level or watts. For example if you are able to raise your maximum power by 30-50 watts then training at 60-70% of you aerobic rower will be between 18-30 watts higher as a result of improved power.
5. Finally, most physiologists suggest that attacking each energy system regularly is important. Since this will provide the body with a variety of stresses and adaptations which will benefit more that one system. If you train 400-500 hours in a year, trying to pack 40-50 hrs of over speed training in the last month of training before major races would be impossible. So consider a little speed every week. We don’t want to body to habituate at low turnover rates (stroke rates) and moderate speeds. A little pedal to the metal should be part of the weekly diet.
6. Always start with the end date (most important race) and work back to the present and pencil in the other races, vacations, etc. then build your training. Try to create waves of volume and intensities changes so the body has a chance to fatigue and recovery. We assume that since you were selected to be on this team you have some sort of plan. What we will try to provide you is another perspective to draw from. We do not want to confuse the issue or assume we know what is best for you since you were selected without our input. But we do feel we can be a resource for training ideas, technical concepts and general support. So good luck and we look forward to the next 5-6 months as we prepare for the selection races and the Amsterdam regatta.
Linda Muri and Larry Gluckman
Here's a quick summary of my training:
1. All of my workouts are on the water (March thru Nov.) with the exception of some cross training. I do about 8-10 workouts/week including SS, AT, Power, and race pieces.
2. 2k goal = sub 7:05
3. I am focusing on racing the 1X this year at Canadian Henley and Head of the Charles.
4. I am currently training under Tom Bohrer and following his program.
Here's a quick summary of my training:
1. All of my workouts are on the water (March thru Nov.) with the exception of some cross training. I do about 8-10 workouts/week including SS, AT, Power, and race pieces.
2. 2k goal = sub 7:05
3. I am focusing on racing the 1X this year at Canadian Henley and Head of the Charles.
4. I am currently training under Tom Bohrer and following his program.
Dear Team,
While Linda Muri is away at the U23 world championships I wanted to provide some training ideas for you to consider along with what you are already doing. Lisa has sent out a request for monthly 5K pieces just to help you adjust your training intensities as you improve in fitness. Also she sent out a piece about optimizing your erg.
Below are some workout based on a 12 day cycle which does not include your self decided rest days. Let's remember that you probably have a well designed program already or you would not be on the team. However, training needs a certain level of variety and sometimes working the same area of fitness in a different way may be just the tonic to break through a plateau you have been stuck on.
Linda and I we be modifying the offering as we approach the selection 2K piece.
12 workout schedule spread over 14 days. There is nothing special about 12 workouts, it could represent 2 weeks and can be supplemented with weight lifting and other forms of cross training.
Aerobic Development-Conversational Efforts (3-4 times per 12 workout schedule)
• 4-5 x 15 min. with 1 min rest for water and quick stretch vary stroke rate 20,22,24,22,20
• 3 x 20 min. with 2-3 rest stroke can vary from rep to rep, 18, 20, 22, 24
• 2-3 x 30 min. with 5 min rest rate 20-22
High Aerobic-Excellent for distance race preparation- Respiration should be elevated but no burn (3-4 times per 12 workout schedule)
• 50 minutes divided into 10-5 minute sections 17, 19, 21, 23, 25 then back to 17 strokes per minute.
• 48 minutes of 3 min. @18, 2 min. @22, 1 min. @26, at the end of 6 minutes repeat the 3, 2, 1 cycle
• 60 minutes alternating between stroke rates every 12 minutes between 17 and 26.
Anaerobic Threshold Development if you have done a 5K test piece use that pace/500m min (+/- 1-2 sec.) example: 5K pace is 1:54 training should be between 1:56-1:52 depending on how you are feeling. (1 time per 12 workout schedule)
• 4 x 12 minutes with 3-5 min. rest – stroke rate 20, 26, 20, 26
• 10 x 5 min with 2-3 min. rest – stroke rate 24-26
• 10 x 3 min with 30 sec. rest, start slightly above 5k pace then gradually bring the pace down. Stroke rate 24-26
• 3-4 x 2km with 5 min rest – stroke rate 22-24
• 15 x 1:40 work with 20 sec. rest at 24-26 after piece 8 paddle through a work/rest period and then complete the last 7 intervals.
Race rate rowing at 5k minus 3-4 sec. i.e 5k pace is 1:52 then row this workout at 1:48-1:49 at your race stroke rate (1 time per 12 workout schedule)
• 4 x 750m with 10 min. active paddling
•2 x 1500m with 10-15 min active paddling
•600 hard strokes equal work to rest in stroke count (10,20,30,30, 20, 10) x 5 with 2 min. rest between sets.
Race pace rowing or predictive pace workouts- over time we have found that these two workout provide erg rowers with pace information that is within a second plus/minus of their 2000 meter pace. ( include in lieu of a faster than race pace rowing once every 2 cycles )
• 6 x 500m with 1 min. rest
• 4 x 1000 meter on 12 min. centers
Slightly faster than Race pace rowing at 5k pace minus 5-7 seconds (1 time per 12 workout schedule)
• 3-4 x 1000 with 10-15 min. active paddling
• 5-7 x 500m with 8-10 min. active paddling
• 2-3(20 x 30sec work with 15 seconds rest) 5 min rest between sets. If you are a stroke counter it is 17 on and 5 off.
Maximal recruitment and power rowing (1-2 times per 12 workout schedule)
• 3 x 5-10 strokes on 2 min. centers- high stroke rate maximal power 6-8 min. active paddling complete this set 5 times for a maximum of 150 strokes.
• 10 x 30 strokes on 5 min. centers- race rate plus 2-4 strokes
Palmer Circuit: 2x / 8 days of training,
Strength endurance lifting- Pick a weight for each lift that you can do for all 40 repetitions. Once you complete all 40 reps in a workout increase the weight for the next session. Between each set you must complete 20 core body exercises;
Squat 15 reps (a) , 10 reps (b) , 5 reps (c) 5 reps (d) 5 reps (e/f)
Bent over Row same as above
Bench Press same as above
Leg Press same as above
Squat High Pull same as above
Core Body Exercise
(a) Angels- like angels in the snow arms out wide at shoulder height and then bring opposite leg to opposite arm.
(b) Superman- on your belly bring legs and arms up together for a count of three then relax
(c) Bend from side to side with 10 pounds in each hand-feet shoulder width apart bring weight below knees
(d) Scullers ( V-sit moving legs and arms like sculler) or bent knee sit up twisting from side to side when body is near the knees
(e/f) Alternate between doing left and right side elbow bridging and stomach bridging
Rules of Thumb:
• Try not to put two workouts from the same category on consecutive days.
• Consider easy, moderate, hard, easy as a sequence for workouts. Realize that volume and intensity can both be hard on the body. So plan accordingly.
• Many of these workouts can be done via cross training, weight circuits and on-off water rowing.
• During summer rowing be mindful of hydration.
• Because of the heat and humidity some rowers need more time to recover from workouts. So if you are not recovering take a day off or just row less and easier.

While Linda Muri is away at the U23 world championships I wanted to provide some training ideas for you to consider along with what you are already doing. Lisa has sent out a request for monthly 5K pieces just to help you adjust your training intensities as you improve in fitness. Also she sent out a piece about optimizing your erg.
Below are some workout based on a 12 day cycle which does not include your self decided rest days. Let's remember that you probably have a well designed program already or you would not be on the team. However, training needs a certain level of variety and sometimes working the same area of fitness in a different way may be just the tonic to break through a plateau you have been stuck on.
Linda and I we be modifying the offering as we approach the selection 2K piece.
12 workout schedule spread over 14 days. There is nothing special about 12 workouts, it could represent 2 weeks and can be supplemented with weight lifting and other forms of cross training.
Aerobic Development-Conversational Efforts (3-4 times per 12 workout schedule)
• 4-5 x 15 min. with 1 min rest for water and quick stretch vary stroke rate 20,22,24,22,20
• 3 x 20 min. with 2-3 rest stroke can vary from rep to rep, 18, 20, 22, 24
• 2-3 x 30 min. with 5 min rest rate 20-22
High Aerobic-Excellent for distance race preparation- Respiration should be elevated but no burn (3-4 times per 12 workout schedule)
• 50 minutes divided into 10-5 minute sections 17, 19, 21, 23, 25 then back to 17 strokes per minute.
• 48 minutes of 3 min. @18, 2 min. @22, 1 min. @26, at the end of 6 minutes repeat the 3, 2, 1 cycle
• 60 minutes alternating between stroke rates every 12 minutes between 17 and 26.
Anaerobic Threshold Development if you have done a 5K test piece use that pace/500m min (+/- 1-2 sec.) example: 5K pace is 1:54 training should be between 1:56-1:52 depending on how you are feeling. (1 time per 12 workout schedule)
• 4 x 12 minutes with 3-5 min. rest – stroke rate 20, 26, 20, 26
• 10 x 5 min with 2-3 min. rest – stroke rate 24-26
• 10 x 3 min with 30 sec. rest, start slightly above 5k pace then gradually bring the pace down. Stroke rate 24-26
• 3-4 x 2km with 5 min rest – stroke rate 22-24
• 15 x 1:40 work with 20 sec. rest at 24-26 after piece 8 paddle through a work/rest period and then complete the last 7 intervals.
Race rate rowing at 5k minus 3-4 sec. i.e 5k pace is 1:52 then row this workout at 1:48-1:49 at your race stroke rate (1 time per 12 workout schedule)
• 4 x 750m with 10 min. active paddling
•2 x 1500m with 10-15 min active paddling
•600 hard strokes equal work to rest in stroke count (10,20,30,30, 20, 10) x 5 with 2 min. rest between sets.
Race pace rowing or predictive pace workouts- over time we have found that these two workout provide erg rowers with pace information that is within a second plus/minus of their 2000 meter pace. ( include in lieu of a faster than race pace rowing once every 2 cycles )
• 6 x 500m with 1 min. rest
• 4 x 1000 meter on 12 min. centers
Slightly faster than Race pace rowing at 5k pace minus 5-7 seconds (1 time per 12 workout schedule)
• 3-4 x 1000 with 10-15 min. active paddling
• 5-7 x 500m with 8-10 min. active paddling
• 2-3(20 x 30sec work with 15 seconds rest) 5 min rest between sets. If you are a stroke counter it is 17 on and 5 off.
Maximal recruitment and power rowing (1-2 times per 12 workout schedule)
• 3 x 5-10 strokes on 2 min. centers- high stroke rate maximal power 6-8 min. active paddling complete this set 5 times for a maximum of 150 strokes.
• 10 x 30 strokes on 5 min. centers- race rate plus 2-4 strokes
Palmer Circuit: 2x / 8 days of training,
Strength endurance lifting- Pick a weight for each lift that you can do for all 40 repetitions. Once you complete all 40 reps in a workout increase the weight for the next session. Between each set you must complete 20 core body exercises;
Squat 15 reps (a) , 10 reps (b) , 5 reps (c) 5 reps (d) 5 reps (e/f)
Bent over Row same as above
Bench Press same as above
Leg Press same as above
Squat High Pull same as above
Core Body Exercise
(a) Angels- like angels in the snow arms out wide at shoulder height and then bring opposite leg to opposite arm.
(b) Superman- on your belly bring legs and arms up together for a count of three then relax
(c) Bend from side to side with 10 pounds in each hand-feet shoulder width apart bring weight below knees
(d) Scullers ( V-sit moving legs and arms like sculler) or bent knee sit up twisting from side to side when body is near the knees
(e/f) Alternate between doing left and right side elbow bridging and stomach bridging
Rules of Thumb:
• Try not to put two workouts from the same category on consecutive days.
• Consider easy, moderate, hard, easy as a sequence for workouts. Realize that volume and intensity can both be hard on the body. So plan accordingly.
• Many of these workouts can be done via cross training, weight circuits and on-off water rowing.
• During summer rowing be mindful of hydration.
• Because of the heat and humidity some rowers need more time to recover from workouts. So if you are not recovering take a day off or just row less and easier.

Hi. My name is Will Canestaro, a 22 year old lightweight. I was just curious if anyone knew the actual time standards that we need to meet in October in order to qualify for the USIRT. I feel sort of in the dark about the whole selection process. Thanks.
Re: ???
Will,canestaro wrote:Hi. My name is Will Canestaro, a 22 year old lightweight. I was just curious if anyone knew the actual time standards that we need to meet in October in order to qualify for the USIRT. I feel sort of in the dark about the whole selection process. Thanks.
More details will follow. We are in the process of working this out. I would hope to have info out to the squad members by early August.
- NavigationHazard
- 10k Poster
- Posts: 1789
- Joined: March 16th, 2006, 1:11 pm
- Location: Wroclaw, Poland
On the self-deprecation front:
I ‘bonked’ this morning while having a go at one of the workouts suggested by Larry Gluckman. Since the reasons for the ‘bonk’ may be mildly instructive, I don’t mind making an example of myself….
I had in mind an “Anaerobic Threshold Development” interval workout described as:
• 15 x 1:40 work with 20 sec. rest at 24-26 after piece 8 paddle through a work/rest period and then complete the last 7 intervals.
Since I tend to prefer distance to time for intervals longer than 1’, I translated this into
• 8 x 500m r24, 20” rest; 1’ paddle; 7 x 500m r24, 20” rest. Target pace: 1:40.
I set it up on ErgMonitor and yanked away. Here’s what happened.
01] 1:40.1 pace 349.1 aw 619.2 pw FR 65.2% 24.6 spm 14.2 spi 12.2 mps DF 129.0 DL 140.9 cm D/R 1:2.5
02] 1:40.4 pace 345.7 aw 605.1 pw FR 66.6% 24.5 spm 14.1 spi 12.2 mps DF 129.8 DL 145.6 cm D/R 1:2.4
03] 1:40.3 pace 347.4 aw 589.8 pw FR 67.2% 24.5 spm 14.2 spi 12.2 mps DF 128.9 DL 147.2 cm D/R 1:2.4
04] 1:40.3 pace 346.9 aw 595.6 pw FR 67.1% 23.9 spm 14.5 spi 12.5 mps DF 129.3 DL 148.0 cm D/R 1:2.5
05] 1:40.7 pace 343.0 aw 599.7 pw FR 66.5% 23.8 spm 14.4 spi 12.5 mps DF 129.1 DL 148.8 cm D/R 1:2.4
06] 1:40.1 pace 348.6 aw 606.5 pw FR 66.8% 24.0 spm 14.5 spi 12.5 mps DF 129.5 DL 148.2 cm D/R 1:2.4
07] 1:40.3 pace 346.5 aw 626.6 pw FR 66.6% 23.9 spm 14.5 spi 12.5 mps DF 129.5 DL 148.4 cm D/R 1:2.4
08] 1:39.7 pace 352.7 aw 638.0 pw FR 65.9% 24.1 spm 14.7 spi 12.5 mps DF 129.5 DL 150.1 cm D/R 1:2.4
Average: 1:40.2 pace 347.5 aw 610.1 pw FR 66.5% 24.2 spm 14.4 spi 12.4 mps DF 129.3 DL 147.1 cm D/R 1:2.4
1' active rest: 213.6 m, 2:20.4 pace 126.4 aw 235.0 pw FR 66.3% 19.0 spm 6.7 spi 11.2 mps DF 127.3 DL 135.2 cm D/R 1:2.4
09] 1:40.9 pace 341.3 aw 595.8 pw FR 66.5% 24.4 spm 14.0 spi 12.2 mps DF 129.0 DL 147.6 cm D/R 1:2.4
10] 1:42.0 pace 329.9 aw 636.0 pw FR 66.9% 24.1 spm 13.7 spi 12.2 mps DF 129.0 DL 147.4 cm D/R 1:2.3
11] 1:41.9 pace 331.1 aw 590.8 pw FR 67.0% 24.1 spm 13.7 spi 12.2 mps DF 128.9 DL 146.6 cm D/R 1:2.4
Average: 1:41.6 pace 334.1 aw 607.5 pw FR 66.8% 24.2 spm 13.8 spi 12.2 mps DF 129.0 DL 147.2 cm D/R 1:2.4
Rigor mortis (heat cramp in arch of left foot)
Overall Average for work intervals (11 x 500m):
1:40.6 pace, 343.8 average watts, 609.4 peak watts
Force Ratio (average handle force as % of peak force) 66.6%
24.2 strokes per minute, 14.2 stroke power index, 12.3 meters per stroke
Drag Factor 129.2, Drive Length 147.2 cm, Drive/Recovery Ratio 1:2.4
To tell the truth, I was inwardly a bit glad for the foot cramp – I’m not sure how long I could have continued at that pace/rate. Maybe another 1 or 2 intervals but not, I think, the remaining 4.
Larry, the experience raises a number of questions that you may be able to clarify.
a) How important are rate and/or pace consistency? Apart from the cramp, I probably could have finished the last set of 7 intervals at 1:42 (or less) by upping the rate to 26 spm. But this would have been rather different than the race/pate I’d established for the first 8….
b) Can this really be done at 5k race pace and r24? It seems quite heroic to me, considering that the total work distance at 1:40 pace (7500m) is half again longer than a 5k that I would race at somewhere around 30 spm. I’m not at all convinced that the rest intervals compensate for the lowered stroke rating. But I’m quite willing to believe that it can be done at the pace I’d do a rate-restricted, 24 spm 5k at. Alternatively, I can see accomplishing it at 28-30 spm….
c) There’s little doubt my cramp was related to the heat/humidity in my erg room. To keep this sort of thing from happening, what concessions – if any – should we make to a workout as well as during a workout? Should we adjust target paces and or ratings? Should we lengthen rest intervals and/or cut the number of reps?
Thanks in advance for your thoughts….
I ‘bonked’ this morning while having a go at one of the workouts suggested by Larry Gluckman. Since the reasons for the ‘bonk’ may be mildly instructive, I don’t mind making an example of myself….
I had in mind an “Anaerobic Threshold Development” interval workout described as:
• 15 x 1:40 work with 20 sec. rest at 24-26 after piece 8 paddle through a work/rest period and then complete the last 7 intervals.
Since I tend to prefer distance to time for intervals longer than 1’, I translated this into
• 8 x 500m r24, 20” rest; 1’ paddle; 7 x 500m r24, 20” rest. Target pace: 1:40.
I set it up on ErgMonitor and yanked away. Here’s what happened.
01] 1:40.1 pace 349.1 aw 619.2 pw FR 65.2% 24.6 spm 14.2 spi 12.2 mps DF 129.0 DL 140.9 cm D/R 1:2.5
02] 1:40.4 pace 345.7 aw 605.1 pw FR 66.6% 24.5 spm 14.1 spi 12.2 mps DF 129.8 DL 145.6 cm D/R 1:2.4
03] 1:40.3 pace 347.4 aw 589.8 pw FR 67.2% 24.5 spm 14.2 spi 12.2 mps DF 128.9 DL 147.2 cm D/R 1:2.4
04] 1:40.3 pace 346.9 aw 595.6 pw FR 67.1% 23.9 spm 14.5 spi 12.5 mps DF 129.3 DL 148.0 cm D/R 1:2.5
05] 1:40.7 pace 343.0 aw 599.7 pw FR 66.5% 23.8 spm 14.4 spi 12.5 mps DF 129.1 DL 148.8 cm D/R 1:2.4
06] 1:40.1 pace 348.6 aw 606.5 pw FR 66.8% 24.0 spm 14.5 spi 12.5 mps DF 129.5 DL 148.2 cm D/R 1:2.4
07] 1:40.3 pace 346.5 aw 626.6 pw FR 66.6% 23.9 spm 14.5 spi 12.5 mps DF 129.5 DL 148.4 cm D/R 1:2.4
08] 1:39.7 pace 352.7 aw 638.0 pw FR 65.9% 24.1 spm 14.7 spi 12.5 mps DF 129.5 DL 150.1 cm D/R 1:2.4
Average: 1:40.2 pace 347.5 aw 610.1 pw FR 66.5% 24.2 spm 14.4 spi 12.4 mps DF 129.3 DL 147.1 cm D/R 1:2.4
1' active rest: 213.6 m, 2:20.4 pace 126.4 aw 235.0 pw FR 66.3% 19.0 spm 6.7 spi 11.2 mps DF 127.3 DL 135.2 cm D/R 1:2.4
09] 1:40.9 pace 341.3 aw 595.8 pw FR 66.5% 24.4 spm 14.0 spi 12.2 mps DF 129.0 DL 147.6 cm D/R 1:2.4
10] 1:42.0 pace 329.9 aw 636.0 pw FR 66.9% 24.1 spm 13.7 spi 12.2 mps DF 129.0 DL 147.4 cm D/R 1:2.3
11] 1:41.9 pace 331.1 aw 590.8 pw FR 67.0% 24.1 spm 13.7 spi 12.2 mps DF 128.9 DL 146.6 cm D/R 1:2.4
Average: 1:41.6 pace 334.1 aw 607.5 pw FR 66.8% 24.2 spm 13.8 spi 12.2 mps DF 129.0 DL 147.2 cm D/R 1:2.4
Rigor mortis (heat cramp in arch of left foot)
Overall Average for work intervals (11 x 500m):
1:40.6 pace, 343.8 average watts, 609.4 peak watts
Force Ratio (average handle force as % of peak force) 66.6%
24.2 strokes per minute, 14.2 stroke power index, 12.3 meters per stroke
Drag Factor 129.2, Drive Length 147.2 cm, Drive/Recovery Ratio 1:2.4
To tell the truth, I was inwardly a bit glad for the foot cramp – I’m not sure how long I could have continued at that pace/rate. Maybe another 1 or 2 intervals but not, I think, the remaining 4.
Larry, the experience raises a number of questions that you may be able to clarify.
a) How important are rate and/or pace consistency? Apart from the cramp, I probably could have finished the last set of 7 intervals at 1:42 (or less) by upping the rate to 26 spm. But this would have been rather different than the race/pate I’d established for the first 8….
b) Can this really be done at 5k race pace and r24? It seems quite heroic to me, considering that the total work distance at 1:40 pace (7500m) is half again longer than a 5k that I would race at somewhere around 30 spm. I’m not at all convinced that the rest intervals compensate for the lowered stroke rating. But I’m quite willing to believe that it can be done at the pace I’d do a rate-restricted, 24 spm 5k at. Alternatively, I can see accomplishing it at 28-30 spm….
c) There’s little doubt my cramp was related to the heat/humidity in my erg room. To keep this sort of thing from happening, what concessions – if any – should we make to a workout as well as during a workout? Should we adjust target paces and or ratings? Should we lengthen rest intervals and/or cut the number of reps?
Thanks in advance for your thoughts….
67 MH 6' 6"
Dear NavigationHazard,
Thanks for your post. What is your 5k pace? What stroke rate do you normally row a 5k piece? You raise great questions.
We need to understand that the range we provide team members in pace and stroke rate has to be adjusted for your own rowing style and rhythm. There is a level of exploration in all these workouts.
In addition we need to try the range I suggested (+/-1-2 sec). If 1:40 is your 5k pace then maybe 1:42 at 26 is more doable at this point in your preparation. Given the environment you suggested may be a longer break between pieces #8 and 9 is required to hydrate.
Your questions raise a bigger issue and that is should the team members adjust and modifty workouts as they see fit? The answer is a huge YES. If a coach was watching the workout she/he might have added more rest between sets or even increased the rest between intervals to accomplish the work portion of the workout given your physical response to the workout.
The training environment is also an important factor in successful workout completion. May be adding a fan or a wet towel to cool the head or wetting your socks to keep the feet cool might be considerations for the next workout of this nature.
Finally, Linda and I are learning how to work within a cyber-training room. I might change that workout slightly by indicating 12-15 repeats and taking 1-2 full intervals of work and rest at the mid-point. If that was the case you might have completed 6, rested and completed 6 more and you would have avoided the foot cramp and the bonk. Then the next time you tried this workout you could have done 13( 7-6) and so on.
We are all learning so thanks for your questions.
Thanks for your post. What is your 5k pace? What stroke rate do you normally row a 5k piece? You raise great questions.
We need to understand that the range we provide team members in pace and stroke rate has to be adjusted for your own rowing style and rhythm. There is a level of exploration in all these workouts.
In addition we need to try the range I suggested (+/-1-2 sec). If 1:40 is your 5k pace then maybe 1:42 at 26 is more doable at this point in your preparation. Given the environment you suggested may be a longer break between pieces #8 and 9 is required to hydrate.
Your questions raise a bigger issue and that is should the team members adjust and modifty workouts as they see fit? The answer is a huge YES. If a coach was watching the workout she/he might have added more rest between sets or even increased the rest between intervals to accomplish the work portion of the workout given your physical response to the workout.
The training environment is also an important factor in successful workout completion. May be adding a fan or a wet towel to cool the head or wetting your socks to keep the feet cool might be considerations for the next workout of this nature.
Finally, Linda and I are learning how to work within a cyber-training room. I might change that workout slightly by indicating 12-15 repeats and taking 1-2 full intervals of work and rest at the mid-point. If that was the case you might have completed 6, rested and completed 6 more and you would have avoided the foot cramp and the bonk. Then the next time you tried this workout you could have done 13( 7-6) and so on.
We are all learning so thanks for your questions.
- NavigationHazard
- 10k Poster
- Posts: 1789
- Joined: March 16th, 2006, 1:11 pm
- Location: Wroclaw, Poland
Larry, thanks for the prompt feedback. Part of the picture, I think, is that I am not used to thinking of interval workouts in terms of a threshold pace plus/minus some number of seconds. Nor am I at all used to very short rests in comparison to work, or for that matter to active rests. I tend to predicate my lactate-tolerance intervals on these principles:
• equal work/more or less equal, passive rest (e.g. 500m @ 1:40/1:40 rest);
• work distance from two to two and one-half times the target distance (e.g. 8 x 500m @ race pace and from 1:30 to 2:00 rest as a 2k predictor);
• target pace and rating equivalent to what I think I might do for the target distance at the same rating;
• negative-splitting (i.e. trying to decrease the pace incrementally over the run of intervals)
It’s really not very different in practice, I think, merely another road to the same place. But it’s different enough to require adjustment and as you put it very well, “feeling out.” My experience with intervals – and I’ve been doing a lot of them lately, of varying types – is that there’s a mental learning curve involved along with the physiology. I tend to get better at a workout the more times I repeat it. I’m convinced that part of it is knowing from experience how hard I’m working at a given point, how well I’m capable of sustaining it, and how much effort remains to be expended. An old Russian proverb says that that first pancake is always ruined. For me my first time through an unfamiliar interval workout appears to have pancake-like qualities….
Since I’m not one to back away from a challenge, I ‘tweaked’ the workout a bit and had another go at it this afternoon. Mainly I scaled back the target pace to 1:42, which is about what I would expect to be able to do a flat-out 5k r24 at right now. I did one in 17:09 r24 a month or so ago for the CTC Challenge on the British Forum – that was just under 1:43 pace. My PB for 5k is a year old (16:44), and moreover was done at about r30, so it doesn’t strike me as particularly useful for setting current training paces. I also gave up on paddling the 20” rest intervals and went back to my usual passive rest. This allowed me to snatch sips of water when necessary or else to towel off a bit before starting up again. I did however paddle the middle interval.
Here are the results:
01] 1:41.7 pace 332.3 aw 608.2 pw 24.2 spm 13.7 spi 12.2 mps 128.7 DL 136.9 cm D/R 1:2.6
02] 1:41.7 pace 332.9 aw 582.3 pw 24.2 spm 13.8 spi 12.2 mps 129.2 DL 142.5 cm D/R 1:2.5
03] 1:41.7 pace 332.9 aw 568.3 pw 24.2 spm 13.8 spi 12.2 mps 129.3 DL 143.0 cm D/R 1:2.5
04] 1:41.8 pace 331.9 aw 566.4 pw 24.2 spm 13.7 spi 12.2 mps 129.0 DL 143.5 cm D/R 1:2.5
05] 1:41.9 pace 331.0 aw 562.2 pw 24.1 spm 13.7 spi 12.2 mps 128.5 DL 143.5 cm D/R 1:2.5
06] 1:41.6 pace 334.0 aw 568.1 pw 24.2 spm 13.8 spi 12.2 mps 127.9 DL 144.8 cm D/R 1:2.4
07] 1:41.6 pace 333.5 aw 583.5 pw 24.2 spm 13.8 spi 12.2 mps 128.2 DL 144.5 cm D/R 1:2.4
08] 1:41.3 pace 337.0 aw 576.0 pw 24.3 spm 13.9 spi 12.2 mps 128.3 DL 146.8 cm D/R 1:2.4
(Average: 1:41.7 pace 333.2 aw 576.9 pw 24.2 spm 13.8 spi 12.2 mps 128.6 DL 143.2 cm D/R 1:2.5)
500m paddle: 2:24.4 pace 116.2 aw 229.5 pw 23.7 spm 4.9 spi 8.8 mps 128.6 DL 123.6 cm D/R 1:1.9
09] 1:41.8 pace 331.3 aw 592.0 pw 24.2 spm 13.7 spi 12.2 mps 128.3 DL 138.9 cm D/R 1:2.6
10] 1:41.8 pace 331.7 aw 572.2 pw 24.2 spm 13.7 spi 12.2 mps 128.4 DL 142.2 cm D/R 1:2.5
11] 1:41.6 pace 334.3 aw 571.3 pw 24.2 spm 13.8 spi 12.2 mps 128.8 DL 144.3 cm D/R 1:2.4
12] 1:41.4 pace 336.0 aw 587.4 pw 24.3 spm 13.8 spi 12.2 mps 127.6 DL 145.1 cm D/R 1:2.4
13] 1:41.5 pace 334.4 aw 576.0 pw 24.2 spm 13.8 spi 12.2 mps 127.8 DL 144.9 cm D/R 1:2.4
14] 1:41.3 pace 336.7 aw 581.1 pw 24.3 spm 13.9 spi 12.2 mps 128.3 DL 146.0 cm D/R 1:2.4
15] 1:39.3 pace 357.5 aw 611.6 pw 24.2 spm 14.8 spi 12.5 mps 128.5 DL 146.6 cm D/R 1:2.5
(Average: 1:41.2 pace 337.4 aw 584.5 pw 24.2 spm 13.9 spi 12.2 mps 128.2 DL 144.0 cm D/R 1:2.5)
Averages: 1:41.5 pace 335.2 aw 580.4 pw 24.2 spm 13.8 spi 12.2 mps 128.5 DL 143.6 cm D/R 1:2.5
I wouldn’t call it my most stunning workout ever, but it’s better quantitatively than the last time out. More importantly, I felt like I was stroking well. And ultimately that’s all we can ask for, right?
Thanks again for the feedback. I hope that you’ll be active in this space, along with Linda, and that the rest of the Dev Squad will be too. The US Forum used to be a lively place, before it was hacked, and a lot of good information was available. Maybe we can do our small part to bring it back….
• equal work/more or less equal, passive rest (e.g. 500m @ 1:40/1:40 rest);
• work distance from two to two and one-half times the target distance (e.g. 8 x 500m @ race pace and from 1:30 to 2:00 rest as a 2k predictor);
• target pace and rating equivalent to what I think I might do for the target distance at the same rating;
• negative-splitting (i.e. trying to decrease the pace incrementally over the run of intervals)
It’s really not very different in practice, I think, merely another road to the same place. But it’s different enough to require adjustment and as you put it very well, “feeling out.” My experience with intervals – and I’ve been doing a lot of them lately, of varying types – is that there’s a mental learning curve involved along with the physiology. I tend to get better at a workout the more times I repeat it. I’m convinced that part of it is knowing from experience how hard I’m working at a given point, how well I’m capable of sustaining it, and how much effort remains to be expended. An old Russian proverb says that that first pancake is always ruined. For me my first time through an unfamiliar interval workout appears to have pancake-like qualities….
Since I’m not one to back away from a challenge, I ‘tweaked’ the workout a bit and had another go at it this afternoon. Mainly I scaled back the target pace to 1:42, which is about what I would expect to be able to do a flat-out 5k r24 at right now. I did one in 17:09 r24 a month or so ago for the CTC Challenge on the British Forum – that was just under 1:43 pace. My PB for 5k is a year old (16:44), and moreover was done at about r30, so it doesn’t strike me as particularly useful for setting current training paces. I also gave up on paddling the 20” rest intervals and went back to my usual passive rest. This allowed me to snatch sips of water when necessary or else to towel off a bit before starting up again. I did however paddle the middle interval.
Here are the results:
01] 1:41.7 pace 332.3 aw 608.2 pw 24.2 spm 13.7 spi 12.2 mps 128.7 DL 136.9 cm D/R 1:2.6
02] 1:41.7 pace 332.9 aw 582.3 pw 24.2 spm 13.8 spi 12.2 mps 129.2 DL 142.5 cm D/R 1:2.5
03] 1:41.7 pace 332.9 aw 568.3 pw 24.2 spm 13.8 spi 12.2 mps 129.3 DL 143.0 cm D/R 1:2.5
04] 1:41.8 pace 331.9 aw 566.4 pw 24.2 spm 13.7 spi 12.2 mps 129.0 DL 143.5 cm D/R 1:2.5
05] 1:41.9 pace 331.0 aw 562.2 pw 24.1 spm 13.7 spi 12.2 mps 128.5 DL 143.5 cm D/R 1:2.5
06] 1:41.6 pace 334.0 aw 568.1 pw 24.2 spm 13.8 spi 12.2 mps 127.9 DL 144.8 cm D/R 1:2.4
07] 1:41.6 pace 333.5 aw 583.5 pw 24.2 spm 13.8 spi 12.2 mps 128.2 DL 144.5 cm D/R 1:2.4
08] 1:41.3 pace 337.0 aw 576.0 pw 24.3 spm 13.9 spi 12.2 mps 128.3 DL 146.8 cm D/R 1:2.4
(Average: 1:41.7 pace 333.2 aw 576.9 pw 24.2 spm 13.8 spi 12.2 mps 128.6 DL 143.2 cm D/R 1:2.5)
500m paddle: 2:24.4 pace 116.2 aw 229.5 pw 23.7 spm 4.9 spi 8.8 mps 128.6 DL 123.6 cm D/R 1:1.9
09] 1:41.8 pace 331.3 aw 592.0 pw 24.2 spm 13.7 spi 12.2 mps 128.3 DL 138.9 cm D/R 1:2.6
10] 1:41.8 pace 331.7 aw 572.2 pw 24.2 spm 13.7 spi 12.2 mps 128.4 DL 142.2 cm D/R 1:2.5
11] 1:41.6 pace 334.3 aw 571.3 pw 24.2 spm 13.8 spi 12.2 mps 128.8 DL 144.3 cm D/R 1:2.4
12] 1:41.4 pace 336.0 aw 587.4 pw 24.3 spm 13.8 spi 12.2 mps 127.6 DL 145.1 cm D/R 1:2.4
13] 1:41.5 pace 334.4 aw 576.0 pw 24.2 spm 13.8 spi 12.2 mps 127.8 DL 144.9 cm D/R 1:2.4
14] 1:41.3 pace 336.7 aw 581.1 pw 24.3 spm 13.9 spi 12.2 mps 128.3 DL 146.0 cm D/R 1:2.4
15] 1:39.3 pace 357.5 aw 611.6 pw 24.2 spm 14.8 spi 12.5 mps 128.5 DL 146.6 cm D/R 1:2.5
(Average: 1:41.2 pace 337.4 aw 584.5 pw 24.2 spm 13.9 spi 12.2 mps 128.2 DL 144.0 cm D/R 1:2.5)
Averages: 1:41.5 pace 335.2 aw 580.4 pw 24.2 spm 13.8 spi 12.2 mps 128.5 DL 143.6 cm D/R 1:2.5
I wouldn’t call it my most stunning workout ever, but it’s better quantitatively than the last time out. More importantly, I felt like I was stroking well. And ultimately that’s all we can ask for, right?

Thanks again for the feedback. I hope that you’ll be active in this space, along with Linda, and that the rest of the Dev Squad will be too. The US Forum used to be a lively place, before it was hacked, and a lot of good information was available. Maybe we can do our small part to bring it back….
67 MH 6' 6"