I am interested to join a team for the Setpt 15 - Oct. 15 Challenge.
Pls let me know if I can be part of your team.
Thank you
Motivated in British Columbia.
Fall Team Challenge
Re: Fall Team Challenge
LunaTics is a open team to join. We would love to have you.
Are you a Lebowski Achiever?
Re: Fall Team Challenge
Thank you very much!!
I am very happy to join your team.
My name is Nicole Cauchon
from Burnaby British Columbia.
Let me know if you require further information.
I am very happy to join your team.
My name is Nicole Cauchon
from Burnaby British Columbia.
Let me know if you require further information.
Re: Fall Team Challenge
check your private messages.ncauchon wrote:I am interested to join a team for the Setpt 15 - Oct. 15 Challenge.
Pls let me know if I can be part of your team.
Thank you
Motivated in British Columbia.
Are you a Lebowski Achiever?
Re: Fall Team Challenge
Hi Enrage, Kona, Jim
I am so happy to join the Luna-Tics'team. Your welcome is fantastic and I feel part of a team now!!
I have joined your team and I am going to join it all year!!
I am a member of A Fitness Center in BC, for many years.
I started rowing this year at the Vancouver Rowing Club. I have completed my level 1 and 2.
I am on a waitlist to join their program.
In the meantime I have started rowing on the Erg. I am now at 20 minutes beginning of each workout.
I am really enjoying it and even more when I found Concept 2..... this is so genial...........
I love challenges and this is the best so far.....
Thank you to all of you the Luna-Tics team!!
Vancouver British Columbia
Nicole Cauchon
I am so happy to join the Luna-Tics'team. Your welcome is fantastic and I feel part of a team now!!
I have joined your team and I am going to join it all year!!
I am a member of A Fitness Center in BC, for many years.
I started rowing this year at the Vancouver Rowing Club. I have completed my level 1 and 2.
I am on a waitlist to join their program.
In the meantime I have started rowing on the Erg. I am now at 20 minutes beginning of each workout.
I am really enjoying it and even more when I found Concept 2..... this is so genial...........
I love challenges and this is the best so far.....
Thank you to all of you the Luna-Tics team!!

Vancouver British Columbia
Nicole Cauchon
Re: Fall Team Challenge
Great news! We're always glad to have team members join us on our journey. The extra motivation that being on a team provides really helps carry us all through the challenges -- and it sure helps keep the focus on getting exercise during times of year when there are many demands on personal time (I'm think holiday seasons, but it could be just about any time of the year).
Re: Fall Team Challenge
Thank you Kona.