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Can I log sea kayaking meters?

Posted: August 15th, 2007, 10:15 pm
by katib
Just got home from 12 days of sea kayaking around Prince William Sound. I have a GPS log of my route and total distance travelled. Can those meters be logged as on water meters? Or is that cheating? :?

Re: Can I log sea kayaking meters?

Posted: August 15th, 2007, 11:46 pm
by Rockin Roland
katib wrote:Just got home from 12 days of sea kayaking around Prince William Sound. I have a GPS log of my route and total distance travelled. Can those meters be logged as on water meters? Or is that cheating? :?
Since when has kayaking been considered the same as rowing?

Re: Can I log sea kayaking meters?

Posted: August 16th, 2007, 10:22 am
by Bob S.
katib wrote:Just got home from 12 days of sea kayaking around Prince William Sound. I have a GPS log of my route and total distance travelled. Can those meters be logged as on water meters? Or is that cheating? :?
Why would you want to? It is an entirely different sport. Would you count your swimming meters? Or sailing meters?

Bob S.

Posted: August 16th, 2007, 7:26 pm
by johnlvs2run
Yes, you definitely can.

You are rowing with a paddle, and it doesn't matter what type of a boat you are in.

Posted: August 17th, 2007, 8:08 am
by PaulS
John Rupp wrote:Yes, you definitely can.

You are rowing with a paddle, and it doesn't matter what type of a boat you are in.
Rowing does not use "paddles" John, but the Erg can be set up to mimic paddling, so if that is the mode of Erging being done by katib I think you have a point.

Both OTW Paddling and simulated paddling on the Erg are tough ways to earn meters, there is not nearly the full length involvement of the large muscles of the legs, as there is with the rowing stroke. We have some paddlers on the lake were we row and while they can sprint really fast for a short distance, the energy output to do so can't last very long.

We do about a million meters a year OTW, but I've never entered them in my online log, mostly for the reason that I keep track of them for overall exercise, but like to keep the Erging as it's own activity. Plus a lot of those meters are really just for recreation and don't really contain the spirit of "getting exercise" that I reserve for the Erging meters logged.

Posted: August 24th, 2007, 7:55 pm
by Nosmo
Why would it matter to anyone if you did? Does anyone else see these numbers? The OTW meters don't count for any challenges or anything else.

WHy would you want to anyway?

Posted: August 26th, 2007, 12:07 pm
by johnlvs2run
Why not? :)