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Foot stretcher placement fore or aft

Posted: September 19th, 2014, 4:23 pm
by Cyclingman1
I'm new to OTW rowing this yr. I seem to be getting conflicting advise from veteran rowers in my rowing club concerning foot stretcher adjustment.

First of all, having long legs probably necessitates moving the foot strechers to the stern more so. But it seems to me that the primary determination is where are the hands at the finish. In a 1x, I like my hands to be separated by about 8 inches at the finish next to my stomach. In a sweep boat, I'm not sure what to look for. One guy had me move the stretchers all the way to the stern. In that position, it felt like I could not complete the stroke and had to get the oar out of the water early. I'm thinking that I need to be able to lay back with my outside hand next to my stomach. Anyone have advice as to where to set the foot stretchers, especially in a sweep boat?

Re: Foot stretcher placement fore or aft

Posted: September 19th, 2014, 4:53 pm
by ArmandoChavezUNC
I was coached to position the foot stretcher so that, at the finish, your outside hand is at the nipple line.

Re: Foot stretcher placement fore or aft

Posted: September 24th, 2014, 1:57 am
by jamesg
where to set the foot stretchers, especially in a sweep boat?
The front stop of the rails should let you go say an inch through the work (i.e. at front stop, the front of the slide an inch astern of the pin); then the stretcher is set so that your shins are near vertical at the catch, without over-compression.

If then you drop the blade in fast, you'll have a nice hard stroke with plenty of length.

Span and gate height may have to be adjusted too.

There's lots of sites on boat rigging, C2 included