Edon? Echo? Other?

No, ergs don't yet float, but some of us do, and here's where you get to discuss that other form of rowing.
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Edon? Echo? Other?

Post by USMC-SSGT » August 30th, 2022, 5:53 am

I live on the Seacoast of NH on a tidal River and after a million on the erg I’ve started OTW lessons and am looking into buying a shell. While I could shore (marsh) launch from my house, it adds complications such as quite a few 90 degree turns and then under a relatively narrow (not used) railroad trestle. If I put it in my truck I can drive to the next road over and launch off a rough gravel boat ramp.

For these reasons I’m excluding a great boat such as a Mass Aero. They are great, but 21’ is just a bit long and they are fairly delicate and won’t handle being occasionally launched and going over a rock.

Echo looks very promising but a little spendy and seems on the heavier side. Not sure how that would be in and out of the truck. Also unsure how the weight would feel on the water.

Wave cutter. Can’t find a single review on this thing of any value. Seems promising but what very little I can find seems that it doesn’t row very well.

Edon- the TS515 seems to have the most promise. It’s half the price of the echo, lighter, more rugged. The issues here is I’m curious how it rows. It’s short so I wonder how it tracks and if the stern tends to wag under a less than perfect stroke. I’ve got no problem ordering from Roger, but I’ve never even been within a hundred miles of one to see it.

For reference- I’m in a Wintech 21’ now. I like it and it rows great and is stable as well. It’s a dock boat though and not something I want to drag in and out of my truck bed (with hitch bed extension) and launch on gravel.

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Re: Edon? Echo? Other?

Post by PaulG » August 31st, 2022, 2:52 pm

I used to have an Echo, it's a great boat but heavy to move around. I suggest you add the Peinert Zephyr to your search list. I row on the lower Merrimack River out of Haverhill and you could PM me if you would like to look mine over or give it a try. There is also an Alden at the boatshed you could try. It might be for sale soon.

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Re: Edon? Echo? Other?

Post by KenM » September 1st, 2022, 4:31 pm

If you row a Wintech 21, you may be interested in a Glide single. It is polyurethane and measures 21' by 20". It seems to be a recent boat, probably a copy of the TS515 but narrower and longer. I have not seen any reviews of it. If you get one, let us know how it rows.

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Re: Edon? Echo? Other?

Post by KenM » September 1st, 2022, 4:33 pm

The Glide single is here: https://www.glideboats.co.uk/glideone.html

There is a US distributor and it's also sold by Adirondack Rowing in Vermont.

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Re: Edon? Echo? Other?

Post by USMC-SSGT » September 2nd, 2022, 7:10 pm

That’s great all, thank you for sharing. I ended up ordering an Edon as they happened to have a loaded trailer with a spot coming my way. Will end up being about 4 days from order to in my possession.

Messaged Paul as well chatting a bit. I really wanted a traditional composite/fiberglass shell and almost pulled the trigger on an older maas 21. In the end you can have a wish list of 5 things, but you need to choose 3. It can be light, but not rugged. It can be stable, but not fast etc.

Glide looks very promising and better than the race 1 wavecutter. I think my plan is to use my Edon for a while (long while?) and learn where I row inside and out. Learn how it is to move it back and forth and how I launch and recover it. This will tell me if my next shell will be just like this one or if I think I can make something like a maas aero work.

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