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Starting out a 8

Posted: April 2nd, 2016, 1:30 pm
by Gumpen

I recently joined a rowing team at my university, however the experience in the team is just slightly more than 0. I dont have any experience myself but i read up a lot and thanks to this forum we have been erging good all winter and now have two boats of 8 people + cox that are going to compete in the only competition this side of my country has to offer this semester which is in just 2 months. 2k times in the club dropped quickly from 7's to 6:35's and 6:40's on several people.

With the ones who had some experience and started this team graduated and gone the experience in the boats are limited. The boats was split by erging time and as of now one boat averages about 6:40 and one averages 6:50 on the 2k erg.

With the ice nearly gone from our training-spot my question is; Since we only have a little under 2 months with three sessions each week, whats the optimal strategy for training?

I apologize for any bad wording, English is only my third language.

- Gumpen

Re: Starting out a 8

Posted: April 3rd, 2016, 5:35 am
by jamesg
To train in an 8 you first need to learn to row well and together. Until you can go afloat, a possible way to start this process will be to row on your ergs at controlled ratings, say 20 for 20 minutes. Then once afloat your coach will tell you what to do.

If you have tub pairs or fours available, use these before the 8.

Never put your feet in the bottom of the boat.

Re: Starting out a 8

Posted: April 3rd, 2016, 8:33 pm
by Alissa
Hi Gumpen!

Do you have a coach? If not, finding someone with rowing experience who will sign on to coach you would be the first thing. If you don't know of anyone, maybe your university's athletic department could help you find someone? Or do you need a volunteer...if so, can you tell us where you are?

If you have C2 ergs you could use slides to learn to row together too. Here's a link to the page explaining how to do this, as well as showing a couple of ergs linked together.



Re: Starting out a 8

Posted: April 4th, 2016, 5:26 pm
by Gumpen
Thanks a bunch for replies! There is no boat club in the area so there are no coaches, rowing is a fairly small sport in Norway. However we did get out on the water 2 times now and spend most of the time rowing 4 of us while the other 4 hold the boat stable, seems that stability is an issue.

Re: Starting out a 8

Posted: April 5th, 2016, 2:14 am
by jamesg
That's a good way to start, getting warm, relaxed and pulling together. Try doing backstop drills too: sitting on the backstop and pulling arms only or arms and swing. Make sure stroke has a good sense of rhythm and doesn't rush things.

Then try a few single strokes, all together, starting from the front stops, with blades squared and in the water. When you move on to 2-3 strokes, relax and make sure you follow stroke's timing.

See if you can find Olaf Tufte on the Internet, he might have something to say about rowing (and sculling) being small in Norge; in your language too.