mikvan52 wrote:RIch:Please attempt some form of lucidity here.
mikvan52 wrote:"What does a 1:41.5 pace for 2k on the erg have to do with a winning performance at the HOCR?
For rowers of the same weight and technical accomplishment, everything. In fact, for rowers of the same weight and technical accomplishment, if one rower does 1:41 for 5K on the erg and the other does 1:48, it is a good bet that the first rower will beat the second rower for 5K OTW by seven seconds per 500m, too.
mikvan52 wrote:Answer: very little First of all the distances aren't even comparable.
2k is a sprint. 5k is not ... in both disciplines.
The 2K is not a sprint. And 5K is not really a distance row. Of all of the events, I find 2K and 5K the most similar and the most stably related to one another (by something like this: 5K = 2K + 5).
mikvan52 wrote:Look at a very excellent athlete like Stan Vegar: a 6:16 erg for 2k and a more modest 20:45 at the Charles.(3 miles) IOW:
I would guess that this is just a matter of his weight. The erg doesn't punish weight; OTW rowing does. If Stan weighs 220 lbs., he outweighs you by 62 lbs., or 28 kgs. Over 2K, each additional kg. is worth about a second over 2K, 2.5 seconds over 5K. So, adjusted to your weight, Stan pulls 6:44 for 2K.
mikvan52 wrote:There is no certainty in assigning "spi" or pace tables across the board when discussing OTErg vs OTW...You are currently a 6:40 erg for 2k..(best by far for a lwt 59 year-old). What's your 5k OTW?.... See what I mean? And you've rowed, by your testimony, 10 million meters on the water... Why no excellence on the water when you're indisputably great on the erg? What's your best 1k and/or 2k on the water?
I haven't been doing "pieces" OTW. I have just been rowing. But I now do a nice 2:05 at 26 spm. This is not bad rowing at all. In fact, it is just about what you do.
My OTW paces are 18 seconds per 500m from my erg paces at the same rate. So, sure, I still have a lot to learn. If 12 seconds per 500m is the limit, then I can still get 6 seconds per 500m better OTW. I don't take this as discouraging at all, given how fast I am already.
If your recent 5Ks and 1Ks OTW are any indication, you seem to be at about a 14 seconds per 500m gap between your erg scores and your OTW scores. So, you are quite a bit better than I am technically.
I make up this gap (and more) with my physicality, though. And as my OTW technique improves, my advantage will just get greater yet.
For 5K on the erg, my goal for this next year is 1:39, about 8 seconds per 500m better than yours.
And my technique OTW is indeed improving rapidly.
I get better each time out.