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Sculling technique - video

Posted: April 27th, 2010, 10:36 am
by bloomp
Lemme know what you think, any tips etc...

Re: Sculling technique - video

Posted: April 27th, 2010, 1:11 pm
by Byron Drachman
Hi Paul,
I'd like to look that good sculling. I suspect this is a very minor point, but your knees spread apart a little at the catch. It looks to me like you have gotten good coaching.

Re: Sculling technique - video

Posted: April 27th, 2010, 1:23 pm
by bloomp
Byron Drachman wrote:Hi Paul,
I'd like to look that good sculling. I suspect this is a very minor point, but your knees spread apart a little at the catch. It looks to me like you have gotten good coaching.
I noticed the same thing - it comes from sweep rowing where you spread your knees to let your outside arm through. And that was the first of two times I've ever been coached! Thank you, and I still don't have your determination to get OTW, but it will come.

Re: Sculling technique - video

Posted: April 28th, 2010, 5:31 pm
by Nosmo
Looks really good. It would be nice to see what you look like at a full power high rating.
As byron says your knees are spreading. It looks symmetrical and not over compressing, but still I would try to keep them in front of your chest.
Your elbows are a bit low and close to your body at the release. Keep the forearms level. You will have more oar control and it will be easier to feather with the fingers rather then wrists.

Re: Sculling technique - video

Posted: April 28th, 2010, 5:50 pm
by mikvan52
Good sense of balance into the head-wind at low rate B)

Ratio is labored... 1 to 4 is not indicative of a sculling motion that is easy to critique. But I like it form the standpoint of it being a balance drill.

I would say that you need to get out an a flatter day or simply increase the rate so I could see something more of the kind of rowing you'd do for steady-state. (22-24 spm ?)

From what you show here.. perhaps a little more lay-back and and earlier roll-up... I admit that this is hard to do at the rate you chose to demo in the video.

I'd have to look again but it seems that port blade comes out a little earlier than starboard.

Good stuff!

= Mike

Re: Sculling technique - video

Posted: April 28th, 2010, 5:55 pm
by mikvan52
Adrien Hardy sculls slowly in the following YouTube:

Look at his elbows at the release....
Something for you to emulate :idea:

Re: Sculling technique - video

Posted: April 30th, 2010, 4:36 am
by Tinus
mikvan52 wrote:Look at his elbows at the release....
Something for you to emulate :idea:
You could try a Slidewinder handle to better incorporate this movement into the training program :D

Re: Sculling technique - video

Posted: May 5th, 2010, 8:40 am
by ThatMoos3Guy
Pretty good looking video! I'd love to scull half as good as that. Very nice control on the slide, and a smooth drive.

It's hard to tell at that low a rate, but you look a little hesitant at the catch. I'm sure that's mostly because of the low rate and the conditions, but a little earlier roll up will also help. I would also have a bit more of a tap down at the finish, but once again that could be indicative of the conditions.

I don't really know what I'm talking about in regards to sculling, so take all of that with a grain of salt. You going to any races over the summer?