Roll-up With Fingertips

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Roll-up With Fingertips

Post by cooldude_crew » June 27th, 2007, 11:21 am

I have been rowing for 3 years, and one of the biggest problems with my stroke is that instead of using my finger tips, I use my wrist which with doing so I can't tap down as much as needed.

I have tried using finger tips but to me it seems to make a bigger problem then it fixes.

Any help would be well helpful

Age-17 Years Rowing-4 Height- 6'2'' Weight- 191 pounds Low Pull-1:15 500m- 1:39 1000m-3:24 2000m- 6:59.4 5000m- 20:28.1 6000m- 26:16.3 10000m-39:24.3 4 min- 1051m 30 min- 7003m 60 min- 12628m

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Post by Andy Nield » June 28th, 2007, 7:48 am

jack your riggers up
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Post by PaulS » June 28th, 2007, 9:45 am

Are you sweeping or sculling?

Even if you are using your wrist to accomplish the feather and square, as long as you keep the motions in the proper order, the release should not be a problem. Just make sure to keep pressure on all the way to the finish, the release will be fairly natural at that point, no need to rush it. (think smooth first, quick will come along as you improve)
Erg on,
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