gradual rollup

No, ergs don't yet float, but some of us do, and here's where you get to discuss that other form of rowing.
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gradual rollup

Post by ROWINGGIRL » April 24th, 2007, 12:25 pm

I can't get into the new habit and my coach is hounding me to fix the flip-catching. I try doing it and my oar handle gets all off height-wise. Also, I feel like I"m rowing square blade because as soon as I get my oar out of the water, I feel the need to begin rolling up. When we do sprints, how am I supposed to roll-up right?

Does anyone else have this problem?

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Post by Nosmo » April 24th, 2007, 12:45 pm

At first just try to start rolling up sooner, rather then worrying about finishing the roll up.

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Post by PaulS » April 24th, 2007, 12:48 pm

Are you Sweeping or Sculling?

A more general answer is that as long as you are fully squared, timing your catch well, and getting a full length useful stroke in, the type of roll-up being used only needs to be changed for cosmetic appeal. Early roll-ups offer no benefit unless in a very stiff tailwind, otherwise the squaring should always be done smoothly, but can be as late as possible, just no later.

Keeping an even handle height while squaring is a critical skill to master. A fun drill is the "Double square Drill". Make your release as normal, then immediately square and refeather (pretty quick and mechanical) as the handle continues on it's level path away from the bow, then execute the more fluid roll-up to square and catch as normal. The coxswains call goes like this:
"Out, square/feather......roll up...catch!"
Rhythm = "dah, dahdah....dahdah...dah!"

The "out" includes the first feathering of the blade.
Erg on,
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