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Posting images

Posted: October 16th, 2008, 10:15 pm
by PaulG
This was an earlier thread but it disappeared after I posted to it last night. What happened?

Anyway, I have a figure generated in Excel and now in jpg format. I have it posted to Google's Picasa as suggested in the earlier thread. How do I get it inserted between the [img]and[/img] for a post on this forum?

If there are instructions somehwere on this forum please direct me to them.

Posted: October 17th, 2008, 1:26 am
by johnlvs2run
I replied to your question but don't know what happened to the thread.

You do it like this but without the spaces:


which comes out like this:


Posted: October 17th, 2008, 4:37 am
by Citroen
The joys and delights of BBCode are documented here:

Posted: October 17th, 2008, 8:42 am
by PaulG
Thanks a lot guys. What I missed whas posting the URL between the image codes.

I wonder what happened to that thread?


Posted: October 17th, 2008, 11:12 am
by Citroen
PaulG wrote:I wonder what happened to that thread?
It looked like spam first time round - so I deleted it.