6k strategies
Posted: September 23rd, 2007, 3:22 pm
I row on the school team for St. John the Baptist High School on Long Island. This past spring was my first season, and the regatta's were usually 500-1500m, which was a killer for me, but i stuck it out. Now im just starting the fall season, which usually has 6k races only. This upcoming weekend i have a regatta, 6k, without any clue how to tackle it. At practice, we've just been working on ratio with slow rates, usually 16-19 spm. I feel like that wont help me during the race, and i have a week left to decide what can help me before its too late. My main fear is endurance. The most i've ever rowed, nonstop, with decent pressure, is a 2k. Now I have to row a 6k and im not sure what to do. I know for 2ks when to have a power 10, when to jack the rate, and when to settle, but im clueless for the 6k. Im in a girls varisty 4+ and im stroke. I would just let the coxin call whatever shoudl be called, but she also just started and has no clue, and personally doesnt care. Any help with strategies or training in my next week is greatly appreciated!
16; 5'6''; 130lbs
16; 5'6''; 130lbs