Acronyms and abbreviations

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Acronyms and abbreviations

Post by Galeere » February 12th, 2016, 6:05 pm

Some new folks here might be irritated by our language. So the build up of a litte table of reference somes to mind. I just randomly start in alphabetical order:
ctc: cross team challenge ( )
DF: Drag factor ( ... ag-factor/ )
Erging: Rowing on an ergometer
Erg Session: Workout on a rowing ergometer
HM: Half marathon (21.097 meters)
HR: Heart rate
HRR: Heart rate reserve (difference between maximum heart rate and resting heart rate)
HWT: Heavy weight (reference to the rower beeing to heave as to not making light weight)
k: 1.000 meters (so 2k would be 2.000 meters, 10k 10.000 meters)
LWT: light weight
M or FM: Marathon (42.195 meters)
OTW: on the water -> reference to the world of real rowing (with boats on water)
PB: Personal Best
SB: Season Best
SPM: strokes per minute (also sometimes referred to as "r")
TT: Time Trial (erging at maximum sustainable speed for the given distance)

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Re: Acronyms

Post by Sideshow Bob » February 12th, 2016, 7:22 pm

HD - handle down (my specialty B) )
45 y.o., 5'10"/165lbs.
PB: 500m-1:29....2k-7:08....5k-19:36....30'-7525m

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Re: Acronyms

Post by Bob S. » February 13th, 2016, 12:15 am

erg (noun) = rowing ergometer = the original name for what is now called a C2 indoor rower. (pronounced urggh)
erg (verb) = row on a C2 indoor rower.
ACRONYM = Alphabetical Characterizations Really Only Numb Your Mind.
C-B = C.R.A.S.H.-B. = Charles River All Star Has-Beens = now called WIRC = World Indoor Rowing Championships.
wu or WU = warm up
WO = workout
cd or CD - cool down. (sometimes called "warm down" for reasons that have so far eluded me)
OTE = on the erg.

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Re: Acronyms

Post by jackarabit » February 13th, 2016, 1:28 am

ISS IP: Indoor Sports Services Interactive Programme[s]: suite of erg training plans

WP: Wolverine Plan: erg training plan developed for collegiate OTW (see OTW in acronym list) rowers by Mike Caviston

PP: Pete Plan: eponymous training plan for 2k comp developed by Pete Marston

F&D: Fly and die: rooky pacing of effort: fast as you can until you can't: the olde college try (see HD and DNF)
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Re: Acronyms

Post by Citroen » February 13th, 2016, 4:39 am

' == minutes
" == seconds
R == rest

interval == the rest between reps
rep == repetition - the work done in an intervals session

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Re: Acronyms and abbreviations

Post by KevJGK » February 13th, 2016, 7:50 am

FFS = Inner dialogue prior to HD on a PB TT due to F&D :D
Age: 57 - Weight: 187 lbs - Height: 5'10"
500m 01:33.5 Jun 2010 - 2K 06:59.5 Nov 2009 - 5K 19:08.4 Jan 2011

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Re: Acronyms and abbreviations

Post by jamesg » February 16th, 2016, 3:23 am

that the active bits are referred to as intervals
Intervals and interval are two different words here.

We call "Intervals" with an s the entire operation go stop go stop go etc, even if it's just 2x20'.

Those who do things like 10x500 can be in little doubt when they get to an "interval", no s.
08-1940, 179cm, 83kg.

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Re: Acronyms and abbreviations

Post by Papy » February 19th, 2016, 3:19 pm

In various signatures with PB's, some members have a time for LP. What does LP stands for please ? Thank you.
Olivier - UK - 45M, 104kg, 1m88 - Old PB:1'00:332m/500m: 1'36"9/1k: 3'38.9/2k: 7'29.3/5k:20'03.5/10k:42'37.4 / 30 min:7,367m /60min:13,547m/HM:1h33'43".8

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Re: Acronyms and abbreviations

Post by jackarabit » February 19th, 2016, 5:01 pm

Low pull.
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Re: Acronyms and abbreviations

Post by Citroen » February 21st, 2016, 5:40 pm

Thread cleaned of cruft, please keep it on the topic of abbreviations and acronyms.
