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Posted: February 10th, 2006, 4:24 pm
by [old] Daren C
As an excuse to brush up on my C# while looking for a new job, I wrote a quick-and-dirty Bleep Test program for people with a PM3 and Windows XP-based computer today.<br /><br /><img src="" border="0" alt="IPB Image" /><br /><br /><b>Test Protocol</b><br /><br />The test starts at a base level (level 1). The aim at level 1 is to cover 35 metres in 10 seconds. You must successfully do this three times to reach level 2.<br /><br />At level 2, the time remains the same (10 seconds), but you must complete 37 metres. Complete this three times again, and you will advance to level 3.<br /><br />And so on, and so forth. Each level brings a 2 metre increase in the required distance per stage, and you must complete three stages.<br /><br />Fail any stage at any time and you get a red mark. Fail three stages at any time, consecutive or not, and your test ends.<br /><br /><b>Scoring</b><br /><br />The game gives you a score as follows. Each time you <i>successfully</i> complete a stage, your score increases by:<br /><br />1. 1000 for each level (i.e. 1000 if you're on level 1, 5000 if you're on level 5)<br />2. 100 for each stage (i.e. 100 for stage 1 of the level, 300 for stage 3)<br />3. 1 point for every metre you are over the target distance at the end of 10 seconds.<br /><br />The reason behind 3 is that although the better rowers have to start at 35m in ten seconds (about 2:23 pace), there's an incentive for them to complete the distance faster in order to accumulate a larger score.<br /><br />At the end of the test, you are provided with a list of results that show your target and attained pace/distance for each stage, your overall score, and the total distance covered. <br /><br />The approximate pace requirements for each level are:<br /><br /><!--c1--><table width='95%' cellspacing='1' cellpadding='3' border='0' align='center'><tr><td><b><div class='genmed'>CODE</div></b></td></tr><tr><td class='code'><div><!--ec1--><br /> 1: 35m 2:22.9<br /> 2: 37m 2:15.1<br /> 3: 39m 2:08.2<br /> 4: 41m 2:02.0<br /> 5: 43m 1:56.3<br /> 6: 45m 1:51.1<br /> 7: 47m 1:46.4<br /> 8: 49m 1:42.0<br /> 9: 51m 1:38.0<br />10: 53m 1:34.3<br />11: 55m 1:30.9<br />12: 57m 1:27.7<br />13: 59m 1:24.7<br />14: 61m 1:22.0<br />15: 63m 1:19.4<br />16: 65m 1:16.9<br />17: 67m 1:14.6<br />18: 69m 1:12.5<br />19: 71m 1:10.4<br />20: 73m 1:08.5<br /><!--c2--></div></td></tr></table><br /><br /><b>Display</b><br /><br />The test display shows you your current level (although not stage yet), the distance you must attain per stage, your current average pace for the stage so far, the target pace, and the pace at which you must row remaining strokes in order to make the target (this goes -ve sometimes as I haven't dealt with that yet).<br /><br />Two bars show at a glance whether you are ahead of target or behind (these update once per second, but could be faster if necessary). <br /><br />Sadly, the PM3 SDK does not allow me to output custom displays on the PM3, so you <i>must</i> be able to see and read your computuer monitor while doing this test.<br /><br /><b>Example Output</b><br /><br />Here are some example results from an attempt I had earlier:<br /><br /><!--c1--><table width='95%' cellspacing='1' cellpadding='3' border='0' align='center'><tr><td><b><div class='genmed'>CODE</div></b></td></tr><tr><td class='code'><div><!--ec1--><br />Stage Completed Successfully<br />  Target Pace: 1:51.1<br />  Actual Pace: 1:50.0<br />  Target Distance: 45.0<br />  Actual Distance: 45.4<br />Stage Completed Successfully<br />  Target Pace: 1:51.1<br />  Actual Pace: 1:48.8<br />  Target Distance: 45.0<br />  Actual Distance: 45.8<br />[...]<br />Stage Completed Successfully<br />  Target Pace: 1:46.4<br />  Actual Pace: 1:45.4<br />  Target Distance: 47.0<br />  Actual Distance: 47.3<br />*** Stage Failed ***<br />  Target Pace: 1:42.0<br />  Actual Pace: 1:44.3<br />  Target Distance: 49.0<br />  Actual Distance: 47.8<br />Stage Completed Successfully<br />  Target Pace: 1:42.0<br />  Actual Pace: 1:41.1<br />  Target Distance: 49.0<br />  Actual Distance: 49.4<br />*** Stage Failed ***<br />  Target Pace: 1:42.0<br />  Actual Pace: 1:42.8<br />  Target Distance: 49.0<br />  Actual Distance: 48.5<br />  3 stages failed.  Game over, man!  Game over!<br />  Score: 90243<br />  Total Distance Rowed: 1095<br /><!--c2--></div></td></tr></table><br /><br />I got to level 8 stage 2 I think.<br /><br />And <a href="" target="_blank">here is some video</a> of the program in action (MPEG, 18Mb).<br /><br />Now, this is just a quick and dirty personal project, so it's quite rough around the edges, and I'm happy with that. However, I'm posting to see if there's any interest in a more usable version.<br /><br />Or, even, is there anyone that'd just like to try out this early alpha and let me know what you think? You need a PM3, Windows XP PC (or one that can run .Net applications) and USB connection.<br /><br />It's available <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>. It's only 90Kb or so, but that will suppose that you already have the .Net framework files. I <i>think</i> anyone that can run RowPro will certainly have them.<br /><br /><b>Installation</b><br /><br />Just create a new directory/folder and unzip everything into there. There's the BleepTest.exe program and some C2 DLLs.<br /><br /><b>Usage</b><br /><br />BleepTest isn't yet fully geared up to control the PM3, so the following is the most reliable way to start:<br /><br />1. Make sure the PM3 is on<br />2. Select "Just Row" from the menu<br />3. Run BleepTest.exe<br />4. Start rowing.<br /><br />The test will start once it detects that you're rowing. Once you've failed three stages, a box should pop up with the results in. <br /><br /><b>Bugs</b><br /><br />- the first level has 4 stages in it, instead of 3<br /><br />- It might occasionally think you've failed a stage when you didn't. I've only noticed it once, but it can happen.<br /><br />- the 'reset' button doesn't actually reset the PM3<br /><br />If any of you try it, let me know a) if it runs OK, and 8) what you think / what you might change. One thing I think, for example, is that the "current" pace updates too fast, so it's not that easy to read what pace you're going at - same for the pace you need to row at to make target.<br /><br />I will actually add some bleeps once I work out how.<br /><br />Feedback and comments gratefully received. Ta!


Posted: February 10th, 2006, 5:57 pm
by [old] Godfried
Not what I thought was a Bleep Test, but it was hard.<br /><br />Tought there was going to be a break after each interval, but no.<br /><br />Missed the second interval , and the first two of Level 8.<br /><br />Managed a score of 88150 , and did 1058 m in 4:06.8.<br /><br />Bleeptest recorded 1034 m , so I guess 24 m very active no-rest. :o <br /><br /><br />Afterwards bleeptest.exe tried to burn my CPU by using 100%. :x <br /><br />Other than that very nice. :? <br /><br />Might be a good idea to resize the font with the screen.<br /><br />Did not have sound activated : does the bleep test bleep ? :roll: <br />


Posted: February 10th, 2006, 7:11 pm
by [old] Daren C
Well, there's no "should be" or "supposed to be", as there's no standard "bleep test" that I know of regarding rowing. The idea, however, is simply to provide something similar to the 20m shuttle run test that sportspeople do. <br /><br />That run has no rests, as I understand it, so my test has no rests. The only reason for the rests in the South London IRC's "bleep test" protocol are so that the referees can determine if the rower in front of them should be eliminated, I think. There's no need for rests in my test, as the computer can work out whether each stage was successful. My bleep test isn't intended to be an implementation of the SLIRC protocol, just "a bleep test". I do prefer my version; though I would say that. :wink:<br /><br />I imagine that your extra 24m was recorded on the PM3 after the end of the last stage you failed (and as you coasted to a stop). The program only displays the metres covered while the test was "live".<br /><br />No, there are no <i>actual</i> bleeps yet, but I intend to put them in. Probably with a 3 second warning, so it'll go "beep, beep, beep, <b>BLEEP</b>" on the stroke of 7, 8, 9 and 10.<br /><br /><i>Afterwards bleeptest.exe tried to burn my CPU by using 100%.</i><br /><br />I haven't experienced that, but I'll try to check it out.<br /><br />Thanks for giving it a go! =)


Posted: February 11th, 2006, 2:14 pm
by [old] Carl Henrik
That's a fun idea, Darren.<br /><br />I don't have the gear to try it though. :( How bout a bleep test based on wattages?


Posted: February 12th, 2006, 7:29 am
by [old] tomraven
Hi<br /><br />I downloaded the beep test, but when I try and run it I get an error.<br /><br />An y suggestions.<br /><br />I would love to try the program.<br /><br />Cheers<br /><br />Tom


Posted: February 12th, 2006, 7:43 am
by [old] Godfried
<!--quoteo(post=55654:date=Feb 12 2006, 12:29 PM:name=tomraven)--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(tomraven @ Feb 12 2006, 12:29 PM) </b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--quotec-->... but when I try and run it I get an error. Any suggestions. ... </td></tr></table><br />Tell us what error.


Posted: February 12th, 2006, 8:08 am
by [old] Daren C
<!--quoteo(post=55654:date=Feb 12 2006, 11:29 AM:name=tomraven)--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(tomraven @ Feb 12 2006, 11:29 AM) </b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'>Hi<br /><br />I downloaded the beep test, but when I try and run it I get an error.<br /><br />An y suggestions. </td></tr></table><br /><br />If it's a PM3 problem, I recommend that you are running at least version 88 or 90 of the PM3 software, or the latest version 92 "Fish Game" beta.<br /><br />If it's a different error, what is it? It might be that you need the .Net runtime framework. You can download that from the <a href=" ... laylang=en" target="_blank">Microsoft Web site</a>. <br />


Posted: February 12th, 2006, 7:33 pm
by [old] NavigationHazard
Some reactions to the bleep test:<br /><br />1) I totally agree that the pace displays update too quickly.<br /><br />2) It would help to give you a "Your next stage target pace will be..." box, so you don't have to tape a piece of paper next to the monitor to know how fast you're going to have to accelerate.<br /><br />3) No one is ever going to get to Level 20. To complete it you'd have to have rowed 3275m in 10:10, an average pace of 1:33.1. That's doable for the Bentons and Schroeders of the world -- but not at the acceleration you're demanding. Someone completing Level 20 would have to have rowed the last 90 seconds at 1:10.4 pace. I'm not sure there's anyone on the planet, including Benton, Leo Young, and Dwayne, who can row their <i>first</i> 90 seconds at 1:10.4. <br /><br />If you finish Level 14, by my reckoning you will have rowed 2051m at an average 1:44.8 pace. Other things equal, that's doable for a lot of people and going sub-7 makes for a nice target. But to do it via bleep levels, you will have had to row your last 90 seconds at an average 1:24.7 pace and your last 30 at 1:22. That's asking a lot, I think -- very few Forum rowers are going to be able to get there. I think I probably could get that far if I worked at it (playing around tonight, I stalled out after Level 13), but it would take quite an effort. My guess is that you'd better be somewhere in the 6:00 - 6:15 range to have a shot at Level 14, and that anything more is going to demand sub-6 capabilities. <br /><br />4) Some series of reward screens would be great -- dancing hamsters for level 2, say; Chippendale dancers for level 16; instructions for your next of kin after level 20....<br /><br />5) All this is by way of saying that for beginning and recreational ergers, I think the Bleep Test as currently written gets too hard too fast. A game where you can't even get halfway seems likely to grow old quickly. Conversely, for the big fast boys and girls, starting off at 2:28 pace (or whatever) is likely to seem pedestrian even though they too aren't going to finish it. Is there a way to index the steps to an inputted 2k time? So that if you enter, say, 8:00 you get 10 or 15 increasingly fast bleep steps that would look sensible (and attainable) to that rower; while someone entering 7:00 would get bleep steps tailored to his/her capabilities?<br /><br />Obviously you've done quite a bit of work on this, and I like it <u>a lot</u>. I would, of course.... I think with a little tweaking it could be even better, and acquire mass appeal, and become an erging standard in boathouses and gyms around the world. <br /><br />


Posted: February 13th, 2006, 5:17 am
by [old] Daren C
Thanks for your comments, NavHaz, they are very welcome. I do agree that it gets too hard too fast. What I think it's most likely that I'll increase the target distance by just one metre per level at some point. Possibly by 50cm at later levels. I wholly admit I hadn't gone into any detail in calculating what sort of ability or effort would be required for certain paces.<br /><br />"Level 20" isn't really a target as such. It's just as far as I got in working out the paces. The program itself doesn't put any limit on the test - it would happily tell you to do 500m in 10 seconds if it got that far, for example. It may well be worth putting a "finishing condition" on it.<br /><br />I agree, also, that it should be possible for a user to start from a level of their choosing, either explicitly or based upon a 2k time as suggested. <br /><br />I'll work on improvements based on your comments and also those of others here and on the UK forum, and work on the presentation to make it look more professional, then release a new version in a few days or so. <br /><br />Thanks for giving it a go.


Posted: February 13th, 2006, 4:05 pm
by [old] Godfried
<!--quoteo(post=55497:date=Feb 10 2006, 09:24 PM:name=Daren C)--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(Daren C @ Feb 10 2006, 09:24 PM) </b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'>As an excuse to brush up on my C# while looking for a new job, I wrote a quick-and-dirty Bleep Test program for people with a PM3 and Windows XP-based computer today.<br /> </td></tr></table><br />What will Daren do when there are no excuses?<br /><br />A stated before : it must go slower : <a href="" target="_blank">schedule</a> , at the left current schedule , at the right schedule after Daren has initialization of variables in order. :?


Posted: February 13th, 2006, 4:32 pm
by [old] ancho
Hey, sounds great!<br />Just downloaded it, will give it a try (not today, still have to do a 6k-test).


Posted: February 14th, 2006, 9:28 pm
by [old] Ben Rea
thats an intense game, wish i could try it, haha, to bad i dont have the pm3, sounds very cool tho