Uneven Drive

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[old] Sentinal93
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Joined: March 18th, 2006, 10:32 pm


Post by [old] Sentinal93 » November 22nd, 2005, 7:59 pm

My girlfriend has been rowing for over two years now, a very frequent erger also. She has been having an issue, that has been in the past couple months becoming worse. She seems to be applying pressure on the drive unevenly. I've noticed that at her finish on the erg, when your toes will come up, her left foot does so first, and once completely back down, her right one comes up. I'm assuming she is pulling unevenly with her arms also, although it's not as easily visible. I believe it's because she pushes harder with her right leg. In any case, are there methods to fix this? What does everyone recommend, any ideas? Thank you.

[old] John Rupp


Post by [old] John Rupp » November 22nd, 2005, 8:09 pm

Astanga (power) yoga is balancing.<br /><br /><a href='http://www.power-yoga.com/' target='_blank'>http://www.power-yoga.com/</a><br /><br />Exercises where you move both sides of the body at the same time would be balancing.<br /><br />Also work on each side individually to help overcome weaknesses.

[old] csabour
Posts: 0
Joined: March 18th, 2006, 10:32 pm


Post by [old] csabour » November 23rd, 2005, 3:40 pm

try this drill: <br /><br /> start at the catch, kick with the legs only, not even a tiny bit of back or arms. keeping <u>your arms straight and back still </u>take the stroke the <u>entire length of your leg drive</u>. after about 20 strokes like that, begin adding the back to the stroke. it'l feel odd but its important to isolate the 3 movements. again, do it for about 20 strokes and finally add in the arms. do this drill(with a mirror or somone watching) for about 2 minutes before every piece... incorporate it into your warm up. <br /><br />watch for the distinction between each movement. legs down, lean back, pull in and out.<br /><br />another problem i think may be is that she is dumping her weight at the finish, you can tell if you are doing it my watching your toes move around when you finish the stroke, and/or the lean back is too far. in this case i suggest doing some strapless rowing/erging. just set the monitor for 3k and paddle along <u>without</u> your feet straped in. Its alot weaker because your stroke is short and you can't use all of your back power. however this drill teached you to use your legs to take the weight threw the drive, and might show you that excessive lean back is not beneficial, infact OTW it devistates the run of the boat.
